Star Trek: What Is The Picard Maneuver?

Star Trek: What Is The Picard Maneuver?

As a seasoned Star Trek enthusiast with a soft spot for Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I can confidently say that his tactical acumen is unparalleled among his peers. The Picard Maneuver, a testament to his quick thinking and cunning, has left an indelible mark in the annals of Starfleet Academy. It’s not every day you get to outmaneuver your enemies using warp-speed chicken!

Many Star Trek captains have become legendary for their daring or clever battle strategies to make a name for themselves at Starfleet Academy. Captain Kirk, played by William Shatner, famously beat the Kobayashi Maru scenario, and in an alternate timeline, his father George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth) sacrificed himself to save those aboard the USS Kelvin. The timeline of enigmatic Captain Jean-Luc Picard, as seen on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” however, saw a tactic he had once employed backfire in ways he could not have foreseen. In Season 1, Episode 9 — “The Battle,” Picard executed what came to be known as the Picard maneuver, where his ship, the USS Stargazer, raced into high warp speed right in front of an enemy vessel, disrupting their sensor readings. Unfortunately for Picard, this tactic would later cause him problems he never anticipated when it was used against him in a future encounter.

In summary, the Ferengi ship mistakenly targeted an apparent duplicate of their own vessel on radar, which turned out to be Picard and his team moving faster than the enemy could perceive. This led to the Ferengi firing at the wrong target, enabling the Stargazer to outwit and subdue their adversaries. Captain Picard employed a similar tactic in “Picard” later on. However, this seemingly celebrated battle technique wasn’t flawless, and it was when Jean-Luc himself succumbed to mind control that one of his crew members discovered a weakness in the maneuver.

Data found Picard’s maneuver was just hot air

Star Trek: What Is The Picard Maneuver?

In the heat of “The Battle,” I find myself under the influence of a devious thought-controller, a device wielded by DaiMon Bok. As if transported back in time, I feel like Picard again, commanding the Stargazer, and my latest vessel, the Enterprise, appears to be another adversary readying for an attack. When Riker, known for his cunning maneuvers, senses my impending strategy, he delegates Data, our trusted android, to devise a solution to this classic move that could spell disaster for the Enterprise.

Thankfully, Data does the job by looking at the compression of gas in space around the real spacecraft, allowing the Enterprise to snag the Stargazer in a tractor beam and avoid Jean-Luc’s methods. While his android Lt. Commander Data might have found a hole in Picard’s plan, it didn’t stop Starfleet Academy from recognizing the achievement and rewarding Jean-Luc for his achievement. On “PIcard” Season 1, Episode 1 — “Remembrance,” it’s revealed that the now-retired admiral was awarded the Grankite Order of Tactics, Class of Excellence. It’s one the many intensely sharp demonstrations of capability in space warfare that Picard was able to display so brilliantly. Kirk can have the likes of the Kobayashi Maru and even the Corbomite Maneuver, but he’s one of the few explorers who can put his own name to such a space-saving strategy.

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2024-08-24 21:59