‘Tell Me Lies’ Co-Stars Unpack Their Surprising Romance and Give a Warning About Season 2

‘Tell Me Lies’ Co-Stars Unpack Their Surprising Romance and Give a Warning About Season 2

As I delve deeper into the world of “Tell Me Lies”, I can’t help but empathize with these complex characters and their tumultuous relationships. Pippa’s growth from season one to two is a testament to human resilience, much like peeling an onion – each layer reveals a new depth. Sonia Mena’s portrayal of Pippa is so raw and authentic that it feels as if I’m watching my own life unfold on screen!

[The following narrative includes revelations from the fourth episode of season two of ‘Tell Me Lies’, titled “Just Stable Children”. Proceed with caution if you haven’t watched up to this point.]

The characters Pippa and Diana from Sonia Mena and Alicia Crowder’s series “Tell Me Lies” have delivered one of the most surprising plot twists so far, and we’re only four episodes into the season.

Following the glimpse into the future shown at the finale of Meaghan Oppenheimer’s Hulu series’ second season premiere, which hinted at a romantic entanglement between the characters in 2015, it’s natural to ponder how these two ex-classmates ended up together. Given that they weren’t particularly close during their college years and Diana was deeply involved with Stephen (Jackson White) and his issues with Lucy (Grace Van Patten) back in 2008, the path to this relationship seems intriguing.

Well, as I’ve progressed through the game and reached episode 4, things are starting to heat up between Diana and Stephen. When she stumbled upon photos of Macy on his computer, it all clicked for her – it matched what Lucy had told her about Stephen’s role in Macy’s accident from season one. Though Diana deleted those images, I can tell that Crowder thinks she’s genuinely terrified of him.

There’s also an unspoken connection already between Pippa and Diana in the earlier timeline, as the latter “stumbled upon this horrible situation” Pippa was in after being sexually assaulted by Chris [Jacob Rodriguez] earlier in the season and helping her. “I think there is also this very deep instinct where she really cares about this girl, and she doesn’t quite understand why or how that came about,” Crowder says.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Mena and Crowder discuss tackling the sensitive topic of sexual assault, defending Stephen, hinting at their rumored 2015 romance between Diana and Pippa, and most significantly, advising viewers to be cautious about what they hear in the latter part of the series, as not everything may be as it seems.


How does it feel knowing the long-awaited second season is finally here?

SONIA MENA It’s incredibly exhilarating! I can hardly wait to unveil what we’ve created. I’m absolutely ecstatic that people are eager to watch it. Just as you mentioned, the gap between seasons one and two was quite lengthy, so it feels fantastic to be able to say, “Here it is!

As a Gamer, I Can’t Contain My Excitement! Watching the responses of others as the big reveals, twists, and surprises unfold is what gets me pumped. Reading comments, observing reactions, understanding their feelings and thoughts… it’s all so intriguing. I wonder if they can connect with this too? It’s a shared experience that brings us closer together in the gaming world.

‘Tell Me Lies’ Co-Stars Unpack Their Surprising Romance and Give a Warning About Season 2

Given the negative atmosphere of this production, what mental state allows you to portray characters immersed within such a setting?

As I delve into this captivating narrative, it’s easy to step into the shoes of the protagonist, feeling the raw emotions of yearning for a lost love or dealing with a heart-wrenching betrayal. The writing is so vivid and immersive that it effortlessly guides us through the complex lives of these characters, who are constantly navigating the twists and turns of their personal journeys.

Hi Sonia, could you share your personal thoughts on the sensitive topic of Pippa’s sexual assault this season, given its weighty nature and the unfortunate prevalence of similar experiences among women?

Paraphrased It’s undeniably nerve-wracking to handle this story carefully and effectively because it’s substantial and significant. I felt a great sense of responsibility towards her wellbeing. I was trying to portray it authentically, as her situation isn’t immediately apparent, and there’s a certain delicacy to it. Consequently, I had to consider details like hairstyles, makeup, clothing, and how these elements might reflect her emotional state. For instance, does she attempt to conceal her distress through excessive makeup or does her room become messier, hinting at her inner turmoil? Despite maintaining a cheerful facade, such as inviting friends for a party, there are signs that suggest she’s struggling beneath the surface.

‘Tell Me Lies’ Co-Stars Unpack Their Surprising Romance and Give a Warning About Season 2

Why do you suppose Diana continued to reach out to Pippa after discovering her in a delicate state, despite not being particularly close friends?

CROWDER I believe Diana doubts if Pippa is fully aware of the gravity of the situation because when they find her, she appears disoriented. This uncertainty leads Diana to wonder, “Is she aware of what transpired?” It seems to me that Diana might be overly focused on this aspect, and it’s also possible that she was terrified by the situation and is attempting to cope by looking after Pippa, as she struggles to comprehend it herself. There is also a strong instinct in Diana to care for Pippa, which she doesn’t quite understand where it originated. I don’t believe this type of friendship is something Diana has experienced before, but it’s a deep-seated desire to nurture her. She’s trying to discern the source of this feeling.

