As a seasoned veteran of the League of Legends battlefield, I must say that the recent patch notes have left me both awestruck and amused. The developers have been working tirelessly to ensure a smoother gameplay experience for all of us, and it shows!
Excited about the upcoming skin modifications for your beloved Champions and the numerous alterations they’re bringing? Don’t forget to check out the details in the most recent League of Legends Update 14.6 patch notes to stay fully informed!
For a comprehensive rundown of all the new features, modifications, and updates, kindly refer to the detailed patch notes provided by Riot Games, as shown below.
Matchmaking improvements
- Recently we’ve seen a lot of player feedback around issues surrounding the balance of blue side, red side and off-role balance. In this patch, we’re making changes to better match off roles, including matching secondaries as if they were off roles. We’ve also made some improvements to make team vs team balance feel more fair and not repeatedly place the same players on the same teams (especially at the top of the ladder)
- Increased off-role parity, both teams should now have a more similar amount of players auto-filled or placed into their secondary roles
- Reduced how large LP gaps could be between players in a game
- Decreased the red vs blue side imbalance, especially in higher MMRs
Champion changes
- Health Regeneration from 3.5 to 5
- Base Armour from 22 to 25
- Q: Phosphorus Bomb
- Mana Cost 60/65/70/75/80 to 80 at all ranks
- Cooldown 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
- Q: Bouncing Blade
- Damage 80/110/140/170/200 (+35% AP) to 80/120/160/200/240 (+45% AP)
- E: Shunpo
- Damage 20/35/50/65/80 (+40% AD) (+25% AP) to 20/30/40/50/60 (+40% AD) (+25% AP)
- R: Death Lotus
- On-Hit Effectiveness 30/35/40% to 25/30/35%
- Passive: Lightslinger
- Vigilance Damage 15 (+15% total AD) to 15 (+20% total AD)
- Q: Piercing Light
- Damage 95/125/155/185/215 (+60/75/90/105/120% bonus AD) to 85/115/145/175/205 (+60/75/90/105/120% bonus AD)
- Q: Command Attack
- Damage 60/90/120/150/180 (50% AP) to 60/90/120/150/180 (55% AP)
- Base Armour 28 to 31
- Q: Edge of Ixtal / Elemental Wrath
- Damage 50/85/120/155/190 (+75% bonus AD) to 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% bonus AD)
- Bonus Damage to Monsters 50% to 75%
- W: Terrashape
- Bonus On-Hit Damage 8/22/36/50/64 (+10% bonus AD) (+45% AP) to 8/16/24/32/40 (+10% bonus AD) (+45% AP)
- R: Supreme Display of Talent
- Damage 100/200/300 (+170% bonus AD) (+10% of target’s maximum health) to 100/200/300 (+150% bonus AD) (+10% of target’s maximum health)
- Monster Damage Cap 500/750/1000 (+150% bonus AD) to 500/750/1000 (+125% bonus AD)
- Attack Speed Growth 4% to 2%
- Passive: Absolution
- Critical Strike Chance per 20 Stacks 10% to 8%
- Q: Piercing Darkness
- Healing 40/50/60/70/80 (+30% bonus AD) (+40% AP) (+160% Lethality) to 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% bonus AD) (+80% AP)
- Slow 15% (+0.1% per bonus AD) (+0.06% per AP) to 15% (+0.15% per bonus AD) (+0.1% per AP)
- W: Last Embrace
- Root Duration 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds
- R: Dawning Shadow
- Shield 100/150/200 (+40% AP) (+1.5 per Mist collected) to 120/160/
200 (+70% AP) (+1.5 per Mist collected)
- Shield 100/150/200 (+40% AP) (+1.5 per Mist collected) to 120/160/
- Miscellaneous:
- Now that Black Cleaver now always applies a stack on-hit, this means Senna applies 2 stacks on Auto and Q
- Base Health 610 to 630
- Base Attack Damage 60 to 63
- Q: Shattered Earth / Upheaval
- Bonus AD Ratio 60% to 75%
