Frasier Season 2, Episode 2’s Restaurant Easter Egg Is Deeper Than You Think
Contains spoilers for “Frasier” Season 2, Episode 2 — “Cyrano, Cyrano”
Contains spoilers for “Frasier” Season 2, Episode 2 — “Cyrano, Cyrano”
Among the most iconic and fashionable chills from the 1960s, “The Birds” significantly solidified Alfred Hitchcock’s enduring reputation in filmmaking. If this were his sole contribution, it would still have cemented his legacy. The movie revolves around Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren), a young woman from high society, who unexpectedly finds herself in peril due to her spontaneous fascination with lawyer Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor).
Many people find certain films to be significant markers or milestones in their personal lives. Perhaps there was a movie you watched on an evening when something important occurred, or a collection of movies that you shared with friends, which evoke fond memories. For me, the early works of Kevin Smith always take me back to my college years, and wow, it suddenly struck me that college was quite some time ago, because “Mallrats” feels like it’s as old as dirt.
Returning isn’t always straightforward, and when it comes to Matt Damon’s action film series Jason Bourne, transitioning the technologically advanced thinking man’s spy franchise into a modern digital era proves particularly challenging. The fourth installment in the saga, Jason Bourne (2016), brings Damon back together with director Paul Greengrass. Although it doesn’t quite reach the pulse-pounding heights of the series’ distinctive shaky-cam action style, Jason Bourne (2016) concentrates on adapting the series’ hallmarks for a new era of information.
As a passionate member of the Writers Guild of America East, I’m thrilled to announce that Sara David has been re-elected as Vice President of the Online Media Division in our recent elections. Furthermore, we have appointed Beth Godvik as the new Vice President for Broadcast, Cable, and Streaming News. This marks a significant milestone following our union’s 2023 strike resolution.