Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

As a dedicated fan of immersive RPGs, I must admit that my initial excitement for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 was tempered by some concerning elements during the demo I attended. Having played and appreciated Warhorse’s first installment, I found myself in a bit of a conundrum as I navigated through KCD2.

Experiencing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 for the first time, it swiftly becomes evident that the Warhorse team has expanded significantly. This growth within the team is clearly reflected in their current project.

Originally developed out of a small studio in Prague, Czech Republic, developer Warhorse has expanded from a team of less than 90 to more than 250 members for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Although size doesn’t always equal quality, this larger team seems to have elevated the quality of their current project noticeably.

I’ve just been given the opportunity to visit Warhose in their native Czechia and spend some quality time with them. After spending around four hours playing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, I returned feeling positively about the game, a sentiment that hasn’t been stirred by an RPG since Witcher 3 was initially released.

Picking up the pieces

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

As a gamer, I dived right into an unspoiled three-hour segment of the new game, picking up from where the last adventure left off. My character, Henry, was on a mission with Sir Hans, journeying towards Kuttenberg to deliver a crucial letter.

As a gamer, I was told by Warhorse that if the first game revolved around Henry transitioning from a boy to a man, this second one is all about his journey from being a man to becoming a knight. Unfortunately, save files don’t roll over, but early dialogues give you the chance to impact your RPG stats at the start.

The design is tasteful, offering a compelling balance that seems to account for potential technical constraints, as I presume the initial game continues to operate within the realm of last-generation technology.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

At an early stage of the adventure, an unexpected event occurs which I’ll keep under wraps, leaving our main characters bereft of their equipment. This situation serves as a return to fundamental skills for them and offers a great chance for novice players to learn the ropes more effectively.

As a seasoned gamer who often finds myself juggling multiple titles at once, I can confidently say that I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that King’s Crown II doesn’t require players to have played the original game to fully appreciate it. With my own experience of starting the first game with high hopes but ultimately not finishing it, I was able to jump right into KCD2 and quickly catch up on the story, characters, and mechanics. In fact, after just three hours of playtime in the sequel, I felt completely immersed in the world of Henry and Sir Hans, understanding their motivations and objectives, as well as how the game functions overall. This accessibility is a testament to the developers’ skill in creating a standalone experience that still manages to maintain the charm and depth of its predecessor.

Learning the art of sword fighting, recognizing that dialogues have repercussions, and mastering complexities such as life simulation mechanics, brewing potions, and stealth techniques are all thoroughly explained. Before long, you’ll find yourself immersed in a breathtakingly detailed open-world expansion of Bohemia, showcasing Cryengine 3 visual splendor for you to discover.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

Describing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 as just another repetition might not fully capture its essence. Though it retains many similarities with the first installment, these elements have been polished to create a game that seems like it was developed by a far more unified and coordinated team.

1. Option: In comparison, this version feels significantly less cumbersome than the initial game I recall. While your body is still visible beneath the viewpoint, it no longer seems like a struggle to move or adjust the direction of view. Additionally, climbing over objects has become more consistent and swift compared to earlier versions.

Almost every aspect of the game seems to benefit from a polish, and this is particularly noticeable in sword combat. Attacks are easier to anticipate and counter, making them feel less challenging. Additionally, various weapon types come with unique attack patterns, providing an additional level of diversity in combat encounters.

In simpler terms, the UI components and menus in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 are not only tidier and simpler to navigate, but they still maintain that old-book vibe while being significantly more practical and legible than previously. The game felt like I could have spent much more time playing it, whereas the rough edges in the first game often made me think about putting it aside temporarily.

It seems that one significant new feature in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 could be the incorporation of crossbows and early firearms into Henry’s inventory of weapons. In my gameplay, I found myself wielding a crossbow during the initial stages (and even got to try it out at the preview event, quite an exhilarating experience!), and these weapons appear to excel in dealing lethal blows from afar.

My experience with the crossbow was quite short, and I didn’t have enough time to gauge its impact on battle dynamics or how scarce the ammunition might be in the game world. On this note, Warhorse Studios assured me that “Kingdom Come: Deliverance won’t transform into a shooter” when introducing these new ranged weapons, likening them instead to an “extraordinary weapon“.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

From what I gathered, Warhorse seems eager to let players shape Henry into the character they desire within the RPG fantasy setting. Whether you choose to wield a massive sword and defeat opponents with brute force, or employ your words as a weapon to navigate situations tactfully, both options are perfectly acceptable in this game.

Kuttenberg, the Big Apple

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

In the hour-long segment that followed the initial three hours, all the gaming features were shown off impressively. Later on in the game, we found ourselves in Kuttenberg, the largest city Warhorse Studios have ever constructed for the series.

