Early Thursday morning, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was knifed by an uninvited guest at his Mumbai residence. Following surgery, he’s now in a stable condition and no longer faces immediate danger. It appears that the intruder may have been aided in gaining access by someone connected to the household staff, who might have been concealed within the building. The crime division has reportedly set up seven task forces to apprehend the suspect.
According to NDTV’s report, it initially seemed that someone had illegally gained access to Saif Ali Khan’s home, but a review of security camera footage showed no evidence of any intruder on the property for about two hours prior to the incident.
Recent indications point towards the possibility that the perpetrator may have ties to a member of the household staff. It’s speculated that this individual may have aided the intruder in entering the house. Furthermore, there’s reason to believe the attacker could have been concealed within the building prior to the incident.
A team from the Mumbai Police is presently examining the incident that occurred at Saif’s home within the Satguru Sharan building, an event that has rippled panic throughout the movie industry.
Seven task forces have been established by the investigative unit with the mission of locating the suspect. Three teams are currently scouring different areas within the city, while another is examining CCTV recordings in search of valuable insights. Furthermore, a team remains prepared to travel beyond Mumbai if the situation calls for it.
After the stabbing incident involving an actor, security dogs are being used, and extra safety precautions are being taken outside the residence where he stays with his family. This is to ensure their protection.
It has been confirmed that someone unknown entered the bedroom of Saif and Kareena Kapoor’s son, Jehangir, and was discovered there. This unexpected guest caused concern for housekeeper Mrs. Ariyama Phillips (also known as Lima), who immediately raised an alarm. In response, Saif Ali Khan took action to handle the situation.
Subsequently, the trespasser assaulted Saif using a pointed tool, inflicting several wounds. Unfortunately, the maid too sustained injuries in the same event. A forensics expert mentioned that prints were gathered at the crime site; more information will be disclosed by higher-ranking officials later on.
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2025-01-16 11:22