Paramount Launches Vote ’24 Campaign Ahead of MTV VMAs (Exclusive)

Paramount Launches Vote ’24 Campaign Ahead of MTV VMAs (Exclusive)

As a seasoned gamer who has witnessed the power of community and collaboration in both virtual and real-life scenarios, I wholeheartedly applaud Paramount and the Ad Council for their Vote ’24 campaign. The initiative to empower young people, especially Gen Zers, to exercise their right to vote is not only essential but also inspiring.

For nearly four decades following MTV’s initiation of “Choose or Lose” coverage focusing on youth perspectives during presidential elections, Paramount, its parent company, is calling upon young individuals once more to express their opinions and participate actively in the 2024 election.

In preparation for the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards, Paramount is kick-starting its ‘Vote ’24’ initiative together with the Ad Council.

Individuals have the option to visit, the online hub for the Vote ’24 campaign, to verify their registration status, register to vote, view their ballot, and gather voting information and resources. This platform is run by Headcount, a nonpartisan, non-profit organization that specializes in voter registration, utilizing culture, digital media, music, and even concert appearances to encourage people to register to vote and engage with democracy. Moreover, the Ad Council has made it easy for the campaign to reach wider audiences by sharing it across various media platforms, organizations, schools, businesses, and individuals at no cost.

30 years ago, MTV began motivating young voters and creating a buzz around elections, and every year, our dedication to civic participation has intensified. Brianna Cayo Cotter, vice president of social impact at Showtime/MTV Entertainment Studios, stated this in a release. This year, we launched the campaign during one of music’s grand events and partnered with the Ad Council to mobilize additional brands and organizations to join us in our goal of achieving unprecedented voter participation on November 5th. In a time when an election could be swayed by just a few thousand votes, it is crucial now more than ever for people to recognize their influence not only by casting their own vote but also by encouraging others in their circle to do the same.

As a gamer speaking up, I’d say: “Elections are crucial moments for everyone to contribute their thoughts about our nation’s future. But it’s essential to make sure you’re registered, got a voting strategy, and actually vote if we want our voices to matter. I’m thrilled that the Ad Council is continuing its collaboration with Paramount to inspire young folk like us to express themselves in the 2024 general election.

The Vote ’24 initiative intends to motivate individuals to persuade their friends, relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances to cast their votes. According to Paramount and the Ad Council, a study carried out by Outvote, a mobile app, in collaboration with Columbia University’s Data Sciences Institute during the 2018 midterms (results published in 2020) revealed that the likelihood of someone voting increases by 8.3% when a friend encourages them to do so. This is significantly more effective than mass text message campaigns from organizers.

Notably, Paramount and the Ad Council are emphasizing recent findings indicating that over 40 million members of Generation Z are qualified to cast their votes in the 2024 elections. It’s worth noting that almost half of these new eligible voters belong to racial minority groups within this age bracket.

MTV plans to initiate campaigns on National Voter Registration Day, Vote Early Day, and Election Day. The aim is to bridge the approximately 10% difference in voting rates between students attending community colleges and those enrolled in four-year institutions.

The campaign also includes a video that stresses the importance of just a single vote.

The voiceover in the advertisement poses the question: “How significant could one single vote be?” It then points out that over 60 U.S. elections since 2023 have been decided by just a single vote, suggesting that this autumn you or someone you know might hold the deciding vote and make a substantial impact. The advertisement further emphasizes that people are more likely to cast their votes when motivated by friends, so use your influence to determine this election’s outcome. Ensure that you’re eligible to vote and encourage your friends to create a voting plan at

As a gamer, I was stoked to hear that the Video Music Awards (VMAs) got moved from its initial date on September 10th, to the next day, September 11th. This shift in schedule helps dodge a clash with the presidential debate featuring Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, ensuring we won’t miss either event!

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2024-09-12 01:54