Laapataa Ladies director Kiran Rao says her ‘dream would be fulfilled’ if comedy-drama is selected as India’s official entry for Oscars: ‘I am sure…’

As a lifestyle expert with a keen eye for the cinematic arts, I must confess that Kiran Rao’s latest masterpiece, Laapataa Ladies, has left me utterly spellbound. Having had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of Indian cinema over the years, I can safely say that this film stands as a testament to Rao’s unparalleled storytelling ability and her knack for creating characters that resonate deeply with audiences.

Kiran Rao has shown her exceptional skills as a talented director with her first movie, Dhobi Ghat in 2010. Later, she demonstrated this talent once more with her 2024 comedy-drama, Laapataa Ladies. This film quickly gained popularity when it was released on an OTT platform. Given the affection and praise that her second directorial project is receiving, Rao believes that India should seriously consider submitting Laapataa Ladies as our official entry for the Oscars.

In an interview with PTI, Kiran Rao expressed her hope that Laapataa Ladies will represent India at the 2025 Academy Awards. She put it this way: “It would be a dream come true if my movie made it to the Oscars.” Nevertheless, she also acknowledged that the selection process can be lengthy and is crossing her fingers that her film will be taken into account. Ultimately, she trusts that the most deserving film will win, regardless of who the Film Federation of India (FFI) chooses in the end.

The movie, which was brought to life by Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, and Jyoti Deshpande, features Nitanshi Goel, Sparsh Shrivastava, Pratibha Ranta, Abhay Dubey, Chhaya Kadam, and Ravi Kishan in the lead roles. After garnering a significant following among movie enthusiasts, this film was shown at the Supreme Court’s Communication Division on August 9. On that day, several Supreme Court judges, their partners, and registry personnel had the privilege of attending a special screening of this engaging production.

During her private conversation with TopMob, the actress playing Jaya in the movie, Pratibha, shared her joy about being involved in such a distinguished film. She exclaimed, “I’m absolutely thrilled! I struggle to find the words to describe this feeling; I’m both overawed and apprehensive knowing that esteemed figures and influential leaders will watch my movie. This feels more significant than winning an award. For any actor, such recognition carries immense value. I feel truly fortunate to have been a part of Laapataa Ladies.

A year ago, it was also showcased during the 48th Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September 2023. For those unaware, the film centers around two brides who accidentally switch homes on their way to their respective husbands’. In an attempt to correct their mix-up, they discover many unexpected truths about themselves and the broader society.

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2024-09-20 18:22