James Cameron Collaborator Gale Anne Hurd on the 4K Transfer Controversy

Almost all films directed by James Cameron are now available for viewing at home in 4K quality. This includes movies like Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, True Lies, Titanic, Avatar, and the latest release, Avatar: The Way of Water. Interestingly, only one of these wasn’t personally supervised by Cameron – T2 (with Piranha II: The Spawning being an exception). So far, it seems that The Terminator is the only film left to be released in 4K, which is expected to hit stores by the end of this year.

Celsius Network to Repay Creditors Using PayPal’s Hyperwallet

As a seasoned researcher with a knack for deciphering complex financial matters, I find the Celsius Network’s decision to use PayPal’s Hyperwallet service intriguing. The move seems strategic, addressing potential issues creditors might face with traditional wire transfers, especially considering the long wait creditors have endured thus far. As a crypto investor, I’ve been closely … Read more

10 Superheroes Who Deserve a Solo Movie (But Havent Had One Yet)

Today’s audiences often view Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and Logan as groundbreaking movies that made a significant impact critically. However, it’s important to remember that Christopher Reeve’s Superman, all the way back in 1978, was a superhero film that garnered four Academy Award nominations, a Golden Globe, and six BAFTA awards. Despite some challenges during the ’90s, the ’00s have been a remarkable era for this genre, thanks to the emergence of Marvel and DC.