Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli

Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli

As I delve into the captivating narrative of Jean Jacques Ndjoli, I find myself deeply moved by his inspiring journey and his unwavering commitment to creativity, community, and the planet. His work seamlessly blends the past and present, old and new, much like a LEGO masterpiece that stands tall with timeless charm.

2024 is undoubtedly The LEGO Group’s year.


The brand excels in fostering creativity from childhood to adulthood by leading in play and innovation through collaborative efforts. Expanding its influence on culture and lifestyle, the brand has revealed a long-term partnership with Nike and more recently, presented its eagerly awaited collaboration with Pharrell Williams.

Apart from the biographical film “Piece by Piece,” which chronicles his journey using LEGO® bricks, the duo have also introduced a cooperative set titled “Over the Moon.” This set reflects the creator’s passion for space, with a rocketship design sporting a multi-colored jet trail and a figure of Pharrell Williams wearing a red cap, alongside a representation of his wife Helen Lasichanh. The set is rounded off by a “Phriends” abacus, intended to symbolize various faces, skin tones, abilities, and more, allowing everyone to find themselves reflected within the design.

To honor the release, TopMob is collaborating with The LEGO Group to discover emerging talents in creativity, as they strive for success and carve their path in the field. The first episode of Stargazers highlights Paris-based Jean Jacques Ndjoli – a versatile artist whose creations span across fashion, art, and direction, all while emphasizing the power of a bold color scheme.

Sharing insights about his trip, impact, and creative inspiration, Ndjoli constructs a fresh stage setup and dissects some memorable instances featuring Pharrell Williams.

As a gamer, I’ve managed to reach this level by giving myself the freedom to showcase my skills and creativity in various forms, without holding back.

Known for exploring vibrant colors inspired by his Congolese roots, Ndjoli is highly respected for his creative endeavors that range from fashion to visual art. When asked about his work as a creative director, he explains, “I build worlds, objects, and even multiple realities. It’s all about bringing ideas to life.” He credits his success to allowing himself to express freely without holding back.

Embarking on his adventure with street photography, capturing moments, exploring unknown territories, and meeting fascinating people is what sparked his passion for this art form. He vividly recalls the moment that catapulted him into the limelight – in 2018 when he received recognition for his work. “I can still feel that sense of exhilaration,” he shares with TopMob, “It’s like discovering hidden parts of a video game map, only accessible after reaching a certain level. I felt as if I had unlocked a new chapter in my life, and the endless possibilities were calling out to me, urging me to seize them.

Success often hinges on diligent effort, but luck also plays a role, making it essential to seize opportunities when they present themselves. He feels that intuition or faith guides him towards the correct path, and his statement is, “I didn’t actively plan to do what I’m doing now; instead, I walked through open doors and followed my passion. It seems like this is where I was meant to be.

Given unbounded possibilities, truthfully, I’d likely construct an entire metropolis. If given a larger scale, even a nation, with ample space.

As a creative at heart, I strongly believe that using my abilities to leave an indelible mark on society, addressing its challenges and fostering solutions, is not only fulfilling but also a responsibility we all share. In my perspective, creativity can be a powerful tool for change, and I express this conviction by saying: “There’s a multitude of issues out there, yet countless possibilities for addressing them through creative means.” I am convinced that when you channel your creativity towards making a difference and adding a fresh perspective, you become more impactful than a creator who simply indulges in amusement.

Inspiration for Ndjoli can stem from various sources – places he’s explored, encounters with interesting people, or discoveries of intriguing objects. However, when he wants to fully express himself, he finds it helpful to step back, minimize distractions, and concentrate on the task in front of him. As he puts it, “I usually delve into my thoughts. I need to settle down, grab a pen, and begin sketching.” He admits that technical artistry might not be his forte, but rather, it’s about getting his ideas down on paper. “I traverse my mind seeking the optimal way to bring something new into being,” he says. “It seems like the entire world speaks to me, providing inspiration.

Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli
Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli
Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli

In terms of mastering one’s craft, the question arises: Are you able to reach your maximum ability throughout your journey? This, according to Ndjoli, is an ongoing pursuit that can never truly be completed. He likens it to running a marathon, stating that success comes from persistence and consistency in the process. If he weren’t a creative director, he would have pursued politics instead, and his primary objective would be “to liberate Africa once more.

Given unlimited resources, he describes his ideal scenario as designing an entire city or even a nation, if given the opportunity. He paints a picture of fantastical architecture, towering structures, and tranquil spaces designed for people’s comfort and happiness. Everywhere would be a source of wonder and contentment for its inhabitants.

Inquiring minds are a common trait among artists, fueling their work, and exploration sparks the hidden creativity within. “Ever wonder how something functions or what an action produces? Such questioning enables creativity to blossom freely.

As a passionate enthusiast, I strive to blend the timeless charm of the past with the vibrant energy of the present in my work. This harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity aligns perfectly with the values cherished by LEGO Group – fostering creativity in every individual. In my eyes, the universal appeal of our shared playtime, regardless of age, is nothing short of mind-blowing! This essence is what drives me and continues to be my creative pursuit.

Spotting individuals similar to ourselves gave us the inspiration, offered us a fresh viewpoint.

Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli
Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli
Stargazers: Jean Jacques Ndjoli

During my younger years, my older brother had a strong affinity for American television shows and musicians, and this is something I remember distinctly. Influenced by him, Pharrell Williams’ work became familiar to me. He was simply amazing; I couldn’t help but want to emulate him, from wearing Baby Milo T-shirts to admiring everything he did.

Just as the LEGO Group manages to captivate people across all age groups, Williams’ impact seems destined to flow through generations, making this partnership a natural progression. It’s his knack for adapting and flourishing in various fields that has built an impressive body of work and kept him relevant among diverse tastes. As Ndjoli puts it, “People feel empowered by Williams’ influence, believing they too can achieve greatness. When we saw others who resemble us, it gave us the courage to dream and broadened our perspective.

In the newest partnership, it’s evident that different groups are being catered to. This collaboration embodies inclusivity, with the abacus element designed to reflect the diversity of people, encompassing various races, faces, skin colors, and styles. It’s quite impressive to witness such a broad range of representation. As Ndjoli constructs the exhibit destined for its special display case, he reflects fondly on his cherished memories with Williams — from receiving his first fashion show invitation in Paris to the transformative influence he’s had on culture and his personal career progression.

As a gamer, I’m determined to carve out an enduring impact for those who follow in my footsteps. By setting the bar high, maintaining my resolve, and never giving up, I strive to leave behind a shining beacon of joy and love through my gaming endeavors and every move I make.

Check out the entire Stargazers campaign featuring Jean Jacques Ndjoli in the video above. To learn more and purchase the latest Over the Moon collection by Pharrell Williams, head to the official LEGO website.

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2024-09-20 16:56