Rewatching American Horror Story Has Me Rethinking How I’d Rank Some Of My Favorite Seasons

Rewatching American Horror Story Has Me Rethinking How I'd Rank Some Of My Favorite Seasons

As a dedicated fan of American Horror Story since its inception, I have to admit that my rewatching journey has been nothing short of enlightening. I remember the thrill and terror of the first two seasons, Murder House and Freak Show, like it was yesterday. The suspense, the jump scares, the unforgettable characters – they left an indelible mark on me.

If you’re familiar with me, you’d realize I have a strong affection for horror. Whether it’s top-notch horror films or TV series, I’m deeply invested in this genre and usually give anything a try initially, just to see if it manages to spook me. Over the past few years, the quality of American Horror Story has fluctuated quite a bit.

The TV show debuted in 2011 and enjoyed massive popularity on FX back then. It continues to draw a moderate viewership today, but it’s not as big as it used to be – a natural outcome considering I’ve always thought that the early seasons of “American Horror Story” were particularly strong.

As autumn approaches and I’m embracing my love for fall again, I found myself drawn to rewatch “American Horror Story” once more. To my surprise, my preferences for seasons are shifting, and I might even challenge some of the traditional rankings. Perhaps by sharing my thoughts, you might also reconsider certain aspects of the show. Let’s delve into it together.

Rewatching American Horror Story Has Me Rethinking How I'd Rank Some Of My Favorite Seasons

I Always Considered Freak Show And Murder House To Be My Favorites

For quite some time now, I’ve been particularly fond of “American Horror Story,” specifically the initial seasons like “Murder House” and “Freak Show.” These shows have stood out to me due to their concise narratives, outstanding performances, and exceptional quality that I held in very high esteem.

Although Murder House appeared less intense compared to Freak Show, both series continue to surprise me with their chilling storytelling, even to this day.

I found myself drawn to these seasons due to the presence of Jessica Lange, who was the main actress before departing after Freak Show. Although other seasons that followed had their merits, none seemed to capture the same magic without her. Among the many cast changes in American Horror Story, no other combination quite matched the chemistry and impact of Lange over her four seasons.

Before I rewatched the entire series, this was my ranking:

  1. Freak Show
  2. Murder House
  3. Asylum
  4. Coven
  5. 1984
  6. Apocalypse
  7. Hotel
  8. Double Feature
  9. Roanoke
  10. Cult
  11. NYC
  12. Delicate

But two seasons on this list changed my ranking positions—and this shocked me more than I expected.

Rewatching American Horror Story Has Me Rethinking How I'd Rank Some Of My Favorite Seasons

But Rewatching Made Me Appreciate Two Different Seasons Far More Than I Expected

To put it delicately, the majority of the ranking list remains unaltered in its latter positions. New York City and Delicate continue to languish at the bottom due to their lack of genuine horror elements and forgettable storylines. Roanoke is average, while the first half of Double Feature was excellent, but the second part is quite peculiar.

The hotel is simply exceptional, fitting only for Lady Gaga and an outstanding Sarah Paulson performance in American Horror Story: Apocalypse. I must say, Apocalypse is slightly superior as it feels like a blend of every season, making it quite enjoyable. American Horror Story: 1984 is a tribute to ’70s and ’80s slasher movies, with its numerous slashings. Lastly, American Horror Story: Asylum stands out as one of the best seasons overall, boasting an impressive cast and a stellar Evan Peters performance.

To be honest, I ended up adoring the series Coven and Cult much more upon rewatching them. I’d even go as far as to say that I love them significantly more now.

Initially, I found myself resistant to the third season of Coven, as it didn’t resonate with the atmosphere of the first two seasons. Nevertheless, despite being enjoyable, I hadn’t fully appreciated it until now. Surprisingly, it has become my favorite season. The bond between the sisters, the acting, the fashion, and the setting in New Orleans all blend seamlessly together. To be frank, if a standalone show was created based on this season, I would eagerly tune in without hesitation.

The TV show “Cult” intrigued me back then. At that point in time, the nation was quite divided, and the series seemed eerily reflective of reality. However, upon revisiting it for the first time, I’ve grown to appreciate it more due to its striking similarities to actual events happening around us.

In case you missed it, the series “Cult” unfolds post-President Donald Trump’s election and focuses on a disturbing cult that unsettles the community members in a neighborhood. Unlike traditional horror stories with ghosts or strange beings, this show delivers chills solely through the haunting nature of human behavior and the perilous effects of group thinking. Although “Cult” exaggerates the situation, it appears to draw inspiration from real-life events.

And honestly, I’m ranking it a lot higher now in this new ranking:

  1. Coven
  2. Freak Show
  3. Murder House
  4. Cult
  5. Asylum
  6. 1984
  7. Apocalypse
  8. Hotel
  9. Double Feature
  10. Roanoke
  11. NYC
  12. Delicate

As a devoted fan, I must confess that my personal opinion may stir controversy, but allow me to explain. Upon revisiting the series, I found myself struck by the striking parallels between certain scenes in “Cult” and contemporary society. It’s almost as if the creators had a crystal ball!

Rewatching American Horror Story Has Me Rethinking How I'd Rank Some Of My Favorite Seasons

Rewatching The Show Has Changed My Perspective On Later Iterations – But Nothing Quite Beats The Earlier Seasons

As a devoted fan, I must admit that certain later seasons of American Horror Story, such as Cult, truly hit the mark for me. Re-exploring these episodes expanded my perspective significantly, leaving me in anticipation of Season 13 when it eventually graces our screens.

Frankly speaking, while I appreciate the current seasons, nothing quite compares to the earlier ones in terms of quality for American Horror Story. Despite how good Cult is, it hasn’t yet managed to evoke the same intense fear and dread that Coven, Freak Show, or Murder House did.

Perhaps I’ve made a mistake. Possibly, Season 13 could revolutionize things. However, until that time comes, I’ll adhere to my current rankings, savoring each moment along the way.

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2024-09-30 01:07