Lord Of The Rings: The Doors Of Durin & Their True Power, Explained

Lord Of The Rings: The Doors Of Durin & Their True Power, Explained

As a devoted fan of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth, I find it absolutely delightful to uncover such intricate details hidden within the scenes of “The Rings of Power.” The friendship between Narvi and Celebrimbor, symbolized by the Doors of Durin, is a testament to the profound understanding and appreciation of the deep connections that can form across races in Middle-earth’s Second Age.

heads up: the following article reveals key plot points from episode 5 of “The Rings of Power” season 2. Read at your own risk, my friend!

The Doors of Durin are a famous part of “The Lord of the Rings” story. When the Fellowship of the Ring arrives on the spot, fleeing from wargs and orcs, they find the doors shut. Gandalf (in the books) and Frodo (in the movie) eventually discover the secret password of the Dwarven entrance — Mellon, the elvish word for friend. In “The Fellowship of the Ring” book, Gandalf laughs after they open, saying that the too-clever-by-half verbal key is “too simple for a learned lore-master in these suspicious days. Those were happier times.” 

Although the password for the Doors of Durin might seem simple, it hides the impressive strength of their magical properties. In truth, these doors are almost impossible to breach. They can be concealed effortlessly under normal conditions, but reveal themselves only in certain situations. Essentially, they offer a cunning and highly effective barrier for the western entrance into Khazad-dûm.

the door’s ability to become invisible.

Ithilldin and moon-letters

Lord Of The Rings: The Doors Of Durin & Their True Power, Explained

Prior to Gandalf discussing the unbreachable nature of the Doors of Durin, Gimli too hinted at their secretive characteristics, stating, “Dwarf-crafted doors are designed to blend with the shadows when closed… They’re elusive, even to those who made them if the secret to opening them is lost.” The way to locate the Doors of Durin is by approaching during a moonlit night or under a sky ablaze with stars. This is due to the doors being adorned with Ithildin, an extraordinary material fashioned from mithril that reflects only the light of the moon and stars.

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s book “The Hobbit,” Elrond deciphers secret writing on a map of the Lonely Mountain, which he refers to as “moon-letters.” These are not typical runes; they can only be observed when the moon illuminates them from behind and, intriguingly, must be viewed under the same lunar conditions as the day they were penned. The map’s creator was revealed to be dwarves using silver quills. This description suggests a reoccurrence of Ithildin or something comparable.

The Doors of Durin in The Rings of Power

Lord Of The Rings: The Doors Of Durin & Their True Power, Explained

In the second season of Amazon Prime Video’s “The Rings of Power” series, there is an opportunity for continuity between the original “Lord of the Rings” story and its prequel set in the Second Age. This connection is made through the Doors of Durin, which are introduced in Episode 2 but not utilized until Episode 5. Celebrimbor (played by Charles Edwards) initially invents Ithildin, a special substance, though it remains unutilized for anything significant at first. However, it’s later employed on the completed (but not yet installed) Doors of Durin, allowing Narvi (portrayed by Kevin Eldon) to reveal them. Upon their unveiling, the Dwarven master craftsman exclaims with pride, “Here are the Doors of Durin, a new gateway to our mountain. Impregnable, visible only under moonlight, and protected by a password known only to allies.

Is it evident to you that the description encompasses the major points regarding these doors? These doors, fortified by magical might, are impenetrable. They can only be observed under the glow of moonlight due to the Ithildin inscription made from mithril. Access is granted to those who know the password, identified as “friends,” who merely need to utter the word (Mellon) to gain entry. Essentially, it’s all laid out for those perceptive enough to notice.

The Doors of Durin scene in The Rings of Power has an added Easter egg

Lord Of The Rings: The Doors Of Durin & Their True Power, Explained

In the TV series “The Rings of Power,” the Doors of Durin serve as an impressive upgrade to the Dwarven underground fortress, but the show subtly suggests that there’s more to these doors than just their strength or secrecy. One crucial aspect of the Doors of Durin, which Tolkien deliberately emphasized, is their representation of a special friendship between the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm and the Elven smiths from Eregion. This friendship theme isn’t merely a catchy phrase or an afterthought; it’s a significant symbol in Tolkien’s lore.

In this unique alliance between Elves and Dwarves, the bond shared by their influential leaders, Narvi and Celebrimbor, is particularly evident. This connection is detailed in the book “Unfinished Tales,” where Narvi is depicted as a close confidant of Celebrimbor from Eregion. The text also reveals that Celebrimbor had a near-obsessive passion for craftsmanship, reminiscent of Dwarves, and cultivated a close relationship with the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm. Among these Dwarves, Narvi was his dearest friend. This friendship represents one of the most significant interracial bonds in Middle-earth’s Second Age, akin to the camaraderie between Legolas and Gimli. It serves as a crucial example that even with deep-rooted animosities, different races can unite towards shared objectives – a message that resonates profoundly in our modern times of division.

In Episode 5, the moment when the Doors of Durin are unveiled showcases an unusual alliance. Prior to the revelation, Celebrimbor presents Narvi, saying, “Here’s an unlikely partnership – Dwarves and Elves working together. It was believed to be impossible, but here we are, creating a marvel. And today, we embark on a new vision. To carve our bond in stone.” Post the unveiling, Celebrimbor jokes, “Smiths, take heed of Narvi while he’s here. Not only is he an exceptional artist, but he’s also known for his penchant for pilfering. Keep a close eye on your valuables.” Narvi chuckles and replies, “Very well, I suggest you inspect his pockets,” to which Celebrimbor concludes, “To an enduring friendship between Elves and Dwarves.

Behind the unyielding mystery and indomitable strength of the Doors of Durin lies a deeper, more profound influence: their enduring representation of the possibility for Elvish-Dwarven camaraderie. This bond, rather than their secrets or might, is the essence of their true power.

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2024-09-12 16:30