The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide – 7 tips to run your kingdom

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

As a seasoned adventurer and castle-builder extraordinaire, let me share my insights gleaned from countless hours spent in the realm of The Elder Scrolls: Castles.

As someone who absolutely loves management games, I was a little sceptical when it came to Elder Scrolls: Castles, because I didn’t know if I could expect the same amazing gameplay Fallout Shelter delivered. But to my surprise, it exceeded my expectations. 

I’ll share some handy Elder Scrolls: Castles hints to help you embark on an exciting adventure, and eventually establish a lasting legacy. This guide provides insights into growing your populace, expediting resource collection, as well as covering all other essential knowledge required for expanding your castle and dominion.

As a gamer, I must admit that Elder Scrolls: Castles offers a unique twist from the usual Elder Scrolls experience. Instead of diving headfirst into intense battles, this game invites me to immerse myself in the strategic side of things – the castle-building and management aspect. It’s a refreshing change of pace, providing an opportunity to unwind while still exploring the captivating world of Elder Scrolls. In Castles, I get to make crucial decisions about who joins my kingdom, assign roles, and shape the destiny of my realm. It’s like being the king or queen of my very own ES universe!

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

First and foremost: P2W mechanics – yay or nay?

I like to start most of my guides with this topic, since many potential players might be wondering if the game is P2W or if it can be fully enjoyable for a F2P player. The best tip I could give you is this: pay if you want, but don’t think that you need to do it in order to keep up with the rest.

In Elder Scrolls: Castles, there’s an abundance of In-App Purchases (IAPs) similar to those found in other free games available online. To make significant progress, it’s beneficial to complete your daily tasks consistently. If you’re committed to investing time into ESC, aim for a daily play session of at least 30 minutes each day.

So, to those of you wondering if you can get past a paywall or if there even is one, I can tell you one thing. You don’t have to worry about that aspect unless you want something specific. There are plenty of ways to get a higher rarity of citizens and boxes, and I’ve even covered these on one of the following pages.

That being said, let’s dive into the guide with my 7 tips for Elder Scrolls: Castles!

1 Tip #1 – Assign the right people

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

Effectively overseeing the castle is indeed a crucial element of this game. Isn’t it quite straightforward?

A detail that might not become apparent until a later point (as it did with me, regrettably) is that every citizen you possess exhibits a unique characteristic. Some can be leaders, others can be sophisticated, while some may even be troubled (a rather unusual trait, indeed). These characteristics prove beneficial when assigning citizens to certain tasks and can provide rewards.

All traits in Elder Scrolls Castles and what they give

Here is a list of all the traits, and where you can assign the citizens for the best results:

  • Bossy – Makes everyone more productive, and reduces happiness. Difficult as ruler.
  • Charming – Distracts coworkers, but good for ruling. Skilled with Summoning spells.
  • Considerate – Best at the Kitchen and Loom.
  • Devious – Skilled with Daggers, makes for unhappy ruling, but is harder to assassinate.
  • EmotionalGood for ruling when making the right decisions, but has a bigger impact when making bad decisions too.
  • Enduring – Lives longer, makes for great Ruler.
  • Envious – Hates it when coworkers are more productive than them, but increases material gains when ruling. It’s not bad, but not ideal.
  • Haunted – Is chased by a ghost who sometimes does their work. Good at working in general, I guess.
  • Headstrong – Best at the Furnace and Workshop. Adept at using Shields.
  • Heartless – Skilled with Frost. Not a great ruler, since it prohibits subjects from being happy.
  • Jester – Makes rulings more joyful.
  • LeaderIdeal rulers.
  • MelodramaticDrama queens, makes for some fun gameplay, but not good rulers.
  • Mighty – Use at the Oil Press and Smithy.
  • Perceptive – Best at Mill and Sewing Table.
  • Pyromaniac – Best in the Kitchen, Furnace and Smithy. Can cause small fires, but that’s okay.
  • Reckless – Good fighters or workers, but can cost them their health.
  • Sophisticated – Less productive, makes people happy, likes art. Could be good at Music Stage.
  • Tribal – Works and fights better next to family members.
  • Volatile – Skilled with Shock, but makes for not-so-happy rulings.

Strive to match individuals with their fitting qualities, and continually observe your leader’s attributes. If your subjects seem discontented, it’s likely due to strict rule, and action must be taken to address this issue.

2 Tip #2 – Focus on the quests and give good decrees

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

In Elder Scrolls: Castles, quests are your fastest route to increasing your level rapidly. If you’re eager to reach level 13 promptly (so you can get a bed), it would be wise to tackle as many quests as possible during the early stages of your adventure.

Completing the tasks at hand is quite manageable, and you’ll discover that the payoffs are also satisfactory. Remember to finish all daily tasks, as accomplishing five per day will net you an extra 100 XP.

When you make your Ruler’s decrees, this can affect your entire population and resources. Be very careful with your choices, because you could end up one bad decision away from assassination. Been there, done that. Don’t recommend.

Consider your alternatives carefully. If you find yourself unable to make a favorable decision, opt for the one preferred by the majority. I think that in most cases, it’s wiser to prioritize the satisfaction of the common folk over the nobility or elite. Similarly, when choosing between different species like Nords, Bretons, Orcs, High Elves and so on, select the option with the least impact on people if a poor choice is inevitable.

3 Tip #3 – Don’t be a tyrant, maybe?

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

Allow me to reiterate a point I made earlier: Exercise extreme caution when making choices, as these decisions might have grave consequences – specifically, the potential loss of not only yours but also your Ruler’s life. If you fail to keep your followers content, they will harbor resentment, and once their satisfaction level hits rock bottom, they may attempt to take your life in retaliation.

