Monster Hunter Wilds: Where To Get a Pallbug?

Are you attempting to snare a Palobug in Monster Hunter Wilds? Here’s a rundown of everything you should know for catching this beast.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, one of the native creatures you can capture is called a Pallbug. Capturing your very first Pallbug gives you access to its entry in the field guide and rewards you with 5 Guild Points, which serves as the in-game currency.

In this tutorial, let’s explore the locations where you can find the Pallbug in Monster Hunter Wilds. We’ll also discuss effective methods to effortlessly capture this organism.

Where To Find a Pallbug in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Pallbugs are scattered throughout the game’s various biomes, but they’re most conveniently spotted in the Windward Plains region. For a quick encounter with this creature, consider exploring Areas 4, 8, and 17 within this biome. In Area 4 of the Windward Plains specifically, you might often find the creature lurking near bonepiles.

Should you be having trouble locating one conventionally, consider defeating one of the smaller creatures in the vicinity instead. A creature like the Pallbug often feeds on deceased monsters, making a recent kill potentially lure one out from its hidden lair beneath the ground.

How To Capture a Pallbug in Monster Hunter Wilds?

As a gamer, I’ve found that locating a Pallbug isn’t too tough, but catching one can be quite the ordeal. These critters scurry into their subterranean burrows at the slightest hint of peril. That means you gotta tread softly and sneakily to get near ’em. Crouching low and donning my ghillie suit has saved me more times than I can count, helping me blend in and avoid detection while getting close enough for a catch.

When you get close to your target, select the Capture Net from your quick access menu. Then, take careful aim and toss the net over the Pallbug to catch the rare native creature. If you’re using a deceased monster as bait for a Pallbug, be mindful of your movements. Stay low and still until the Pallbug approaches, then quickly deploy the Capture Net when it’s within range.

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2025-03-13 08:25