Tomb Raider Anime Creator Explains Why The Legend of Lara Croft Is Animated

In the upcoming animated series titled “Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft“, the renowned video game character Lara Croft is set to return on our screens once more. As video game adaptations gain popularity, this genre was once considered a risky venture by Hollywood, but now it’s the new trend as comic book movies find their footing after some challenging years. While shows like HBO’s “The Last of Us” and Amazon Prime Video’s “Fallout” have successfully translated video games into live-action settings, animated adaptations have been thriving for quite some time.

LOTR The Rings of Power Season 2 Review | Not So Precious

Season 2 of “The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power” is jam-packed with action, tense encounters, betrayals, and fresh partnerships. However, much like another fantasy spinoff, “House of the Dragon,” it struggles to create or maintain an emotional connection that truly makes us invest in its characters. This may not be a problem if you’re content to wait for episodes featuring The Stranger, Nori, and Poppy, who were adored by fans during the first season, and whose storylines continue to captivate viewers this time around.

A New Bridgerton Trend Is Happening At Weddings, And After Seeing It Firsthand I’m All In On This Being A New Tradition

Ah, we’re right in the midst of wedding season! With my twenties behind me, it seems like I’ve been invited to another wedding at least once a year, making me something of a seasoned attendee, if you will. And the latest nuptials I attended incorporated a subtle tribute to one of Netflix’s finest shows, and they’re not the only ones. It appears that drawing inspiration from the Regency-era series “Bridgerton” is quickly becoming a popular trend for couples.