Given that viewers have seen a hint of romance blooming between Diana and Pippa in the first episode’s flash-forward, what has their relationship been like now that they’ve been working more closely this season?

As a gamer, immersing myself into this captivating world has been an absolute blast! Alicia’s acting prowess made every scene a joy to be part of. We were tasked with filling in as many details as possible, given that we only get to show the tiniest glimpses of their lives. The challenge was to make it as rich and unpredictable as possible – I can hardly wait for the audience to see it!

CROWDER The scene we filmed at the end of episode one was among the first shots for the season. Upon arrival, both of us just said, “Alright, let’s do this!” I felt instantly comfortable and relaxed. This mirrors the dynamic between these women in their relationship. They don’t feel the need to maintain any pretenses; if they’re having a tough day, they’ll admit it. Their ability to meet each other at their current state is a beautiful and distinctive aspect of this series.

‘Tell Me Lies’ Co-Stars Unpack Their Surprising Romance and Give a Warning About Season 2

This season, it seems that Diana is deeply entangled with Stephen [White] and his troubles. What could be the reason behind her persistent justifications for him?

As a dedicated gamer, I’m convinced she deeply adores him – he’s the one for her. They share a rich history, having been together for quite some time now. I sense she firmly believes in his potential, even though she might not realize how he sometimes misuses it, which eventually becomes clear. He’s a project, a fixer-upper, if you will. She seems to think she can change him, mold him into something better, and that fascinates her. He hails from a world unlike hers, and I believe Diana finds that intriguing and captivating as well. Growing up, she probably didn’t know anyone like Stephen, so his unique background piques her curiosity.

In episode four, it seems Diana might be accepting the truth about Stephen’s role in Macy’s car accident from what Lucy shared. This suspicion deepens after discovering photographs related to the incident on his computer. I’m curious about her thoughts at that moment and why she ultimately decided to remove those photos.

CROWDER It seems to me that if Diana hadn’t discovered those photos, she would have stayed with him no matter what. What likely pushed her to end the relationship was something significant and undeniable. I believe this scenario is quite relatable because many people don’t leave harmful relationships until something truly terrible happens. Deleting the pictures suggests that she is genuinely frightened of him; she is afraid, in a deeply selfish manner, of how this situation might impact her personally. When confronted with this predicament, she panics out of self-preservation.

‘Tell Me Lies’ Co-Stars Unpack Their Surprising Romance and Give a Warning About Season 2

Pippa has noticed significant character development from the first to the second season. So, Sonia, how did you find yourself adapting to these changes?

MENA The character’s journey of self-discovery throughout the series might not be a conscious decision like, “I won’t pretend to be someone else because I no longer believe in it,” but rather an outcome of sheer fatigue from all her experiences. She simply doesn’t have the energy for anything else. When you go through something massive, minor issues can seem insignificant, and that’s what she seems to be experiencing – a fresh perspective, questioning everyone else’s actions and thinking, “What on earth is going on?

Conversely, it seems as though Diana’s composure from the first season is fading a bit this season. Alicia, did your preparation process differ at all for this season?

CROWDER Essentially, it’s about grasping the context, her background, and her reasons behind the actions she takes. I believe she’s been pushed into tough situations this season, forcing quick decisions like deleting photos. This portrays a more authentic side of Diana, as she can sometimes appear glamorous and almost robotic, but she has flaws, concerns, insecurities, and doesn’t always make the best choices. The most evident demonstration of this is her regrettable decision to associate with a man who has since proven to be quite harmful.

Can you both tease what you’re most excited for viewers to see in the second half of the season?

In the MENA series, the tension keeps building higher and higher, and some of the character’s actions can seem quite unexpected. However, when you delve deeper, you can appreciate the thought process behind those choices, even if they appear strange or irrational to an outside observer. For the characters involved or for those who are close to them, these actions may make more sense, especially when driven by love, albeit in a twisted way. It should be intriguing to explore this journey with us as readers.

CROWDER I’d suggest that you shouldn’t blindly trust everything you hear halfway through the game. People are still deep in a complex deception and falsehoods, so stay alert. Pay close attention to what’s happening and what people are saying, as well as how they’re expressing themselves.


At the moment, the initial four episodes of “Tell Me Lies” season 2 are available for streaming on Hulu. Fresh episodes will be released every Wednesday. To learn more about the actors Grace Van Patten and showrunner Meaghan Oppenheimer, who hints at a significant event in season 2, you can check out THR’s interviews with them right here.

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2024-09-19 00:58