What LoL champion says “Silence!”?

As a huge League of Legends fan and someone who has spent countless hours mastering the intricacies of the game, I can’t help but be in awe of the enigmatic champion that is Kassadin. The quote depicted in today’s image perfectly encapsulates his essence – the power he wields over the battlefield and the devastation he inflicts upon those unfortunate enough to cross his path.

Based on my gaming experiences, I can relate to today’s quote as it often holds true for champions in League of Legends. The ability of an opponent champion can drastically impact our gameplay and, at times, make us feel powerless or frustrated. However, these challenges are what make the game exciting and drive us to improve our strategies and skills. So, let’s use today’s quote as motivation and tackle the in-game situations with determination, utilizing the hints below for guidance. If we still find ourselves stuck, the answer is always there for reference.

Hints for today’s champion

  • They are known as “The Void Walker”.
  • They usually reside in the Middle role.
  • Their resource is Mana.
  • They are a Melee champion.
  • They were released in 2009

Today’s quote champion

Today’s answer is Kassadin.

If you are looking for any other LoLdle answers, check them out here.

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2024-07-24 12:12