In this context, the Ruler trait is significantly important. Over time, I’ve learned that an authoritative leader who insists on all work with no relaxation is generally not the optimal choice.

In the process of making decrees, there may be instances where several alternatives won’t always be ideal. Strive to keep your followers content (and maintain their contentment), but also remember to prioritize the well-being of your kingdom. If a decision must be made that sacrifices someone’s joy or resources for the sake of providing for your people, then by all means, do so – it is a worthwhile trade-off.

4 Tip #4 – How to increase your population

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

At some point during your Elder Scrolls: Castles adventure, you may notice that your town’s population has dwindled too much. Perhaps you need a formidable warrior, or maybe another cook for your kitchen. Luckily, there are methods available to boost your populace and even try to recruit individuals with specific skills.

Build a Bed

Once you reach level 13, you will unlock the Bed. When placed in a room, you will then be able to drag and drop two people there, and if they get along nicely (or rather, when), you will be rewarded with a new member in your Kingdom!

It’s advisable to place two of your rarest individuals at that location. This action could lead to a young one acquiring some characteristics from them, and maybe even maintaining the rarity itself. For example, I put down a Yellow and a Purple there, and it hatched into a stunning Purple egg (or in simpler terms, an Argonian child – yes, they start life as mobile eggs!).

Increase your level

When you increase your level, new people might also show up at your castle’s door. The easiest way to get a bigger population is to make more, but when you cannot, you can simply opt to welcome anyone and everyone who appears. They might not always be the best, more often than not they’re a Green rarity, but it’s better than nothing.

You can purchase in the Shop

In the Shop you will be able to purchase some subjects too. This is not always the easiest option for F2P players, but it can be done using Gems too, not just real money. It could be something to consider when spending your Gems later on in the game, but more about that on the next page.

5 Tip #5 – Save your Gems for something useful (especially as F2P)

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

In Elder Scrolls: Castles, the valuable resource is called Gems. My advice is to start saving these as early as possible. It’s best not to spend the Gems until you’ve accumulated at least 500 of them. This way, you’ll have time to consider what your kingdom requires most.

As a gamer, I’ve learned that it’s unwise to use Gems to constantly refill my resources. In the long run, that’s just not sustainable. Instead, I save my Gems for special items like Speed Potions, Arcane Hourglasses, or Growth Elixirs. However, these items can be quite costly, so unless it’s crucial, I usually avoid spending them.

You can acquire an “Enthusiastic Supporter” with 500 Gems, which is a remarkable entity that will automatically gather the outputs from your production facilities. This is an excellent choice if you consistently earn over 500 Gems each month; otherwise, consider checking out the “Powerful Brawler Pack” in the shop, which includes:

  • 3 Scrolls of Revival
  • Rare Fighter (trait: Mighty)
  • Steel Mail Armor (Rare)
  • Legendary Subject: J’zargo (traits: Enduring, Considerate, Perceptive, Pyromaniac, Reckless)
  • Steel Sword (Rare)
  • 10 Potions of Healing
  • 3 Legendary Packs

I find this set appealing as J’zargo, its legendary figure, exhibits versatility and has the potential to generate rare offspring in the future.

6 Tip #6 – Upgrading the facilities is important, but don’t run out of resources

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

Each individual unit, such as the Kitchen, Oil Press, Loom, Mill, and so on, becomes eligible for an upgrade when you reach a specific level. With each successful upgrade, you’ll receive increased resource allocation.

To ensure a smooth progression, it’s advisable to familiarize yourself with each upgrade’s prerequisites ahead of time and accumulate them prior to leveling up. It is particularly important to prioritize the immediate upgrades for the Kitchen and Oil Press to prevent any potential resource shortages. This could lead to dissatisfaction among your subjects.

7 Tip #7 – Managing resources, subjects and other tips

The Elder Scrolls: Castles guide - 7 tips to run your kingdom

These suggestions could prove handy as you navigate through your gaming experience. I aimed for brevity to make it simple and straightforward!

  • Don’t run out of resources! Food and Oil are essential to keeping the lights on (literally) and people healthy, and once you have a constant stream of Oil and Food, you will manage everything else effortlessly.
  • Complete as many Orders (top left corner) as you can daily, but without running out of resources. The Orders are great for making Gold, which you can then use to bribe people or pay to boost their happiness when giving decrees.
  • Craft outfits and tools and then upgrade them (craft multiple duplicates and merge them), then equip them on the right subjects (for instance, give Chef’s Uniform and Iron Spoon to your kitchen workers and Laborer’s Shirt + Iron Chisel to your Mill workers).
  • Fun fact: you cannot place two related subjects in the Bed. They will have a hilarious interaction and it will be a very awkward vibe between them, so it’s worth doing it once, but it won’t work for “reproductive” purposes.
  • After building the War Table, you can adventure into “battle stages” where you can use your subjects with fighting traits and gather various resources and packs.
  • You should try keeping all of your subjects happy regardless of race or status, because you want to avoid someone assassinating you in your sleep – or on your throne, rather.
  • Decorate the castle nicely and try placing as many decor items (the ones that grant additional effects, not the ones that produce stuff) as possible, including duplicates, since they all count.

Here are all the strategies we’ve assembled for The Elder Scrolls: Castles. For those seeking something comparable, peruse our collection of Android games that resemble Skyrim.

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2024-10-02 13:19