The One Thing SWAT Needs To Do To Make Season 8 Great

The One Thing SWAT Needs To Do To Make Season 8 Great

As a gamer who’s spent countless hours navigating virtual squads through treacherous territories and high-stakes missions, I can confidently say that “S.W.A.T.” has been an exhilarating rollercoaster ride of action, drama, and camaraderie. The show’s ability to dodge cancellation’s bullet multiple times is a testament to its grit and the unwavering support from its dedicated fanbase.

The TV series “S.W.A.T.” has successfully held onto its success despite facing potential cancellation multiple times. Many believed the show would end two seasons ago, but strong viewership ratings and the consistent energy of lead actor Shemar Moore kept it alive even in the face of two near-cancellations. Most recently, the drama secured a Season 8 renewal due to sheer perseverance and an unwavering fanbase that refuses to let go of the show.

In the seventh season, I found myself navigating some major shifts reminiscent of a series finale. Members of our team were promoted, and Hondo (Moore) returned permanently to 20-Squad. To add to that, his father (Obba Babatundé) finally recognized the value in Hondo’s line of work following an exhilarating rescue that thwarted a terrorist threat in Los Angeles. Deacon Kay (Jay Harrington) worked things out with his wife and decided to come back from retirement, while Victor Tan (David Lim) stepped up to support Deacon on the job and found love after going through a tough divorce.

As a devoted fan, I find myself pondering where “S.W.A.T.” might head next after such an intense finale. To keep the momentum going and attract even more viewers, I believe the eighth season should focus on reinforcing what makes this show great – its solid foundations and beloved characters. Without undoing the progress made in Season 7, there’s plenty of room to expand and delve deeper into their stories.

Keep the squad together – and don’t undo anyone’s advancements

The One Thing SWAT Needs To Do To Make Season 8 Great

The primary secret behind “S.W.A.T.” continuing its previous victories lies in remaining faithful to its familiar ground and adhering to the road that turned 20-Squad into a blockbuster for action enthusiasts nationwide. This means preserving the team as a harmonious entity, rather than a disjointed group of individuals clashing and fighting among themselves. If they fail to function as a team, then it would essentially become “The Hondo Show,” and Moore has always ensured that the series focuses on the entire 20-Squad, not just him.

It’s important to note that just because the team members may have varying emotions or viewpoints, it doesn’t mean they should constantly argue among themselves. In fact, some of the most captivating “S.W.A.T.” episodes arise from their differing viewpoints on a single incident. However, viewers don’t want to see them squabbling amongst themselves when there are bigger battles happening outside their line of sight. Instead, they should present a united force against the world’s wickedness. Therefore, Season 8 should aim to limit internal conflicts and focus on portraying the group as a whole in the fight scenes.

A codicil to that unity should be the continued forward motion of the show’s character development and growth. For instance, Victor Tan finally gets to step up and become a big part of the team and even find true love before Season 7 ends. That’s such an important advancement for his character. Imagine how it would feel to have all of that progress be undone. That’s something no one wants to see, and definitely something that would wreck the show. Fans will find out what’s going to stick and what’s about to come unglued when “S.W.A.T.” Season 8 debuts on October 18.

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2024-09-17 20:59