Unleash Your Inner Hunter: Conquer the Fearsome Gore Magala in MH Wilds!

In the game “Monster Hunter Wilds,” the challenging beast to conquer is none other than the Gore Magala. These monsters in the game are massive and intimidating, capable of defeating players with a single blow if their defenses don’t withstand its powerful raw damage. Players must either have strong defense or skillfully dodge their Frenzy attacks to avoid being eliminated by them.

To defeat Gore Magala successfully, players should pay close attention to their positioning and wait for the right moment to strike, as the boss is likely to be launching a series of attacks at that time. This guide will provide tips on how to conquer Gore Magala, reveal its location, and outline what rewards you can earn from Gore Magala, including monster parts and titles.

MH Wilds Gore Magala Location

In the game “Monster Hunter World”, the fearsome beast known as Gore Magala is usually encountered towards the conclusion of the main High Rank campaign. This initial encounter takes place during the quest titled ‘A World Turned Upside Down’, which marks the end of Chapter 5-2. Here, players are tasked with tracking down and hunting the elusive Gore Magala within the Iceshard Cliffs.

Following the completion of this task, I eagerly anticipate the appearance of the formidable Gore Magala in the breathtaking Iceshard Cliffs region. While it can materialize at any moment, regardless of weather or time, it’s most frequently spotted during the Fallow cycle, particularly in the early hours of the morning. If you don’t spot a Gore Magala on your map upon reaching the Iceshard Cliffs, take a quick breather at a Pop-Up Camp or Base Camp by resting. Then, adjust the environment to the Fallow state and set the time of day to Morning for optimal chances of encountering this magnificent beast!

The Gore Magala is featured in not one but two final missions: ‘Shrouded in Darkness’ and ‘The Mist-Covered Abyss’. In ‘Shrouded in Darkness’, players must track down a Blangonga, whereas in ‘The Mist-Covered Abyss’, only the Gore Magala needs to be defeated.

How To Beat Gore Magala

Monsters that drape themselves in their great wings, like a black overcoat.

Instead of having eyes, they rely on tiny feather scales scattered across their wings to help them find their prey.

As their sensory abilities expand, a pair of antennae emerges on their heads, while their wings unravel, propelling them into an agitated or combative state known as the Frenzy State.

Their black scales can Frenzy other creatures as well, making them fearsome adversaries.

Gore Magala Weaknesses & Weak Spots

Despite being one of the toughest monsters to defeat in Monster Hunter Wilds, Gore Magala has numerous vulnerabilities that players can exploit. Contrary to popular belief, just because it lacks conventional sensory organs on its massive frame doesn’t mean it doesn’t have specific areas that can be attacked.

This creature is only resistant to damage caused by Water, which has no impact on any of its body parts. It is completely immune to Flash Poda and Sonic Bombs, but susceptible to all status effects. So yes, despite its size, this monster can be rendered Paralyzed, put to Sleep, Stunned, or Exhausted.

Part Weaknesses Resistances
Head All weapon types Water
Antenna All weapon types, Fire, Dragon Water
Neck Blunt, Slash Water
Torso N / A Water
Left Foreleg Blunt, Slash Water
Right Foreleg Blunt, Slash Water
Left Wing N / A Water
Right Wing N / A Water
Left Wingarm Fire Water
Right Wingarm Fire Water
Left Hind Leg N / A Water
Right Hind Leg N / A Water
Tail N / A Water

Specifically, the creature’s head, jaw, tail, and wings are vulnerable, fragile areas on Gore Magala. However, its body is strongly fortified, though its wings and limbs can endure slightly more damage from standard weapon assaults.

Gore Magala Attacks To Watch Out For

When battling the Gore Magala, it’s crucial to be equipped with top-tier High Rank armor. Among the numerous lethal moves in this formidable creature’s arsenal, players should especially keep an eye out for its powerful close-range slam attacks, sweeping cleaves, and long-distance Frenzy explosions.

As a gamer, I can tell you that when this boss performs its close-range slam, it stands tall on its hind legs before coming crashing down with an almighty force. This attack sends me flying back and leaves me vulnerable to Frenzy. This monster’s most devastating move, if I don’t have sturdy armor, it can easily eliminate me in one hit.

If your health meter is acting erratically, it signals that a single attack could defeat you. In such a situation, dart to the sides (or summon your Seikret) to swiftly escape the danger.

In the game “Monster Hunter Wilds,” dodging twice sideways can help players evade most of the boss’s close-combat attacks, as these include charging, swiping, and slashing movements that can be easily avoided by moving to the sides.

In this battle against Gore Magala, melee combatants seem to have a tactical advantage due to the enhanced defensive opportunities their close proximity provides. On the other hand, ranged players may find it harder since their positions are less secure.

Avoid getting hit by your boss during charging attacks, and keep an eye on which direction it prepares to strike with its swipes. To dodge these attacks, move to the opposite side.

Specifically, watch for the boss to lean towards one side, suggesting it’s preparing to attack by slashing with its claws or releasing a Frenzy cloud. Make sure to dodge under the boss at least twice to avoid the area of effect (AoE) zone.

Gore Magala Strategies

  • Stay underneath the boss as much as you possibly can. Because of how large this boss is, it’s possible to avoid nearly all of its melee attacks by staying under its torso. But don’t stick to its tail – if you hang out by its rear for too long, it may swipe its tail, which is difficult to avoid.
  • When the boss takes to the air, mount your Seikret and focus on avoiding its ranged Frenzy blasts instead of dealing damage (unless you are using a ranged build). It doesn’t hang out in the air for long, and will eventually crash down to the ground again.
  • Because this boss can inflict Frenzy with almost all of its attacks (but especially attacks that use smoke), make sure you have some Nulberries in your item pouch.
  • This boss moves fast and hits hard. Remember to get a Food Buff, bring along your Power and Armor Charms, craft high-level Potions, and be prepared to make space to heal.
  • When the monster is stunned or Paralyzed, it’s better to heal yourself up than to deal damage to the downed beast.
  • The Gore Magala will typically move to a location with Floating Rubble environmental hazards. Use these to your advantage by positioning the Gore Magala in between you and the Floating Rubble, then use your slinger to pull it and deal massive damage with this environmental trap.

MH Wilds Gore Magala Drops & Other Rewards

In Monster Hunter Wilds, players can stalk the elusive Gore Magala for a chance to obtain unique materials from this monster. These valuable materials serve as ingredients for crafting an array of weapons, armors, and additional equipment items. However, depending on which material is required to create a particular piece of gear, it might be necessary to hunt several Gore Magalas.

Just as with other monster resources, Gore Magala materials aren’t always obtained from skinning or rewards at the end of a quest. Instead, obtaining these items is probabilistic; the likelihood of getting them increases when specific body parts are broken during battle.

Gore Magala Materials Drop Frequency
Very High
Very Low
Very Low

All Gore Magala Titles In MH Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, various monsters provide the Hunter distinct Titles upon defeating a specific quantity of them. Among these titles in Monster Hunter Wilds, the Gore Magala ones are:

  • Hunt 20x Gore Magala: Gore Magala
  • Hunt 30x Gore Magala: Infection
  • Hunt 40x Gore Magala: Frenzy
  • Hunt 50x Gore Magala: Eclipse

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2025-03-12 19:55