The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

As a longtime fan of Outer Banks, I must say that Season 3 has been a rollercoaster of emotions. From the heart-wrenching scenes like Formringing to the action-packed moments where JJ’s wild ideas come into play, this show never fails to keep us on our toes.

As a devoted fan, I can confidently say that “Outer Banks” was the escape the globe craved when it debuted in April 2020. This series revolves around John B. and his gang – JJ, Pope, and Kiara (or Kie) – as they grapple with a captivating mystery involving gold and the disappearance of John B.’s father. The enigma they’re trying to unravel is undoubtedly intriguing, but what truly kept “Outer Banks” among Netflix’s most-watched shows is its compelling characters. From the newest member of their crew, Sarah Cameron, and her enigmatic family, to a plethora of crime lords, there’s no dearth of fascinating personalities.

Character JJ Maybank, portrayed by Rudy Pankow, swiftly gained popularity among viewers due to his unpredictable behavior. He’s known for leading his friends, the Pogues, into trouble just as frequently as he rescues them from it. Although his choices aren’t always wise, they are typically driven by good intentions. Throughout three (soon to be four) seasons, JJ has delivered a multitude of puzzling, amusing, and memorable lines.

As we eagerly count down the days until Netflix releases season 4 of Outer Banks, let’s enjoy some of JJ’s most memorable quotes instead.

10 “Be so careful John B. Give me some of that John D already.”

Season 1, Episode 1 – “Pilot”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

Pilot episodes carry a significant load of work. They need to establish the setting, present the primary conflict, suggest any key challenges or adversaries, and introduce the main characters. The series Outer Banks certainly delivered on all these points. John B’s companion, JJ, is presented as deeply rooted in the local community, but that barely scratches the surface of this unpredictable member of the Pogues. As Kie warned John B to “watch out” before they broke into a hotel room, it was evident that JJ was already paying attention.

A Joke Hiding Much More?

He began teasing John B about what he perceived as obvious flirting between him and Kiara. The line “Be so careful John B. Give me some of that John D already,” would’ve been hilarious on its own but was made even more funny due to the high-pitched voice JJ put on to deliver it.

Over time, many viewers find themselves viewing this specific scene through a new lens. Was JJ simply joking or was there an undercurrent of jealousy hidden within the joke? It’s hard to say for certain, but this line of JJ’s is undeniably memorable.

9 “Everybody listen up. Get the hell off our side of the island.”

Season 1, Episode 1 – “Pilot”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

In the series Outer Banks, there are numerous intimidating antagonists. These adults don’t hesitate to follow, harass, or even try to kill the teenagers. However, one of the most engaging conflicts in the show is the tension between the group known as the Pogues and another wealthy group, The Kooks. Specifically, the rivalry between Topper and Rafe stands out.

Once more, the initial episode of the show packed a punch for viewers. The Kooks were hosting a beach party when a dispute ensued between Topper and John B. A multitude of mishaps could have occurred. They had been consuming alcohol, it was late, and they were by the sea.

Way to Draw Attention to Yourselves

1. In a surprising turn of events, Topper overpowered John B and began forcing his head underwater. Just then, JJ leaped into action, brandishing a gun he’d discovered earlier and aiming it at Topper’s head. The situation escalated dramatically when JJ shouted, “Everyone pay attention! Clear out from our side of the island!” followed by two loud gunshots.

Was it a tad overdramatic? Absolutely. Placing a metaphorical bullseye on them? Definitely. However, did the situation become thrilling due to JJ’s actions and dialogue? This was only the beginning.

8 “I busted the wrong guy out of jail. Sue me!”

Season 2, Episode 5 – “The Darkest Hour”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

By halfway through season 2, John B and the rest of the Pogues (now including Sarah Cameron) find themselves grappling with their deepest despair. John B is incarcerated, waiting for his sentence, while genuine wrongdoers roam freely. JJ becomes increasingly frustrated by this obvious injustice.

However, it’s worth noting that despite his familiarity, his responses to challenges aren’t always logical. In the present predicament, he chose an unconventional approach – disguising himself as an EMT, commandeering their ambulance, and orchestrating a daring escape for John B from a heavily guarded location.