In contemporary times, the location we held our preview event was known as Kutna Hora. This remarkable place allowed us to admire the team’s efforts in replicating this captivating piece of the world. It has been enriched by a wealth of silver mines hidden beneath it, making it the heart of civilization within Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

As an enthusiast, I found myself immersed in an intriguing tale that revolved around a feud between a wandering bladesman and the local Guild of Fighters. This conflict arose due to the traveller’s unconventional practice of swordsmanship, which was deemed unacceptable by the guild. Alongside my character Henry, we devised a strategy: If the ceremonial sword of the Fighter’s Guild is displayed on the town hall walls, it signifies their readiness to accept challenges. This would provide Henry with an opportunity, in a just and honorable manner, to stand up to them and prove his mettle.

From here, the result of the quest is your oyster. You could rat out the swordsman to the guild and tell them the whole plan, currying favour with the guild yourself. I chose to try to sneak into the guild and steal the sword, which seemed to be the most interesting way for the quest to play out.

Under the cloak of night’s veil, I decided to sneak into the bustling guild when the day’s battles had subsided, enhancing my stealthy quest for the coveted sword. Navigating through the intricate locks, I climbed the stairs, drawn towards the leader’s sanctum. Alas, in the heat of the moment, I made a novice thief’s error – I neglected to secure the front door behind me.

Without realizing it, one of our guild members sensed the draft seeping in through the open door and swiftly deduced there might be an intruder within our building. Luckily, I managed to slip away undetected, but their alarm was set off, leading them to conduct a thorough search of every corner. To our dismay, they discovered that our prized sword had vanished from its resting place.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

The following morning, when I showcased the sword by the town hall, they immediately suspected I’d done something wrong – and they were right all along. This twist, instead of ending my quest prematurely, added an intriguing element to my tale. The tournament against the guild ensued as planned, but Henry and the swordsman had to fight unarmored, while the guild was permitted to wear armor.

In contrast to other role-playing games of its kind, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 doesn’t offer multiple endings. However, it excels in providing unique outcomes for individual quests. For instance, during one particular quest, if I failed to support a swordsman at the initial stages, he would face expulsion from the city. To resume the quest, I had to undertake extra tasks as specified by the developers.

In discussing the role of branching paths in KCD2, PR Manager Tobi Stolz-Zwilling commented, “The choices you make can be quite diverse. They might result in minor impacts on quests or significant consequences, such as the loss of your companions.”

Rather than exploring various conclusions, we’re leaning towards examining diverse paths within Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. That seems to be one of KCD’s defining features – it doesn’t lead players by the hand but instead provides a collection of tools for resolving quests.

Although some situations are clear-cut, others may lead you and Henry into difficult decisions. Regardless, history might be set in stone, but we can influence its course instead.

Outdated attitudes

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Bohemia like you

Although I greatly appreciated many aspects of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, there are certain parts that cause me apprehension. The game as a whole demonstrated high-quality production, but I encountered minor glitches that occasionally obstructed my progress. These issues, though relatively small compared to the overall experience, included situations like having to stand in precise locations to interact with non-player characters, or dialog options failing to activate when they should have.

It seems probable that the reasons for pushing back the release of Warhorse Studios’ game to early 2025 are these scenarios, providing them with additional time to smooth over any lingering issues. One challenge they might face is addressing certain outdated portrayals of women that seem to be present in some aspects of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.

On several occasions throughout the demonstration, I found myself somewhat uneasy about the manner in which the game permits you to interact with its female characters. For instance, at the beginning of the game, Henry and Sir Hans are shown sneaking up on a group of women near a lake, intending to discover them bathing. This scene serves as a tutorial for stealth mechanics, but it struck me as having predatory undertones.

In a subsequent part of the story, it became noticeable that similar motifs were present when a character with distinct personality appeared, yet her attire seemed less in line with the claimed historical authenticity of the game.

There’s an argument to be had that the title could be representing the patriarchal attitudes towards women in a way that’s accurate for the period. However, it does feel that the writing is written more from a male-gaze perspective rather than anything to do with respecting historical culture.

Stolz-Zwilling stated that when asked about the portrayal of themes in KCD2, their aim is to create a realistic and engaging environment that mirrors the societal values, beliefs, and traditions of medieval Bohemia, even delving into the intricate and sometimes challenging social interactions that were prevalent during that time.

Final Thoughts

Absolutely, the demo we watched of KCD2 only gave us a glimpse into its gameplay. Considering that it’s proposed to be an 80 to 100-hour RPG, four hours is like a single drop in a vast ocean. There’s still ample room for the game to portray women in a more inspiring light as it continues to unfold.

I’m really excited to witness more of Warhorse Studios’ upcoming venture. Based on what I’ve glimpsed thus far, it surpasses my initial expectations significantly by building upon the aspects adored in the first installment and pushing them as far as possible. Here’s hoping it successfully concludes its journey.

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2024-08-21 10:15