Ranking The Perfect Couple Characters From The Worst To THE WORST

Ranking The Perfect Couple Characters From The Worst To THE WORST

As a seasoned viewer of The Perfect Couple, I must say that this series has left quite an indelible mark on my memory, not for its charming characters or heartwarming moments, but for its collection of truly despicable individuals who seem to thrive on causing misery and chaos.

Spoilers below for The Perfect Couple, so be warned if you haven’t yet watched!

It’s undecided whether “The Perfect Couple” will be remembered as one of Netflix’s finest series, but given its consistent high performance in their Top 10 list, its popularity is indisputable. However, I suspect that the countless viewers wouldn’t disagree that the wealth-focused characters featured in this addictive mystery thriller are among the most detestable to appear on TV screens in 2024.

This ensemble of distinguished actors including Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Dakota Fanning, among others, skillfully breathe life into these alcohol-fueled, money-hungry, foolish, desperate characters with panache, and critics find it an engaging adaptation despite growing to dislike almost every character on screen. Instead of merely criticizing everyone who attended Amelia and Benji’s wedding, let’s appreciate their flawed nature by ranking the main group from most detestable to THE MOST DESPICABLE. However…

The Best: Chief Carter & Detective Henry

In my opinion, one of the standout aspects of “The Perfect Couple” was its well-crafted characters, particularly Michael Beach’s police chief and Donna Lynne Champlin’s detective. Each character was strong individually, though Detective Henry could have benefited from more story development. However, their dynamic together in the office and during interrogations truly brought them to life. This underscores the significance of creating convincing on-screen chemistry between actors.

Now let’s move on to discussing the truly unpleasant characters from Netflix Original Series, beginning with those who seem the most compassionate at first glance.

14. Karen Sacks

To put it plainly, Michael McGrady’s character Bruce Sacks wasn’t included in the list because he primarily played the role of a supportive father and husband without exerting significant influence. However, Dendrie Taylor’s Karen stands out as the least excusable antagonist for bringing suicide pills to a wedding that was rescheduled specifically for her convenience. While I understand her motives, they carry an overwhelmingly negative atmosphere, and their potential use can be seen as a form of murder.

13. Chloe Carter

Generally speaking, Mia Isaac’s teenage employee Chloe Carter is quite endearing and might even surpass her police chief father in charm. However, Chloe unintentionally loses points for maintaining friendships with Will, who consistently makes poor choices and exudes a messy demeanor. When she decided to board his boat, it seemed as though the vessel was about to capsize under the weight of my astonishment.

12. Broderick Graham

If Broderick Graham had truly embodied the menacing gangster persona he was often seen as throughout the season, he could have been a standout character. However, it turned out that he was merely a compulsive gambler exploiting his wealthy sister’s funds, having previously worked as her pimp. Not exactly admirable achievements. Yet, despite this, Tommy Flanagan exudes an innate toughness, and it’s hard to fault him for benefiting from the Winbury family’s wealth.

11. Merritt Monaco

Meaghann Fey’s character Merritt was an exemplary party companion in many aspects due to her captivating charm and laid-back demeanor, much like the ideal portrayal in “The Perfect Couple.” However, while Amelia often perceived Merritt as a largely innocent princess, her secret relationship with Tag and subsequent pregnancy suggest that she may not always make the wisest decisions. It’s worth questioning her judgment, but it’s important to avoid victim-blaming. Essentially, her disastrous life choice led to her own tragic end, and one can’t help but wonder why she chose someone as unappealing as Tag.

10. Will Winbury

It seems unfair to immediately sympathize with Will, the youngest sibling in a family like the Winburys, where the father’s dislike isn’t exactly subtle. However, I’m not entirely convinced that Will demonstrates sound decision-making throughout any episodes of The Perfect Couple. In fact, I can think of several questionable choices he made. One of the most regrettable actions was coming dangerously close to harming himself and Chloe.

9. Abby Winbury

It might seem logical to assume that the guilty party, being legitimate, would be among the most reprehensible characters. However, despite Dakota Fanning’s fixation on wealth and other unattractive traits, she was one of the earliest characters, apart from Bejni and Merrill, who began treating Amelia with respect as a fellow person. Therefore, amidst the intrigue of murder plots and disregard for infidelity, there appears to be a glimmer of humanity within her character.

