Stalker 2: How to Fast Travel

As a seasoned Stalker traversing the treacherous landscapes of the Zone, I can’t help but appreciate the convenience of fast travel in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Yet, like a well-worn pair of boots, it comes with its own set of worn-in quirks.

In STALKER 2, swift traveling can significantly shorten your trek through the perilous Zone, shielding you from numerous dangers. But remember, this convenience doesn’t come without a cost: it requires in-game currency and takes time to reach the nearest safe spot. To access fast travel, you must locate and engage with specific NPCs known as Guides, who are scattered sparsely across the desolate landscape.

The guides aren’t instantly available; instead, they become discoverable several hours into gameplay. Moreover, the high cost of quick-travel, at 2,000 coupons, makes it a less frequent option during the initial stages of the game.

How to Fast Travel

Here’s what you need to know about Fast Travel in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2:

Get Help From Guides

Discover the enigmas hidden within the Zone by relying on these elusive entities known as Guides. They’ll lead you through various communities, ensuring you save valuable time and resources. However, keep in mind that every form of power has its price.

In order to facilitate quick movement between locations, seek out a Non-Player Character (NPC) serving as a guide. Once found, inform them that you require their guidance services. This interaction will provide you with a record of past destinations and the cost in coupons for each location, which is typically quite substantial, exceeding 1,500 coupons. Keep in mind that this fee becomes due when selecting your desired destination. A short loading screen follows before your transportation to the chosen location ensues.

An illustrative instance is Uncle Lyonya, an NPC (Non-Player Character) you meet in Zalissya, the initial settlement within the game. For a swift journey there, investigate other settlements like Slag Heap first.

The Second NPC

You’re probably going to run into a character named Bonkers next time, in the trash-filled area known as Slag Heap within the Hazardous Waste Zone. To get there, you must finish the ‘Beyond Seven Seals’ mission and acquire the Northern Checkpoint key.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, the fast-travel system is simple but comes with a few authentic restrictions. To mark a location as a fast-travel spot, you first have to explore it personally. Moreover, you can only initiate fast travel by engaging directly with a Guide NPC, making fast travel unavailable for hostile areas. Given the Zone’s high level of danger, this means that fast-travel options are not plentiful.

Cost of Free Travel

Fast traveling is only accessible if you purchase a Guide, and the cost may change depending on the distance traveled and the selected Guide. Importantly, once you exit the Swamp zone, certain main storyline missions can’t be skipped by fast travel while heading towards Zalissya or Wild Island. It’s crucial to complete these required quests before departure.

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2024-11-26 14:13