Pokemon Sleep promotes plenty of dozing off – er, research – in upcoming Good Sleep Day

  • Special encounters on event days
  • Boosted Drowsy Power and more
  • Clefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa pop up more often

Due to either the shifting seasons or the unfinished video games keeping me up, I’ve been having trouble getting a full night’s rest lately. Consequently, the concept of Pokemon Sleep’s “Good Sleep Day” seems particularly timely for my current situation.

Once a month, lasting for three days, an exclusive event takes place, coinciding with the full moon. This event aims to invigorate Drowsy Power, providing ample opportunities to study various Pokemon sleeping patterns. The event commences on March 13th and persists until the 16th, benefiting all regions. Moreover, rare Pokemon sleep styles that you haven’t encountered before will have an increased chance of appearing.

On the very night of a full moon, particularly on its second day, you’ll enjoy double Drowsy Power, tripled Helper Pokémon Sleep Experience Points, and an additional 1,000 bonus sleep points. Conversely, the first and third days will bring a 1.5x multiplier for Drowsy Power, doubled Helper Pokémon Sleep Experience Points, and 500 extra sleep points as a bonus.

Additionally, this implies that during the duration of the event, you’ll encounter Clefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa more frequently. Therefore, if you want to include these Pokémon in your study, it might be a good idea to catch up on sleep now.

Oh, by the way, I thought you might find interesting that in Pokemon Sleep, you can actually make friends too! It’s not all about the digital pocket monsters.

In the interim, if you’re excited to get involved, feel free to do so! You can download it from the App Store or Google Play. It’s a free game with additional in-app purchase options.

Option: Apart from that, you could connect with our community on the main Twitter account to receive updates about the newest happenings, delve deeper by visiting the official site for additional details, or catch a glimpse of the atmosphere and aesthetics in the embedded video above.

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2025-03-11 05:48