8. Benji Winbury

In a favorable light from his mother’s perspective (and hopefully in other aspects as well), Billy Howle’s character, Benji, seemed like he could have been an ideal partner, but instead came off as slightly endearing yet doughy. At no point did I understand Amelia’s rationale for selecting him for a lifelong commitment…oh wait, perhaps it was the financial aspect… In any case, Benji effortlessly takes the crown for Sketchiest Red Herring due to his possession and concealment of those incriminating photos of Merrill.

7. Isabel Nallet

I found Isabelle Adjani’s character on the show to be as captivating as any other, but when it comes to truly being a friend to this family or anyone else, her actions don’t seem particularly supportive. It seems that someone else would be taking care of her needs, given her casual abundance of wealth. She has a heart that knows what’s right, but it may take her fulfilling a few vices, possibly even causing marital strife, to find the right place for it.

6. Shooter Dival

Ishaan Khatter’s character, Shooter Dival, seems to be largely mysterious and multidimensional, primarily defined by his actions. These actions range from attempting to escape the island, pursuing the woman of his best friend, maintaining an unusual bond with Greer, among other things. It’s understandable but disappointing that his deep-seated affection for Amelia seems to stem from a seemingly inconsequential encounter on a train, which he has clung onto for years. One might be more forgiving if Shooter had any notable qualities, but it appears that these have yet to be fully revealed. Is there anything admirable about Shooter?

5. Amelia Sacks

In the story “The Perfect Couple“, Eve Hewson portrays Amelia, a character who is somewhat relatable yet finds herself stuck in various unpleasant aspects of her life. Her existence remains stagnant until she’s jolted out of it following Merrill’s demise. Amelia garners admiration for her ability to irritate Greer with her body positivity and social graces, but I prefer envisioning her content and thriving among compatible characters. It’s not a smart choice to sleep with a dull man and potentially ruin your best friend’s relationship, Amelia.

4. Gosia

In Irina Dubova’s character of Gosia in the Winbury household, there isn’t a lot of growth or complexity shown, but her disdainful glares and sarcastic remarks exude a palpable negativity that requires no further explanation. She embodies the worst traits from the show’s portrayal of the wealthy, regardless of her position as a housekeeper. Gosia harbors little affection for the less fortunate and makes sure to express it frequently.

3. Tag Winbury

Among the living female characters from “The Perfect Couple” who Tag Winbury hasn’t had a romantic encounter with or shown interest in, aside from Amelia and Greer, only her mother and Detective Henry could be mentioned (though we didn’t delve deeply into Henry’s personal life). It’s hard to say how many other women he might have declared his feelings for beyond these two.

Regardless of any hidden charm he may possess, overshadowed by his addictive behaviors, he unfortunately tarnishes the reputation of wealthy, lecherous stoners. Moreover, his disastrous and embarrassing drunken episode during Greer’s book reading was undeniably one of the most awkward spectacles I can conceive, surpassing even the poor karaoke performance.

2. Thomas Winbury

In terms of screen time, Jack Reynor’s character, Thomas, manages to make a significant impact, consistently portraying himself as an unscrupulous individual. Whether it’s instigating conflicts within his family, being unfaithful to his spouse, or showing financial irresponsibility towards the woman he’s involved with, Thomas is undeniably a brazen and selfish character.

The cherry on top, of course, is his wildly dangerous habit of stealing other people’s medication. That he’s so cavalier and unapologetic about it just makes the act that much more stomach-churning. It would have been nice to see him suffer harshly from taking the wrong meds at some point.

1. Greer Garrison Winbury

In this series, it’s Nicole Kidman’s character, Greer Garrison Winbury, who stands out as the one exhibiting the most abhorrent behavior and personality among the main characters. Her unpalatable actions and attitude are particularly striking, with Kidman delivering each cold stare and unnecessary outburst masterfully.

From a spectator’s perspective, it seems I ought to wholeheartedly back Greer, given her past as a sex worker who transitioned into a prolific author. However, upon closer inspection, her entire body of work appears to be fabricated, yet she continues to reap the benefits without genuinely appreciating her fans. Worse still was her ill-advised attempt to join Tag in his drunken singing during her disastrous book launch – an event I can never forget as a peak example of excruciating awkwardness.

Regardless of whether or not anyone agreed with me, dear readers, I think we can still all agree that if a Season 2 would ever be produced for those with Netflix subscriptions, we’d all jump right back in front the interrogation room glass to watch more from these terrible people.

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2024-09-21 22:37