Sky: Children of the Light brings back the iconic Days of Style event

  • Days of Sky returns on popular demand
  • Don stunning outfits and show off your style
  • The event has been updated to feature more items and rewards as well

As a seasoned Sky: Children of the Light gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that the return of Days of Style is like Christmas coming early! I’ve always loved the creative freedom this event offers, and the fact that it’s back with even more flair is beyond exciting.

Supporters of Sky: Children of the Light can anticipate a delightful surprise! The much-adored Days of Style narrative is making a comeback and will be accessible from September 30th to October 13th. This time around, it’s bigger and better as your outfits will showcase more vibrancy, enabling you to fully express yourself.

To get started, you have two options: First, make your way to either Home or Aviary Village, which houses the Style Guide Spirit. Once found, this spirit will guide you through multiple hidden runways nestled within the enchanting domains of Sky: Children of the Light.

This year’s Days of Style event features four unique catwalks for you to display your creative flair and fashion designs. Each area is equipped with temporary wardrobes filled with items you can use to create breathtaking outfits. Once prepared, make your way to the Shared Memories Altar to exhibit your style.

There are more growth opportunities coming up as well; you’re set for even greater wins this year! The event currency now has increased value, allowing for daily collection and trade-in for exclusive items to enhance your appearance. Don’t forget to grab the three fresh outfits, along with all the popular costumes from last year that have returned. Rest assured, you won’t miss out on any of this exciting event!

Click on the link provided to immediately download Sky: Children of the Light, a free-to-play game offering additional in-app purchase options. To learn more about this exciting event, check out our official blog for all the details!

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2024-09-26 09:48