Silent Hill 2 Remake – How To Solve the Gallows Puzzle

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Solve the Gallows Puzzle

As someone who has spent countless nights wandering the hauntingly eerie streets of Silent Hill, I can confidently say that the Gallows Puzzle stands out as one of the most intriguing and thought-provoking puzzles the series has to offer. The way it challenges players to delve into the minds of six different criminals, each with their own unique backstory and motivations, is a testament to the game’s ability to create immersive and engaging experiences.

As a dedicated admirer, I must share my excitement about unraveling the enigma that is the Gallows Puzzle in the Silent Hill 2 Remake, hidden within Toluca Prison’s cold, confining walls. It’s a literary challenge, composed of six cryptic poems, each one offering fragments of stories detailing the wrongdoings of various individuals.

In this brain teaser, you’ll be called upon to make ethical decisions based on the characteristics of different crimes. Here’s some advice for mastering the updated version of the Gallows Puzzle in the remade Silent Hill 2 game.

How To Solve the Gallows Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake

After cracking the mystery of the weights and scales in Toluca Prison, assuming you possess the hunting rifle, the following task awaits: The Gallows Puzzle, which can be found within the prison grounds.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Solve the Gallows Puzzle

Without this item, you can’t start the puzzle since it enables interaction with the gallows puzzle. Once you have the Execution Lever, head to the gallows area in the prison yard.

As I slide the lever snugly into place within the intriguing device, a captivating display of six partially penned verses unfolds before my eyes, each engraved upon individual plaques. These eloquent fragments tell tales of crimes perpetrated by six distinct individuals, challenging me to unravel their stories and complete these poetic puzzles by finding the missing pieces.

The trick is that for each poem, there are two possible second halves, which could be randomized for each playthrough.

At the base of the gallows, you’ll find pieces of the scattered poems. Arrange these fragments correctly to solve the mysteries. These individuals were accused of a variety of crimes, ranging from petty theft to heinous murder.

Considering an example, a poem could portray an individual lighting a fire within an orphanage, and the task at hand is to determine whether this person experiences regret or derives enjoyment from their action.

In another composition, a tale might unfold about a burglar, leaving it up to you to discern whether his actions were fueled more by necessity due to hunger and destitution, or simply by unquenchable avarice.

Make sure you carefully follow the sequence of events in the initial part of the crime story, as it will serve as a guide for your comparison process.

Here’s the detailed list of every poem solution:

Poem I

Answer 1
Answer 2
Light Difficulty
“Hallowed was the place, this one set ablaze.”
“T’was the home of evil, it had to be razed.”
Standard Difficulty
“For your grace I do not plead, for the flames I did set free.”
“Though the young ones’ deaths I mourn, their tormentors are no more.”
“I watched them burn, I felt a soothing warmth inside.”
Hard Difficulty
“Under veil of nightfall, in the ink of dusk, a blazing inferno engulfs the wooden husk.”
“Death of the blameless, a damnable sin, yet among the pure, the vile also would dwell.”
“A contorted chill dances on his spine, as their souls fly forth on Thanathos’ sigh.”

Poem II

Answer 1
Answer 2
Light Difficulty
“This one took from others, t’was a sinful deed.”
“Stealing not to eat, but to feed his own greed.”
Standard Difficulty
“The wealth of others I did take, the seventh statue I did break.”
“The reason, if I have to say, was to survive another day.”
“What were those reasons you might ask? ‘Tis all the sense it needs to make.”
Hard Difficulty
“In twilight’s grasp, a thief emerges sly.”
“With hands atremble, he seizes what he must.”
“His avarice driving every cunning theft, no conscience stirs, no remorse is left.”

Poem III

Answer 1
Answer 2
Light Difficulty
“This one, he did kidnap, his beloved daughter.”
“In a fit of anger, bloody end he brought her.”
Standard Difficulty
“I took the child, you are quite right.”
“Forgive me child, for I have failed.”
“My only daughter, joy of days, they wanted to take you away.”
Hard Difficulty
“In shroud of twilight, a tale doth unfold.”
“Amidst the moon’s glow, a desperate truth, the man’s life of pain and in peril, forsooth.”
“A tragic fruition, a mother’s despair, her heiress undone by the one she once loved.”

Poem IV

Answer 1
Answer 2
Light Difficulty
“This one broke the lock, to steal, I’ll tell you plain.”
“One more place to plunder, One more wrongful gain.”
Standard Difficulty
“Once the sun has ceased its reign, I cut through the rusty chain.”
“So my guilt is plain to see, I had robbed the pharmacy.”
“I departed with great haste, leaving not a single trace.”
Hard Difficulty
“In clandestine steps, darkness as his guide.”
“Amidst the moon’s glow, a desperate truth, the man’s life of pain and in peril, forsooth.”
“Beneath moonlit guise, a villain’s design, he trespasses where treasures brightly shine.”

Poem V

Answer 1
Answer 2
Light Difficulty
“This one dared to take his own mother’s life.”
“Did it just for pleasure, not over a strife.”
Standard Difficulty
“Mommy dearest, mommy sweet, your love for me was so deep.”
“You broke my legs, I couldn’t walk, you pulled my teeth, I couldn’t talk.”
“You were, oh, so kind to me, filled my heart with joy and glee.”
Hard Difficulty
“With her senses falling, she looks, mouth agape.”
“’Twas a twisted fate that forced the man’s hand, a son at mother’s mercy.
“Desperation’s grip suffocates the air, the attacker’s past, a tale of despair.”

Poem VI

Answer 1
Answer 2
Light Difficulty
“This one clenched his fist, and has pulled no punch.”
“Turned against his bully, turned his brain to mulch.”
Standard Difficulty
“I waited long, I bid my time.”
“In truth, he was less man than beast.”
“In truth, I did not hesitate.”
Hard Difficulty
“In shadows cast, the hunter lies in wait.”
“As the spark of life from her eyes did flee, the man held his gaze with wicked glee.”
“The victim’s eyes wide with terror and fright, the attacker’s nature now comes into light.”

Upon finishing the six captivating poems, it’s time for me to choose which of these six criminals deserves the ultimate consequence. Six nooses, labeled I through VI, hang ominously from the gallows, representing each poem in turn.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - How To Solve the Gallows Puzzle

The significance of these ropes lies in them symbolizing the hangman’s nooses for each convicted wrongdoer. Our judgement is guided by the gravity and motive behind every crime committed. In essence, we need to concentrate on apprehending those criminals who carried out their acts with clear intent or without a valid reason.

Instead of choosing a poetic work that implies self-defense or ambiguous moral ground, it’s wiser to steer clear of such characters when depicting criminals. Conversely, individuals with undeniably malicious intentions, such as cold-blooded killers or those who derive pleasure from their wrongdoings, are more fitting subjects for condemnation.

You should tug on the rope for the person who, in your opinion, deserves to be punished. However, keep in mind that the situation might have more than one interpretation.

Sometimes, instead of focusing on the criminal with the greatest evil intent, the situation calls for a different approach. In such instances, it becomes necessary to decide which criminal’s actions were most justifiable, and thus, sparing them might be the appropriate choice.

If you play correctly, you’ll advance in the game. However, if not, James might find himself trapped in an area filled with adversaries, forcing you to battle your way free and try again later. Given that this can be quite aggravating, it’s advisable to carefully consider each character’s background before making a decision.

Compare the Gallows Puzzle to other puzzles found within the Silent Hill series – feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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2024-10-12 00:45