What LoL champion says “For my father, the king.”?

What LoL champion says "For my father, the king."?

As a passionate League of Legends player with a soft spot for junglers, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing some truly remarkable champions grace the Summoner’s Rift. Among them all, there is one that stands out as an embodiment of Demacian honor and strength – none other than Jarvan IV, The Exemplar of Demacia.

In today’s League of Legends Quote Game, identifying the correct answer may be challenging if you don’t usually play the jungle role because quotes referring to that position are not frequently used.

Hints for today’s champion

  • They are known as “The Exemplar Of Demacia”.
  • They usually reside in the Jungle role.
  • Their resource is Mana.
  • They are a Melee champion.
  • They were released in 2011

Today’s quote champion

Today’s answer is Jarvan IV.

What LoL champion says "For my father, the king."?

If you are looking for any of the other LoLdle answers, check them out here.

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2024-07-26 12:42