As a die-hard fan of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” I can confidently say that the characters who grace our screens are as diverse as they come, each with their unique set of abilities and powers that make them stand out from the crowd. However, if we’re talking about sheer power and influence, there’s one character who stands head and shoulders above the rest: D’Hoffryn, the lord of vengeance demons.
Back in the ’90s, I was hooked on a TV show like no other – “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” With Joss Whedon crafting dialogues that could make you laugh one moment and send shivers down your spine the next, it was a phenomenon that left an indelible mark on television. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s portrayal of Buffy was nothing short of iconic, and the show itself, well, it was simply in a league of its own.
Among the numerous monsters and vampires that Buffy encounters, not all demons possess the same level of danger. Some pose minimal threats, while others have the potential to annihilate the world with a mere thought. Given the multitude of supernatural entities, each with varying degrees of power, it can be challenging to distinguish between those who pose a significant threat and those who do not. This article focuses on ranking Buffy’s secondary characters, who, despite not being main cast members or Big Bads, exhibit remarkable strength.
To set the record straight, we’re omitting key characters such as Tara (Amber Benson) and Faith (Eliza Dushku), who might be considered central figures. Similarly, we’ve decided not to include primary antagonists because doing so could make our list overwhelmingly focused on them. Our discussion here is confined to the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” TV series specifically, excluding characters from the broader Buffyverse like comic book exclusives Twilight or the cast of “Angel”. Now that we’ve clarified, let’s dive into our exploration.
10. Harmony Kendall
Vampires typically possess extraordinary powers such as enhanced strength and eternal life, but not every bloodsucker is intimidating, like young vampire Harmony Kendall (played by Mercedes McNab). Despite making regular appearances in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” early on, it’s only during Season 3’s “Graduation Day, Part 2” that she becomes an official member of the supernatural world. In a shocking turn of events at Sunnydale High’s graduation (a moment that made viewers pause), Harmony is bitten by a vampire, which turns her into a demon while preserving her clueless demeanor.
In contrast to several other vampires in “Buffy”, Harmony prefers to maintain a regular life rather than confront the Slayer directly. For a while, she dates Spike (James Marsters), and later, she establishes her own gang of vampires in one of her final appearances on the show; however, this doesn’t last long. It’s almost astonishing that Harmony manages to survive her tenure on “Buffy”, given her failed attempts to eliminate both Spike and the Slayer. Being a vampire isn’t instinctive for Harmony, and it seems like she was lucky to make it through the series at all.
In due course, Harmony transitions from Sunnydale to Los Angeles, joining the team in the show “Angel”. By the finale of that series, she works as David Boreanaz’s secretary on the show, but predictably, she turns against him. Given her limited cunning compared to other vampires, Harmony is more of a dim-witted character than a formidable one, and she persists in embodying the “dumb blonde” stereotype throughout the series.
9. Ethan Rayne
During Buffy’s initial seasons, Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs) made an appearance in just four episodes. He was a man with a shrouded past, once a friend of Rupert Giles (Anthony Stewart Head). They shared a youth filled with unconventional occult activities. However, their playful pursuits took a dark turn when they accidentally summoned a demon during an exorcism, which led to the tragic death of their companion. Unlike Giles, who learned from this harrowing experience and chose to join the Watchers Council to combat evil, Ethan chose a different path – he dedicated his life to the study of chaos magic, eventually transforming into a warlock.
In the series “Buffy”, it was always said that nothing extraordinary occurred on Halloween, but this statement was quickly debunked as early as the second season when we were introduced to Ethan. A proficient magician, Ethan is known for his affinity towards chaos, a fact confirmed by Giles in Season 4’s “A New Man.” With a deep understanding of both demons and curses, Ethan possesses a formidable power that allows him to transform one object into another entirely different one through magic. Furthermore, due to the Mark of Eyghon tattoo he acquired during his youth, Ethan has the ability to psychically connect with various demons.
It seems Ethan Rayne is ranked quite low on this list. This is primarily due to his poor fighting skills. In his debut in Season 2 (“Halloween”), Giles manages to overpower him with minimal effort, and considering Buffy’s Watcher isn’t particularly powerful, this makes Ethan stand out as being weak. Subsequent episodes didn’t improve his image either.
8. Halfrek
Halfrek, played by Kali Rocha, was one of Anya’s (Emma Caulfield) closest demon friends in the series. Although she appeared only in a few episodes towards the end, Halfrek is extremely powerful, like most vengeance demons. She has supernatural toughness that protects her from physical harm, but what truly makes her formidable is her empathic powers. She could feel Dawn’s (Michelle Trachtenberg) pain throughout Sunnydale, leading to her being summoned to help. Disguising herself as a guidance counselor, she granted Dawn’s wish.
In the Buffyverse, vengeance demons stand out due to their unique power to grant wishes that would normally be impossible. For instance, Anya used this ability in Season 3’s “The Wish.” Similarly, Halfrek possesses similar powers, including altering reality as Anya did, as well as abilities such as teleportation, manipulation of objects with her mind (telekinesis), shape-shifting between human and demon forms, and extraordinary physical strength.
