Star Wars Outlaws: All Expert locations & abilities

As a seasoned space-faring adventurer who’s seen more than my fair share of blasters and sabacc games, let me tell you about the High Roller’s abilities that’ll make your journey through the galaxy even smoother!

In Star Wars Outlaws, experts are the key to unveiling new skills. To amplify your power, it’s advisable to locate every single expert. Below, I’ve provided essential information about each expert, including the abilities they make available for unlocking. This will help you decide which ones to focus on first.

All Expert locations

In your space voyages aboard the Kay Vessel, you’ll encounter a total of nine Expert individuals, dispersed across diverse interstellar destinations. Some of these Experts are accessible only after certain narrative milestones have been reached.

The Bartender (Bram)Cantonica (Main Story)
The Mechanic (Selo Rovak)Junta’s Hope Diner (Junta’s Hope, Toshara) after obtaining the Ion Blaster
The Slicer (Aila Bren)Mirogana Market District (Toshara) after obtaining the Ion Blaster
The Scavenger (Temmin Wexley)Sashin Village (Akiva) after you free Gedeek
The Veteran (MT-7)Abandoned Landing Pad (Akiva) after finding four containers in outer space
The Mercenary (Rooster Trace)The Domak Refectory (Kijimi) / Tatooine
The Gunslinger (Sherrif Quint)Mos Eisley Cantina (Tatooine) after obtaining the Dragon Pearl
The Hotfixer (Teeka)Scavenger’s Draw (Tatooine) after you need to upgrade your ship
The High Roller (Lando Calrissian)Alcazar bar in Myrra (Akiva) after speaking to the bartender

In your journey through the main plot, you’ll come across some items as expected. However, to discover a few others, be vigilant and listen for any hints or information that might come up. Use the ‘Listen’ command when it’s near characters talking, and talk to as many Non-Player Characters (NPCs) as you can to gather new information.

After getting the related quest, you will find it listed in the ‘Expert Insights’ part of your journal, guiding you effectively towards the discovery process.

All Expert abilities

The Bartender

Cantina BrawlingExecute melee attacks by pressing Square / X. Pressing repeatedly allows for chain attacks
LockpickingOpen a variety of doors and containers but succeeding in the data pick minigame
Fast-TalkQuickly react to alerted enemies and delay their reaction
Keep TalkingAllow Fast-Talk to apply to all nearby enemies
Armoured UndershirtIncreases your maximum health
I Know SomeoneUnlocks the ability to see and fulfil Personal Requests from Merchants and Vendors

The Mechanic

Speed BoostAllows you to use a speed boost while on your Speeder
Speeder JumpAllows you to perform a small jump while on the Speeder
Treasure HunterAllows Nix to spot nearby containers
Smoke BombCloud the area with smoke that blocks vision
Scoundrel’s PouchIncrease the number of Vials and Grenades that can be carried by one
Outlaw’s PouchFurther increase the number of Vials and Grenades that can be carried by one

The Slicer

Slicing KitAllows you to connect to advanced terminals
Sneak ShotDeal more blaster damage to unaware enemies
Concussive SmokeUpgrades the Smoke Bomb ability with a concussive blast, leaving affected enemies stunned for two seconds
Sneaky TrapNix can now trap alarm systems
LightfootedReduces the noise made by walking and sprinting, while also halving the detection distance
Slice Kit UpgradeIncreases the energy battery for Slicing by two

The Scavenger

HydrorepulsorAllows the Speeder to be driven over water
Electro-Shock ProdAllows you to perform takedowns on tougher enemies
Ion Smoke BombSmoke Bombs now deal Ion damage
Assisted ScavengingNix sometimes gives extra materials and valuables when scavenging
Scavenger’s FootwearIncreases crouched movement speed
SurvivorIncreases maximum health

The Veteran

Decryption ModuleAllows you to decrypt Separatist Datadiscs
ImproviseIncreases maximum health
AdaptIncreases the instant health regen of Bacta Vials by one
OvercomeRegenerate health immediately after suffering explosive damage
Nix CommandoNix will automatically attack another nearby enemy after performing an initial attack
Slice Kit Upgrade (The Veteran)Increases the energy battery for Slicing by two

The Mercenary

Can I Try That?Allows you to use more pick-up weapons
I Like This ThingIncreases pick-up weapon ammo by 25%
Feelers OutDoubles the distance of Nix’s detect enemy ability
SharpshootingIncreases Adrenaline gained by headshots
Looper ManeuverAllows you to execute a quick 180 degree turn in the Trailblazer
Top Roll ManeuverAllows you to perform a quick 360 degree top roll in the Trailblazer

The Gunslinger

Adrenaline Rush MasteryIncreases the number of Adrenaline Rush targets by two, and also allows to you to mark certain objects
Powered RechargeGives a small boost to Adrenaline when you activate Perfect Cooling
Speeder ShotAllows you to automatically target foes while using Adrenaline Rush on your Speeder
ResilientIncreases your maximum health
The MoreIncreases the number of Adrenaline Rush targets by one
The BetterAllows you to mark tougher enemies twice during Adrenaline Rush, affording an insta-kill

The Hotfixer

Laser TurretAllows you to upgrade the Trailblazer’s turret and install additional turret types
Improved GrenadeIncreases the radius of Grenades alongside the damage dealt by 50%
Enhanced Bacta InjectorIncreases the instant health regen of Bacta Vials by one
Magnetic DiceTip the odds in your favour when using Dice in Sabacc with a new cheat
Cheeky ExplosionNix can now trigger Grenades that enemies are carrying
M’gashaDecrease Merchant prices and increase selling prices by 10%

The High Roller

Plan AAllows you to perform a double draw in Sabacc
Plan BProvides the materials needed to craft the Heavy Blaster
Roll ManeuverUnlocks a dodge roll
Shoot FirstYour initial blaster shot from an out of combat stance will deal extra damage
Ask LaterAny shot or near-miss from hip fire shortly after un-holstering will grant a small amount of Adrenaline
Just ImproviseAfter a Fast-Talk or Arrest sequence, you’ll gain a large amount of Adrenaline

Best abilities

Among the abilities you’ll acquire, these are the most beneficial ones you might want to prioritize finishing right away:

  • Fast-Talk (The Bartender)
  • Smoke Bomb (The Mechanic)
  • Concussive Blast (The Slicer)
  • Lightfooted (The Slicer)
  • Electro-Shock Prod (The Scavenger)
  • Scavenger’s Footwear (The Scavenger)
  • Nix Commando (The Veteran)
  • Feelers Out (The Mercenary)
  • Cheeky Explosion (The Hotfixer)
  • Roll Maneuver (The High Roller)

These items will assist you in remaining undetected and concealed during covert sections, and they’ll enable you to handle situations effectively should anything unexpectedly deviate from the planned course!

How to unlock new abilities

New abilities become accessible after overcoming their corresponding tasks, as you can see displayed on the Expert’s Screen.

Nearly every skill comes with its unique hurdle, aside from those gained through experts, and you have the option to monitor any challenges you wish to remind yourself about as well.

After finishing the task, proceed to the Expert’s section, locate your finished challenge within the quest, and press and hold the ‘Unlock’ button to activate it.

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2024-08-27 19:43