Stupid Decisions

Indeed, his plan didn’t succeed, and in the end, he required rescue by Kie and Pope. Kie didn’t hesitate to scold JJ for his repeated poor choices. He exclaimed, “I released the wrong person from jail! If you sue me, I’ll be happy to pay!” This remark led to an equally amusing reaction from Kie, as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

In this scene, we gained a deeper understanding of JJ’s mental state. He went on to express that he was destined for jail regardless, so he had no reason to hold back. While JJ’s background and self-perception haven’t been heavily emphasized in the show, the rare moments when we catch a glimpse into it only serve to make us empathize with him more.

7 “What’s rule number 1? Thinking never helps when you already have the idea.”

Season 3, Episode 2 – “The Bells”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

The next JJ gem comes from season 3. The Pogues now have another member in Cleo and are trying to rescue Kie from a dangerous man Carlos Singh. This guy is potentially the most brutal of all the villains going after him and at the start of season 3, he’s captured both Kiara and Rafe. The Pogues are trying to brainstorm the best way to infiltrate Singh’s property that’s protected by armed guards.

Being Smart is a Dumb Idea, Apparently

JJ forgot to mention he has a phone that he snatched from one of Singh’s contacts. While Pope, the reasonable one, wants to strategize before sending a message off. JJ, however, argues for shooting off a quick message threatening Singh’s life in exchange for Kiara.

As a film enthusiast, I find myself nodding in agreement with JJ when he shares his thoughts: “What’s rule number 1? Thinking never helps when you already have the idea.” However, when it comes to matters as serious as murder, I can’t help but think that a moment of deliberation might not be such a bad idea after all.

6 “I steal s**t. That’s my job.”

Season 3, Episode 2 – “The Bells”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

Continuing the same conversation, JJ made another hilarious remark. When his companions were astonished that he had picked up one of Singh’s men’s phones, he nonchalantly commented, “I take things. That’s what I do.” This was quite an understatement, and viewers couldn’t help but acknowledge that this bold action was typical of JJ. Since the first season, it has become clear that nothing is safe when JJ is around. Whether it’s a gun at a crime scene or money from Kie’s wallet, everything seems to disappear in his presence.

A Thief Audiences Love

Similar to many of JJ’s memorable lines, it’s not just the words he uses, but the way he delivers them. JJ seems self-assured as he admits his thieving past, yet quickly shifts gears to concentrate on the mission: saving Kie. The third season marked significant changes in the Jiara romance, and JJ leading her rescue is an example of this shift.

5 “They’re not gonna think some dude in flip flops is part of a robbery.”

Season 3, Episode 5 – “Heists”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

Following incidents where they attempted to harm John B, stood by while Rafe attacked Pope, and consistently exchanged sarcastic remarks with each other, it’s no surprise that JJ and Topper have had a strained connection. In any scene they share, viewers can anticipate a witty remark from one or both of them. JJ wishes he could avoid Topper altogether, but the Pogues required his help (specifically, his truck) in season 3 to attempt reclaiming the cross from Rafe.

Not the Time, Topper

It’s plausible to think that among all characters in the series, Topper seems the truest-to-life teen, given his hesitation to immerse fully in the risky realm of thefts and criminal activities. However, Sarah managed to persuade him to participate.

Following an exhilarating pursuit that resulted in JJ inexplicably soaring over a bridge and landing safely among the trees, it became apparent to the group that they had been deceived. Trying to console Pope who believed they were on the verge of recovering the cross, JJ intervened, reassuring him, “They won’t suspect a man in flip flops is involved in a robbery.” Meanwhile, Topper voiced his anxiety about being apprehended and incarcerated.

4 “Down came Mrs. Crain and cut off all our heads. Up came the sun and dried up all the blood.”

Season 1, Episode 6 – “Parcel 9”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

Alongside burglarizing and causing chaos on the streets of Outer Banks, JJ can also include singing among his skills. In the first season, the Pogues were pursuing another clue in their quest to discover hidden gold. Their latest search led them to the residence of old Mrs. Crain. This elderly lady is said to have a rather chilling history attached to her. Rumors say she killed her husband with an axe and now lives as a recluse. Definitely not the type of individual one would wish to secretly explore the basement of.

