Shailene Woodley Recalls The Keen Advice Divergent Co-Star Kate Winslet Gave Her When They Worked Together

Shailene Woodley Recalls The Keen Advice Divergent Co-Star Kate Winslet Gave Her When They Worked Together

As a gamer who has seen countless movies and lived through the digital world for years, I can attest to the profound impact that certain films and their characters have had on my personal journey. The Divergent franchise, for instance, is one of those series that left an indelible mark on me, and its cast members, particularly Shailene Woodley and Kate Winslet, hold a special place in my heart.

Do you recall the “Divergent” film series? This year marks a decade since its dystopian storyline first graced our movie screens. Back then, Shailene Woodley’s acting career was still relatively small, and while she shared the screen with Academy Award winner Kate Winslet, she received some priceless advice that has stayed with her ever since. Despite their characters becoming bitter foes in the film, they were actually quite supportive off-screen.

Navigating Hollywood as a young woman isn’t always a breeze, especially when you’re still discovering yourself and building your confidence amidst numerous opinions from others. For Woodley, meeting Winslet early in her career held immense significance. When asked if she served as a sounding board for Winslet during that time, here’s how she put it: “Absolutely, I was there to listen and offer support when needed.

In a nutshell, she’s incredibly authentic – not to say it too often, but she truly embodies authenticity. She stays true to herself and isn’t hesitant about expressing her genuine self. Moreover, she’s put in a considerable amount of effort.

Shailene Woodley discussed Kate Winslet during an interview with Drew Barrymore on her talk show. During their heartfelt chat, Barrymore brought up some recent comments made by Winslet about her experiences following the release of “Titanic”. In those remarks, Winslet mentioned that because of her sudden fame, many people started commenting on her weight and called her overweight.

In the past, Woodley didn’t defend herself due to being thankful for having her own apartment. If she could go back in time and speak to herself then, as expressed to Variety earlier this year, she would say something like “Don’t you dare mistreat me like that. I’m a young woman, going through so many changes, struggling with self-doubt, feeling vulnerable, and scared out of my wits. This is already tough enough for me – don’t make it any more difficult.” In her words, that was bullying. Here’s Woodley’s reaction to Winslet’s reflections on her early fame days:

What’s fascinating about that is she might not have acted for herself, but she certainly did it for me. She unequivocally did… Because we collaborated. I was 21. I was bombarded with the demands of public life and the constant advice to look or be a certain way, eat this, don’t eat that, dye your hair differently. And she emphatically stopped me, comforted me, put her hands on mine, and said, ‘No, no, no. That’s not who you are. This is the truth.’ She gave me that moment, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without her.

During an interview, Woodley recounted that Winslet took the initiative to advise her at a crucial point in her life. Specifically, Winslet sat her down and offered guidance that Winslet felt she should have received at a younger age. You can watch this heartfelt moment on YouTube.

On the set of Divergent, an instance particularly resonated with Shailene Woodley, enabling her to stay connected with her inner self instead of being swayed by others’ opinions.

After starring in the movie adaptations of Divergent, Woodley decided to pause her acting career for a while, devoting time to personal growth instead. Now, she’s back in the limelight with her newest endeavor, the STARZ miniseries titled Three Women, which is based on a book by the same name.

Incidentally, you’ll find Kate Winslet gracing the big screen in one of the 2024 films now playing at cinemas, titled Lee. For a deeper insight into how playing the role of a war photojournalist impacted her life, be sure to catch TopMob’s interview with Winslet.

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2024-09-29 00:07