- Base Health 575 to 700
- Passive: Petricide Burst
- Damage to Primary Target 130% AD (+25% AP) to 130% AD (+30% AP)
- W: Kingslayer
- Damage 65/100/135/170/205 (+70% AP) to 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP)
- R: Unleashed Power
- Damage Per Orb 90/130/170 (+17% AP) to 100/140/180 (+17% AP)
- Q: Vault Breaker
- Minimum Damage 45/70/95/120/145 + 80% bonus AD to 50/75/100/125/150 + 80% bonus AD
- Maximum Damage 90/140/190/240/290 + 160% bonus AD to 100/150/200/250/300 + 160% bonus AD
- Passive: Stone Skin
- Bonus Armour 5-9 (based on level) to 6-10 (based on level)
- E: Nimbus Strike
- Bonus Attack Speed 35/40/45/50/55% to 40/45/50/55/60%
- Black Cleaver:
- Black Cleaver no longer prevents champions from applying two stacks for basic attacks and abilities that apply after on-hit effects (e.g. Senna)
- Blade of the Ruined King:
- Attack Damage 55 to 50
- Attack Speed 30% to 25%
- On-Hit Damage 9% (melee) / 6% (ranged) to 10% (melee) / 6% (ranged)
- Doran’s Blade:
- Health 100 to 80
- Life Steal 3.5% to 3%
Death Timers and Deathguards
Death Timers
Level | Timer |
Level 1 | 6-10 seconds |
Level 2 | 6-10 seconds |
Level 3 | 8-12 seconds |
Level 4 | 8-12 seconds |
Level 5 | 10-14 seconds |
Level 6 | 12-16 seconds |
Level 7 | 16-20 seconds |
Level 8 | 21-25 seconds |
Level 9 | 26-28 seconds |
- Decaying movement speed 66.67% decaying movement speed over 5 seconds to 66.67% decaying movement speed over 8 seconds
- Fountain Range:
- The range of the fountain for when deathguards start ticking down has been made more generous
- Arena Stat Adjustment – On-Hit Damage: 1% of the target’s health, doubled if a partner is dead to 0.5% of the target’s health, doubled if a partner is dead
- Reroll Tracking: Your amount of rerolls will now show on your buff bar during the shopping phase
- Ornn:
- W Cooldown: 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 to 10 seconds at all ranks
- E Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance Ratios: 40% to 50%
- R Cooldown: 140/120/100 to 80/60/40 seconds
- Renata Glasc:
- Q AP Ratio: 80% to 90%
- E Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 to 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
- E Shield AP Ratio: 50% to 60%
- R Cooldown: 150/130/110 to 100/90/80 seconds
- Taric:
- Passive Bonus Armor Ratio: 10% to 15%
- Q Base Heal: 15 to 20
- E Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 to 19/17.5/16/14.5/13 seconds
- Xayah:
- Attack Speed Growth: 3.7% to 3.9%
- W Second Strike Damage: 15% to 20%
- E bonus AD Ratio: 50% to 55%
- Nami:
- W Base Heal: 70/110/150/190/230 to 70/100/130/160/190
- W Base Damage: 75/120/165/210/255 to 65/100/135/170/205
- Shyvana:
- Q AD Ratio: 20/40/60/80/100% to 20/35/50/65/80%
- E On-Hit Damage: 2.5% (+1% per 100 bonus AD) max health to 2% (+0.5% per 100
bonus AD) max health - Dragon E Fireball bonus AD Ratio: 50% to 30%
- Sivir:
- Q AD Ratio: 90/100/110/120/130% to 80/85/90/95/100%
- Sylas:
- W Minimum Heal AP Ratio: 30% to 20%
- W Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 to 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 seconds
- Udyr:
- Q Max Health Damage Ratio: 3% per 100 bonus AD to 2% per 100 bonus AD
- Q Awaken Max Health Damage Ratio: 6% per 100 bonus AD to 4% per 100 bonus AD
- Dual Wield:
- Attack Speed: 250% bonus attack speed to 100% total attack speed
- Ultimate Roulette:
- Cooldown (Dr. Mundo’s Maximum Dosage): 30/25/20 to 25/22.5/20 seconds
- Cooldown (All Other Ultimates): 25/20/15 to 20/17.5/15 seconds
- Fire Sale:
- Prismatic Item Sell Value: 5000 to 4000 gold
- Quality of Life Change: Selecting Fire Sale no longer flags to the game that you are finished shopping