Regrettably, Halfrek isn’t built to last, and her tale doesn’t have a happy ending. Once Anya reverts back into a vengeance demon in Season 7, she grapples with causing pain on others following her long stint as a human. Desiring to rectify the lives she’s taken, she strikes a deal with her superior D’Hoffryn (played by Andy Umberger). Ultimately, Halfrek meets a gruesome end by being consumed in flames – a truly dreadful fate.
7. Caleb
Without a doubt, Nathan Fillion’s character, Caleb, is one of the most terrifying secondary antagonists throughout the entire series of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” In the 7th and concluding season, Caleb proves to be a formidable adversary. As an apprentice of the intangible First Evil, he possesses powers similar to a Slayer, including immense strength, lightning-quick reflexes, extraordinary stamina, and a horde of Turok-Hans – some of the most fearsome vampires the series has ever depicted. What makes Caleb even more chilling is his unwavering conviction in his mission, which he approaches with a fanatical religious zeal, never wavering from his self-proclaimed “righteous” path.
As the one who wasn’t just about beating up Buffy or sneaking up to let her know I was always nearby, but also for snatching Xander’s eyeball right out of its socket in my debut on “Dirty Girls,” I can confidently say that I left a significant impact on this show. Despite not being the strongest character here, my role on the series is hard to forget, especially considering I was portraying Malcolm Reynolds on “Firefly” around the same time.
In the final episode titled “Chosen,” Caleb meets his demise when Buffy ends his life using her newly acquired Slayer scythe. Despite overcoming numerous seemingly lethal injuries before, this time around, it’s Buffy who delivers the fatal blow, cleaving him in two. Though he possesses great strength, without the power of the First Evil, he remains just an ordinary man.
6. Drusilla
Among all the captivating characters from “Buffy,” Drusilla (Juliet Landau), stands out as exceptional. She isn’t just a vampire, but possesses unique abilities that set her apart. While she retains the typical vampire traits like supernatural strength, speed, and rapid healing, she also develops the skill of hypnosis, an ability even her maker, Angel, struggled to control. This power allows her to deceive Giles into believing she’s the deceased Jenny Calendar (Robia LaMorte) and halt Slayer Kendra Young (Bianca Lawson) in her tracks, ultimately leading to Kendra’s death in the two-part Season 2 finale, “Becoming.
Besides having hypnotic skills, Drusilla also possesses additional talents that might stem from her past as a human, such as foresight, divination, and the ability to sense supernatural forces. However, what truly sets Drusilla apart on this list (beyond her remarkable powers) is her unstable mind, which makes her extremely dangerous. Angel’s malevolent side, Angelus, caused the mental instability in young human Drusilla before transforming her, thereby locking her in an eternal state of chaos. Due to her insanity, Drusilla is a formidable adversary, one who cannot be negotiated or reasoned with.
Well, let me tell ya, she’s indeed a vampire, and like all vamps, she ain’t immune to the usual weaknesses. So, if a Slayer gets within striking distance, they could drive a stake through her heart or, in an ideal scenario, catch her out during daylight and burn her with sunlight – though I should mention that no one on the show ever actually managed to take her down, just saying…
5. Amy Madison
Initially, Amy Madison (Elizabeth Anne Allen), introduced in the third episode of “Buffy’s” first season titled “Witch”, seemed insignificant to us. After being switched bodies with her enchantress mother by magic, the Scooby Gang rescued her, returning her to her own body. One would assume that Amy would understand that magic comes with repercussions, but surprisingly, she develops a fascination with the supernatural on her own. By the time she resurfaces in “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered”, she has become a practicing witch herself. Throughout the series, Amy’s powers escalate, but in Season 3’s “Gingerbread”, she accidentally transforms into a rat. This mishap leads to Willow (Alyson Hannigan) caring for her for years as she searches for a means to reverse the spell.
Even though none of this seems extremely hazardous, Amy’s abilities should not be underestimated. Not only can she cast spells equally as proficiently as Willow, but her love potion almost obliterates all of Sunnydale when every woman in town is drawn to Xander (with the exception, surprisingly, of the girl he’s trying to win over). Later on, Amy sheds her rodent form and retaliates against Willow by transforming her into Warren Mears (played by Adam Busch), a character she had heartlessly killed as “Dark Willow.” This is just the beginning; things get even more intense.
It’s worth noting that in the Dark Horse comics following “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Amy is depicted as significantly more powerful. In these stories, she matches Willow’s strength and harbors a deep-seated hatred for her old friend, which unleashes a destructive darkness within her. While we only get a glimpse of Amy’s power on the TV series, it gives us a hint at her full capabilities.
4. Sineya, the First Slayer
Among all Slayers, neither Buffy nor any other is as powerful as the original one. In an ancient African desert long ago, a group of Shadowmen united to create a unique weapon to combat the rising demonic threats in our world. They forcibly took a young girl named Sineya (Sharon Ferguson) and, through dark magic, filled her entirely – heart, soul, and spirit – with the power of a demon, making her extraordinarily powerful. With these powers, she tracked down and eliminated vampires and demons worldwide.
