I’m terrible at the combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, so I’m beating the RPG as a medieval rizz master instead

In the space between being attacked by two thieves on the road and finding myself shoeless after a knockout, I realized that combat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 isn’t really my strong suit. I can attribute some of this difficulty to the lengthy process of learning the Master Strike move, which seems like it could significantly alter sword-fighting dynamics. Unfortunately, I didn’t make an early visit to Tomcat, and it wasn’t until much later into my journey that I was taught the riposte technique by the Dry Devil. Even with this skill mastered, some impressive weapons, armor, and my loyal companion Mutt assisting in battles, I still frequently come up short against my adversaries.

Instead of meshing well with the game’s combat system, I’ve found myself struggling. However, I discovered a clever solution to compensate for my lack of skill in battle. Since I find it challenging to handle swords and time my blocks and parries effectively, I decided to switch tactics and thrive in Bohemia using a more peaceful approach. Instead of upgrading my armor for protection, I’ve opted to focus on enhancing my charisma and speech abilities, turning myself into something of a diplomatic mastermind in the medieval world. This strategy not only works surprisingly well but also aligns perfectly with my preferred role-playing style as a player.

Medieval magnetism

In role-playing games (RPGs), I always gravitate towards finding peaceful resolutions for issues, and I’m quite fond of dialoguing instead of resorting to conflict whenever possible. Consequently, I tend to prioritize skills that boost my persuasive abilities. After experiencing numerous deaths in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, I decided to significantly improve my character’s speech and charisma attributes to survive more effectively.

Initially, I spent my funds on stylish clothing and accessories, which made me appear quite distinguished, complete with a striking hat, glasses, and jewelry that significantly boosted my charm. As I advanced, improving my speaking abilities was crucial, but the perk I unlocked earliest and found most advantageous was Flower Power, which increases my charisma by two when I carry 30 fresh or dried herbs on me.

The advantage aligns with my ongoing struggle: keeping clean from dirt and grime. After all, it’s hard for others to see you as appealing or virtuous when you’re caked in filth. Although I try to steer clear of excessive bloodshed, being outdoors can diminish my charm. Whenever I venture into a fresh location, I search for laundry facilities and maintain an adequate stock of soap in my pack to guarantee that my attire stays clean and neat at all times.

In the medieval era, maintaining good personal cleanliness was crucial for aspiring rizz masters, so frequenting troughs and bathhouses was essential. Obtaining perfume bottles or recipes to make it myself has always been a high priority. Whenever I require an additional boost of charisma, I simply apply a bit of Lion, which increases my Charisma by four points. My captivating musk is unmatched, trust me on that.

Rizz maister

Occasionally, conflict cannot be avoided – it might be essential for the main storyline, part of an objective, or simply a direct confrontation. However, what’s fantastic about Warhorse’s RPG is the flexibility it offers in handling situations according to your playstyle. For instance, I once had to rescue a villager held captive at a camp. Instead of charging in with my sword ready, I opted for a peaceful approach and tried to negotiate with them. Alternatively, I could have chosen to sneak in or engage in combat, but this time around, diplomacy was the way forward.

Having assured the patrol soldiers guarding the camp that I merely wished to speak with their commander, I ventured within and employed my charm and persuasive skills. Luckily, the conversation proceeded smoothly, as my attire convinced this questionable leader that I was a powerful figure, and any actions he took would incur the wrath of his superiors. With my deception entirely accepted, I was granted permission to release the captive without incident and exit with him. No need for sword fights or bloodshed. Indeed, a fine outcome!

Regrettably, my deficiency in battle skills sometimes hinders me from being as chivalrous as I aspire to be, if I were in Henry’s shoes. I strive to do what is right, but it’s challenging when I’m frequently asked to engage in questionable activities or break the law. Despite my best efforts to protect innocent people, there have been instances where I had to look the other way when bandits murdered travelers, or resort to unscrupulous methods when I couldn’t win a duel (which I deeply regret). Whenever possible, however, I will utilize my charisma to champion the cause of the oppressed or prevent conflict.

My attractive appearance and charisma have turned out to be quite beneficial in various scenarios, whether it’s coaxing someone to disclose crucial details about a mission objective or negotiating a lower price for additional soap. It has significantly enhanced my role-playing style, as I can consistently persuade others to reveal valuable information or extricate myself from many predicaments.

Perhaps Henry doesn’t fit the typical knight in shining armor mold, and his family’s prized sword may not see much action from him (now that I’ve obtained it), but when it comes to playing rizz, he is unrivaled. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to attend to my laundry.

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2025-03-06 19:01