- Minionmancer:
- Minion Damage: 45% to 40%
- Minion Health: 45% to 40%
- Minion Size: 45% to 40%
- Quest: Urf’s Champion
- Required Takedowns if Selected as Second Augment: 15 to 13
- Golden Spatula Critical Strike Chance: 35% to 25%
- Golden Spatula Attack Damage: 100 to 90
- Golden Spatula Ability Power: 150 to 125
- Golden Spatula Attack Speed: 70% to 60%
- Stat Anvils:
- Attack Speed Shard-Minimum Roll: 15% to 13%
- Attack Speed Shard-Maximum Roll: 30% to 26%
- Lethality Shard-Minimum Roll: 9 to 7
- Lethality Shard-Maximum Roll: 18 to 14
- Swift Shard Attack Speed-Minimum Roll: 11.5 to 10.5%
- Swift Shard Attack Speed-Maximum Roll: 23% to 21%
- Black Cleaver added to the Last Whisper exclusion list
- Blood Letter’s Curse added to the Blight exclusion list
- Dragon Heart:
- Removed: Dragon Heart no longer grants a 5% increase to all stats
- More Soul: Dragon Heart now give Elder Dragon Soul as a 7th soul
- Guardian’s Dirk:
- Lethality 15 to 13
- Lightning Rod:
- Lightning Cooldown 14 to 16 seconds
- Reverberation
- Health gain now happens at combat start to avoid temporary health being factored in. Attack Speed gain now starts 2 seconds after combat starts to let temporary sources drop off
- Now only applies bonus on hits when you immobilize while at 100 stacks
- No longer gains stacks when you are hit
- Stack Duration: 6 to 8 seconds
- Twin Masks:
- Shared Base Stats 15% to 10%
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where Smolder couldn’t fly over the Koi Pond Rivers while the Lilypad was closed
- Fixed a bug where Regicide would reset if Viego turned into another champion
- Fixed a bug where if both players had Regicide only one player would receive kill credit
- Fixed a bug where if you were revived when touching the side of the arena you would not rejoin the fight
- Selecting Fire Sale will no longer count you as having finished shopping
- Selling Lighting Rod will now correctly stop calling lighting bolts on your location
- Fixed a bug where Puppeteer was being reset by Sword of Blossoming Dawn and Moonstone Renewer
- Damage caused by energized items, along with Lighting Rod, and Kinkou Jitte are now counted as item damage and thus can crit with Vulnerability
- Fixed a bug stopping Hamstringer’s DoT from being able to crit. It can now crit but stops itself from going infinite with Vulnerability
- Fixed a bug preventing Rite of Ruin from shielding allies when you apply heal or shield ability. It is now added to the Support Shop and Support anvil
- Runecarver now correctly removes the bonus attack range granted by Rapid Firecannon
- Darius’s Noxian Guillotine (R) is no longer blocked by Fallen Aegis’s black shield
- Quantum Computing’s tooltip has been updated to reflect its scaling
- Quantum Computing’s cooldown is now correctly reduced by Lighting Rod’s Fully Automated passive
- Runecarver now correctly removes the bonus attack range granted by Rapid Firecannon
- Diamond-Tipped Spear now correctly grants bonus damage to non-missile abilities
- Runecarver now correctly removes the bonus attack range granted by Rapid Firecannon
- Light Warden’s cooldown is now correctly 8 instead of 7 seconds
- Reaper’s Toll Reap passive now correctly reduces the max health of champions when they are shielded
- Gangplank can no longer create infinite barrels with tricky Power Flower usage
- Light Warden’s cooldown is now correctly 8 instead of 7 seconds
- Fixed a bug where casting an Ultimate Roulette ultimate would count as your ultimate cast for Ultimate Revolution
- Fixed an issue where the lighting on some arenas was darker than intended
