Monster Hunter Wilds: How to Hide Helmet

In the game Monster Hunter Wilds, the meticulously designed character creation process allows for customization of every detail of your Hunter before you begin play. However, it may not be the desired outcome for numerous players to craft their ideal character only to find them concealed behind an unattractive Helmet at the game’s start.

It seems that in Monster Hunter Wilds, if you’re not fond of the Helmet or any other piece of clothing, you can effortlessly conceal it. The process is relatively simple once you find it, but locating the option might prove challenging because the game doesn’t explicitly guide you on how to do it. Instead, it leaves players to discover this feature on their own.

How to Hide Helmets in Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, your character’s armor is made up of five parts: a Helmet, Chest piece, Arm armor, Waist belt, and Leggings. If you want to conceal your Helmet, start by making your way to your Tent. This is where you can handle all your equipment, switch weapons, or modify the appearance of your Hunter. Navigate to the Appearance tab and pick Equipment Appearance. In the window that opens, you’ll discover an option to control the visibility of various armor parts. By adjusting the Head section, you can make the Helmet you’re currently wearing disappear.

As a gamer, I can tweak my Hunter’s attire even more by concealing other armor pieces from this menu. If you’re aiming for a sleek look or simply want an unobstructed view of your character while mining Iron Ores or battling Monsters, this is a fantastic option to personalize your Hunter’s appearance.

The Change Appearance option in the Appearance menu lets you tweak the Hunter’s facial appearance.

Should You Hide Helmets in Monster Hunter Wilds?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, concealing a helmet or any other clothing item won’t impact your defensive statistics. It solely affects the aesthetic appearance of your character. You’ll still enjoy all the benefits that come with wearing that armor piece, including the skills associated with it, even if you opt to hide it in the Customization menu.

The decision to display or conceal the Helmet in Monster Hunter Wilds is entirely up to you and how you prefer your character to appear. If you’ve invested time crafting a unique character using the Character Creation menu, it might be more appealing to leave the Helmet hidden during story cutscenes so that you can appreciate your Hunter’s Face. Alternatively, if you want to see how the full armor set looks, you can keep the Helmet visible.

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2025-03-01 01:46