In the role of the First Slayer, I stand supreme in power. Even though the Slayer’s abilities and destiny would continue through subsequent bearers after my demise, my unique bond with the shadow demon grants me an unmatched advantage on the battlefield. The undeniable fact that I claimed the life of an Old One, one of the most ancient and pure-blooded demons, serves as a testament to my prowess in combat. As the inaugural wielder of the Slayer’s scythe, it was I who laid the foundation for the enduring Slayer tradition.
Beyond mere mention, Sineya’s extraordinary foresight and astral-travel skills set her apart distinctly. She can penetrate into the minds of other Slayers like Buffy, even though she exists now as a spectral guide to those who followed her, having transcended death. Although Sineya isn’t frequently depicted in “Buffy,” her immense power as the First Slayer is suggested by the tales told about her (and later comic book portrayals).
3. Sweet
In essence, Sweet, portrayed by Hinton Battle, isn’t a typical recurring character in Buffy, as he appears only once, but since he stars in the series’ most famous episode, “Once More, with Feeling,” we’ll make an exception. This demon, who we’ll refer to as Sweet, orchestrates Sunnydale’s transformation from a hotspot of Hellmouth to a Hollywood-style musical set in Season 6. It seems Dawn summoned him, and true to form like Beetlejuice, he decides it’s time for a wedding. However, Xander admitting that he was the one who called Sweet to Sunnydale sends the demon packing, as he chooses not to marry Xander in the end.
Man, this latest episode really showed off Sweet’s incredible abilities. He can make people dance themselves to death, control entire towns like they’re in a never-ending musical, and it seems like he can bend reality to his whim. If his intentions were any more sinister, Sweet could potentially bring about the end of the world. His hypnotic skills and flair for the dramatic make him one heck of a formidable adversary. The Scooby gang in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” hardly even give him a second thought.
Sweet’s departure from Sunnydale significantly affects the Scooby Gang, as his exit demoralizes them upon revealing the truth in a heartfelt song sung by Buffy to her friends. If this demon was merely entertaining himself, then we most certainly wouldn’t want to encounter him when he’s enraged.
2. Count Dracula
In the realm of gaming, stepping into the shoes of a Buffyverse enthusiast, I found myself captivated by none other than Count Dracula, portrayed by Rudolf Martin, who graced our screens in Season 5’s “Buffy vs. Dracula.” This interpretation of Dracula was strikingly similar to those we’ve seen in countless other adaptations: he ensnared the Slayer, transformed Xander into a Renfield-like figure, and charmed all with his enigmatic charm. However, what set Count Dracula apart from ordinary vampires was his extraordinary abilities. He wasn’t just another bloodsucker; he wielded sorcery powerful enough to evade death itself. Some theorize that this dark magician may have played a role in the creation of Dawn, adding an intriguing twist to the already complex Buffyverse lore.
As a devoted fan, I’d say that, like many interpretations of Dracula, Buffy’s version exhibits an extraordinary ability to transform into bats, wolves, and mist – forms that most vampires can’t manage. His hypnotic powers are unmatched, even surpassing those of Drusilla. In a gripping scene, Dracula almost lures Buffy into his thrall before she eventually stakes him. Unlike every other vampire in the series, Dracula is immune to being reduced to dust. Thanks to his potent magic, he can rise from the dead after death, which adds to his legendary status. As Buffy puts it, “Dracula always comes back.” After another stake, the Count departs Sunnydale for good.
In the ongoing “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” comics, much like Amy Madison did, Dracula takes on a more prominent role. It’s during this time we discover that, similar to the First Slayer compared to her descendants, Dracula possesses extraordinary strength compared to other vampires. Regrettably, his absence from the series was felt, especially since Rudolf Martin, who played Dracula in the TV movie “Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula” that year, had been part of the show’s cast previously.
1. D’Hoffryn
It’s plausible that no secondary character in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” is more formidable than the demon lord D’Hoffryn. Despite his age being unknown, it’s clear that he is significantly older than most characters depicted on the show. Similar to other vengeance demons, D’Hoffryn possesses the ability to grant wishes, which can potentially distort all of existence. However, this isn’t his only power; he is also capable of moving between dimensions at will, projecting his astral form, foreseeing future events, and even setting his enemies ablaze, as demonstrated with Halfrek.
Beneath D’Hoffryn’s benign and amiable demeanor lies a vengeful nature. When Anya spurned him by choosing not to be a vengeance demon anymore, he didn’t just kill Halfrek but also dispatched demon assassins after her. As a demon lord, he has the power to reverse wishes, bring back the dead, and possesses an array of other powers beyond what is shown in the television series. With his long life, it’s likely that he’s accumulated numerous magical abilities over time as well.
He advises Anya in Season 7’s “Selfless” that instead of seeking revenge, one should inflict pain. D’Hoffryn, aside from possessing supernatural powers, controls all vengeance demons and can transform humans into new vengeance demons if desired. With such a vast array of demonic resources at his command, D’Hoffryn is among the most powerful characters in the Buffyverse, making him a very formidable enemy. As for a possible reboot of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, it’s hard to predict, but if one were to choose a new main antagonist, D’Hoffryn would be our top choice.
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