Pro-Palestine Protesters Interrupt Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’ Interview With Nancy Pelosi

Pro-Palestine Protesters Interrupt Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’ Interview With Nancy Pelosi

As a seasoned observer of political events and a long-time fan of Stephen Colbert’s wit, I found Tuesday’s live broadcast of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert particularly intriguing. The unexpected interruptions by pro-Palestine protesters added an unscripted layer to the conversation, making it even more engaging for viewers like myself who thrive on the unpredictability that comes with live television.

On Tuesday evening in Chicago, during the airing of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, a demonstrator advocating for Palestine interrupted the conversation happening between the show’s host, Stephen Colbert, and his guest, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

As an enthusiastic fan, I’m excited to share that I’ll be attending a series of live shows for the CBS late-night show, right here in Chicago, during the Democratic National Convention. In one of these shows, a passionate woman from the Auditorium Theatre audience took the opportunity to voice her opinion during an interview with Colbert, calling out for Palestine’s freedom and questioning the U.S.’s stance on Israel. The Hollywood Reporter was lucky enough to be there to capture the moment!

During a commercial break, Colbert addressed an on-set protester, promising to question Pelosi about the matter upon their return. As promised, he inquired about her views regarding America’s foreign influence. Pelosi expressed her hope that peace talks between Israel and Hamas would succeed and emphasized the importance of a two-state resolution.

During the discussion, the congresswoman stated emphatically that “War should not exist in a refined culture.” This remark sparked a question from another demonstrator regarding why the American administration provides weapons to Israel. Colbert appealed for silence so the congresswoman could respond, but the noise persisted. Eventually, he requested, “Let my guests speak without interruption.” The conversation between Pelosi and Colbert concluded not long after this exchange.

During the program, Colbert inquired Jeffries about the topic of Gaza, and fortunately, no more disruptions ensued. Reports indicate that the demonstrators within the theater chose to depart on their own, and the incident was managed smoothly without any escalation.

Outside the theater, another group of demonstrators were vocalizing “Nancy, Nancy, you can’t hide” and drumming beats. A sizeable number of Chicago police officers were summoned to the scene, instructing the protesters they were on private property and threatened arrest if they failed to disperse. As a reporter from THR left the building, it seemed as though the protesters were retreating from the theater’s entrance.

Demonstrators assemble exterior of Stephen Colbert’s ‘The Late Show’ taping in Chicago, featuring special guest Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) August 21, 2024

The Auditorium Theatre is situated approximately 3 miles away from the United Center, which is hosting this week’s 2024 Democratic National Convention. On Tuesday’s broadcast, Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, and Hakeem Jeffries were featured guests. Furthermore, actress Laura Benanti repeated her popular skit of portraying Melania Trump.

In anticipation of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), officials and Chicago law enforcement prepared for potential widespread demonstrations surrounding the convention venue. Security measures have been tight in and around the United Center. On Tuesday night, approximately 70 individuals were detained following confrontations with police during a protest that originated outside the Israeli consulate, as reported by the Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.

On Monday, a larger demonstration and gathering, which was generally peaceful, transpired. However, a handful of individuals were apprehended by the authorities after they dismantled a barrier at the outskirts of the convention’s safety zone.

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2024-08-21 09:24