Raazi actor Rajit Kapur says supporting cast in Bollywood films don’t get paid deservingly; ‘Even if you deserve Rs 20,000, they will say…’

As a lifestyle expert with years of experience in the entertainment industry, I must say that the ongoing debate about actor exploitation and high costs associated with star entourages is indeed a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. The insights shared by Rajit Kapur, a seasoned actor who has seen the industry’s ups and downs, provide a stark reminder of the challenges faced by actors in Bollywood.

The ongoing discussion about the mistreatment of actors and the expensive entourages they often require is still unresolved, with no practical solutions apparent on the horizon. Lately, Rajit Kapur from the movie Raazi has shed light on the hardships endured by many actors, who are either underpaid, not paid at all, or work for free in pursuit of better opportunities. He emphasized that even supporting actors who rightfully deserve 20,000 often find themselves receiving only half that amount from the movie makers.

In an interview with Unfiltered by Samdish, Rajit pointed out there is “no system” and that is a major factor behind pay disparities. He explained that casting agencies have only been around for about five years, and before that, directors and assistant directors would select actors who often waited for days without assurance. He highlighted that no one was there to advocate for the actors’ compensation. He said, “Even today there is exploitation. Even if you deserve Rs 20,000, they will say, ‘If you wanna do this, do it for Rs 10,000. Otherwise there are lot of people waiting for one opportunity.’ It happens till date.”

When asked about the impact of casting agencies on actor conditions, Kapur stated that, contrary to their polished image, the situation persists as challenging. He emphasized that although casting agencies might come across as professional, they fail to tackle the root problem – late or non-payment issues.

He noted that, unlike corporate employees who are paid within 7 to 15 days, actors can wait up to 90 days for their compensation. He added that standing up against a producer could result in losing future work, highlighting that exploitation in the industry persists.

In addition, he pointed out that conversations frequently expose the fact that stars receive a large chunk of the movie’s budget, while the supporting cast is informed, “We don’t have funds.” He shared his reaction to these instances, expressing that he would reply by saying, “I appreciate it. When you do have the money, let me know. Don’t keep me waiting.” He emphasized that he has adopted this tactic in such situations.

The actor noted that while the rise of OTT platforms has certainly created more opportunities, exploitation within the industry continues unabated. He mentioned that despite the growth in opportunities, the problem persists, with OTT platforms still paying substantial amounts to foreign technicians but not adequately compensating actors.

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2024-08-26 18:38