- Augment cards no longer double-play their Flash-in and Refresh animations sometimes when first rendering
- Aurora:
- Ability Haste 0 to 10
- Diana:
- Damage Dealt 100% to 105%
- K’Sante
- Damage Dealt 100% to 105%
- Maokai:
- Healing Done 80% to 90%
- Olaf:
- Damage Dealt 100% to 105%
- Rakan:
- Damage Taken 100% to 95%
- Sion:
- Ability Haste -20 to -10
- Kalista:
- Total Attack Speed 2.5% to 0%
- LeBlanc:
- Tenacity 20% to 10%
- Lee Sin:
- Healing Done 120% to 110%
Bug fixes & QoL changes
- By popular demand from players, champion Mastery Points have been added back to the loading screen! You can now have your opponents quake in their boots as they witness each and every Mastery Point you’ve managed to accumulate
Bug fixes
- Units affected by charm can no longer act for a brief period when another crowd control effect should prevent them
- Fixed a bug that caused Senna’s E VFX to repeatedly play in spectator mode
- Fixed a bug that caused Aurora’s Q to not grant stacks for Electrocute, Phase Rush, or Conqueror if it was used shortly before or after her E
- Fixed a bug where players could get both Triple Tonic and Biscuit Delivery from the same row if they took Hexflash but not Summoner Flash
- Fixed multiple bugs that caused several SFX and VFX to be visible/audible from the Fog of War
- Fixed a bug that caused Alistar’s W to grant him passive stacks if used against CC immune enemies
- Fixed a bug that caused Rell’s Q to grant two stacks of her passive if it was empowered by her E
- Fixed a bug that caused Leona’s E auto attack reset to not trigger Electrocute, Phase Rush, or Conqueror
- Fixed a bug that caused Yorick’s R to not benefit from Malignance’s ultimate cooldown reduction
- Fixed a bug that caused Cassiopeia’s E heal to treat jungle monsters as champions
- Fixed a bug that caused Scuttle to transform into Void Scuttle visually, but underneath her shell she was actually just a normal scuttle. She will now properly be a Void Scuttle inside and out (and gameplay-wise)
- Fixed some bugs that caused Neeko and her clone to sometimes display different VFX
- Fixed a bug that caused Sudden Impact to go on cooldown in the event it was triggered but not used
- Fixed a bug that caused Aurora’s R to sometimes interrupt dashes that were used to get inside of her zone
- Fixed a bug that caused Rift Herald to charge into a tower twice if it was spawned near a tower that was destroyed nearby while spawning
- Fixed a bug where Locket of the Iron Solari would display an aura icon that would do nothing
- Fixed a bug that caused Aurora’s Passive, W, and R to not extend her passive’s duration
- Fixed a bug that caused Varus’ Q to cast in a different direction if used while ending a long distance movement
- Fixed a bug that caused Taliyah to fall off of her wall if she used a consumable while riding
- Fixed a bug that caused Aurora’s R VFX to remain invisible in the Fog of War unless the opponent could see the centre of the ability
- Fixed a bug that caused Sylas to not keep Master Yi and Jax ultimate passives for the duration of the active spells
- Item damage effects no longer grant stacks of Spear of Shojin and no longer benefit from the bonus damage
- Sterak’s Gage no longer provides an invisible 25% size when triggered (sorry Tahm)
- Neeko no longer displays Mountain Soul or Sunfire aura VFX when disguised as a non-champion or as her clone
- Hextech Alternator no longer triggers other item effects
New skins
- T1 Jayce
- T1 Bard
- T1 Jinx
- T1 Orianna
- T1 Lee Sin
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2024-08-13 21:13