No Time for Lullabies

However, the proof pointing towards gold being hidden in her basement was too compelling to ignore. The atmosphere was tense as everyone stealthily entered Mrs. Crain’s house for the first time. To break the tension, JJ started singing an adapted version of “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” He was quickly told to stop, but that’s just one of the reasons why JJ is adored. In even the most nerve-wracking and frightening situations, he always manages to add a touch of humor.

3 “I got a jet going straight in my butt right now.”

Season 1, Episode 7 – “Dead Calm”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

In an unexpected turn of events, I, the self-proclaimed king of wit, outdid myself by pocketing $25k from a menacing drug dealer and splurging it all on a luxurious hot tub, which I affectionately dubbed “the cat’s a**.” Under the influence, I let loose with some humorous one-liners that had my friends Pope and Kiara in stitches. Lines like, “I’ve got a jet shooting straight up my backside,” and “Enough of this emotional nonsense, climb into the cat’s a**” certainly raised a few eyebrows.

JJ Finally Gets Vulnerable

In that pivotal moment, I found myself standing tall, exposing the telltale marks on my body, evidence of my father’s cruel hands. The silent yet profound looks exchanged between Pope and Kie spoke volumes without uttering a single word.

Afterward unfolded an emotionally intense sequence, encompassing both tragic and uplifting moments, during the season. Pope, Kie, and JJ subsequently entered the water, where JJ wept. It seemed many spectators deduced that much of JJ’s tough exterior was a product of his difficult upbringing, and this scenario confirmed their suspicions. Although viewers were saddened by JJ’s struggles, it also provided an opportunity for a deeper bond with him.

2 “If we have to make a getaway, we’ll just hop on some horses, guns a-blazin’.”

Season 3, Episode 2 – “The Bells”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

When Singh discovered that, due to JJ forgetting to switch off location tracking on his phone, he could trace the Pogues’ whereabouts, it dawned on him that he had landed in a tricky situation. By now, viewers of Outer Banks would be able to anticipate how the principal characters might respond to such a predicament. Pope, perhaps, would initially panic before devising a strategic response. Cleo, on the other hand, might already have a contingency plan ready to execute. John B. and Sarah might feel remorseful for their slip-up, but quickly revert to their quick wit and intuition to navigate through it.

JJ is an Action Movie Star

JJ doesn’t always do well at accepting fault. That’s a waste of time for him. Instead, he will spit out the wildest of solutions and perhaps think about if it makes sense later. When the Pogues ask him what his plan is if they get caught, he replies, “If we have to make a getaway, we’ll just hop on some horses, guns a-blazin’.” Most characters in the show have learned that wielding a gun around doesn’t in fact solve their issues. But JJ resorts to pretending he’s in an action film time and again.

1 “I love you, too.”

Season 3, Episode 9 – “Welcome to Kitty Hawk”

The 10 Best JJ Quotes on Outer Banks

Without a doubt, among all lines here, it’s the one that fans have eagerly anticipated hearing about. The journey of JJ and Kiara’s relationship has been quite tumultuous. In the first episode, John B. hinted that all the guys had a fondness for Ki. JJ occasionally flirted with Kiara subtly, but it wasn’t the main focus. When Pope and Kie began their relationship, signs of JJ’s disapproval emerged. Towards the end of season two, the writers started hinting at a potential romance between JJ and Kiara.

The Moment OBX Fans Have Waited For

Ki is more forthright about expressing her emotions. She directly told JJ, “I love you, man,” to which he replied, “Thanks.” Emotional intimacy isn’t something JJ excels at. Given his past, it’s reasonable why he struggles with opening up, but that didn’t make the situation any less exasperating.

In the third season’s ninth episode, it was finally revealed that JJ acknowledged his feelings for Kie. After intruding upon a rehabilitation camp where Kie was staying, JJ made up for an earlier disagreement. And when Kiara confessed her love, JJ responded with “I love you too.”

In October 10, 2024, the initial segment of “Outer Banks” season 4 will be available on Netflix, and the subsequent part is set to debut on November 7.

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2024-09-01 02:02