32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I must say that these humorous moments have brought me endless joy throughout the years. From Anakin’s infamous hatred for sand to Han Solo’s confusion after being rescued from carbonite, these scenes not only provide comic relief but also showcase the unique personalities of each character.

Star Wars stands as one of the most influential franchises globally, maintaining its relevance in pop culture even years after its launch with “A New Hope”. This space opera carries tension and high-stakes drama, but what sets it apart is its family-friendly nature, interlacing humorous elements. To be precise, there are approximately 32 instances within Star Wars that have left fans in stitches. Let’s delve into the details.

For decades, enthusiasts have followed the Star Wars films sequentially, as each new generation was introduced to the series as fresh material came out. These devoted fans eagerly anticipate future Star Wars movies and television productions, all the while maintaining their enduring affection for the franchise’s history. Over the years, there have been at least 32 significant humorous scenes, listed below in no specific order, but beware: these moments may contain spoilers for the films and TV shows associated with the property.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Laugh it up, Fuzzball.” The Empire Strikes Back

As a die-hard Star Wars fan, I can confidently say that Han Solo is undeniably one of the most cherished characters in the entire saga, known for his knack for injecting humor into even the most intense situations. His unforgettable friendship with the Wookiee, Chewbacca, is a highlight, filled with amusing exchanges like when Chewie chuckled during Han’s squabble with Leia, causing my favorite character to retort with that iconic line.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Jar Jar’s numb tongue, The Phantom Menace

Jar Jar Binks is a well-known character from the Star Wars universe. When The Phantom Menace was released in 1999, some viewers found his comic antics throughout the movie to be annoying. However, there were also humorous scenes, such as when he unintentionally got his long tongue shocked by Anakin’s podracer.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“I hate it when he does that”, Attack of The Clones

In the film “Attack of the Clones”, we rejoin Anakin Skywalker as an older character, now in training to become a Jedi under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their interactions, filled with warmth and tension, are swiftly depicted, revealing that Christensen’s character has a rebellious streak. Moreover, it appears that Ewan McGregor’s character, as Jedi Master, frequently finds himself in situations where he jumps out of speeders, a habit that seems to be recurring.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Young Leia sassing her cousin.

Enthusiasts were thrilled when it came out that Ewan McGregor would reprise his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a live-action series on Disney+. In this series, we encounter a younger version of Princess Leia, who is portrayed as being just as clever and determined as the iconic character played by the late Carrie Fisher. In the premiere episode, she shares a comical moment with her cousin Niano Organa, and even manages to cast some sharp criticism in the process.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Everything Babu Frik did, The Rise of Skywalker

The ending of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” has sparked debate due to its overall quality as a trilogy finale. However, there are several scenes that seemed to resonate strongly with cinema-goers, such as the arrival of Babu Frik. This Anzellan droid mechanic is endearing and his small voice provided ample opportunities for laughter throughout the movie sequel.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Chewie almost eating a Porg, The Last Jedi

In the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: The Last Jedi has undoubtedly been a controversial addition, eliciting strong opinions – some adoring it, while others find issue with Rian Johnson’s daring storytelling moves. Personally, I am among those who appreciate it, especially the humorous elements that it contains. An intriguing scene occurs when Rey and Chewie journey to Ach-To in search of Luke Skywalker; there, the Wookiee attempts to cook a Porg, only to be met with expressions of shock from the alien onlookers.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“Good job.”, Attack of the Clones

The most memorable scene in Attack of the Clones, perhaps, unfolds during the grand spectacle at Geonosis’ colosseum. It seems like Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan are trapped and facing imminent execution before a horde of alien beings. However, when his apprentice suggests they attempt a rescue, Kenobi’s witty remark serves as a humorous climax in the film.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

BB-8’s thumbs up, The Force Awakens

J.J. Abrams’ movie The Force Awakens reintroduced Star Wars on the big screen, bringing delight to its enthusiastic audience. Although classic figures were present, the plot primarily revolved around a group of fresh protagonists. Moreover, we got the chance to love BB-8, who in a humorous scene from the film, used a tiny light to give Finn a thumbs up.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Luke tossing his lightsaber, The Last Jedi

In “The Last Jedi,” the story continues from the point in “The Force Awakens” where Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hamill, makes his appearance on the planet Ach-To. Instead of the usual greeting, however, Rian Johnson, the director, surprises us by having Luke discard his lightsaber over his shoulder. This unexpected action adds a comedic touch to the scene and suggests that Luke is not quite the traditional Jedi we might have anticipated.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“That’s not how The Force Works”, The Force Awakens

In each film of the sequel trilogy, one of the original characters took center stage, with “The Force Awakens” primarily focusing on the story of Han Solo. He assumed a mentoring role for both Finn and Rey, while simultaneously endeavoring to rescue his son Ben from the clutches of the Dark Side. During their mission at Starkiller Base, Han found himself in the challenging position of explaining the mysteries of The Force to John Boyega’s character, who was completely unfamiliar with its workings.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“Congratulations, you’re being rescued”, Rogue One

In an original installment within the Star Wars saga, titled “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story“, marked a groundbreaking moment as it was the first spin-off series linking directly to the occurrences depicted in “A New Hope“. The story introduced an assortment of rebels on a doomed mission, including the witty droid character K-2SO, portrayed by Alan Tudyk. A particularly humorous moment for K-2SO arises when he seems to save Jyn Erso in a rough yet side-splitting fashion.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Getting green milk from the source, The Last Jedi

Luke’s depiction as a solitary figure in “The Last Jedi” was undeniably intriguing to Star Wars enthusiasts upon its release in 2017. Early on in the film, Rey trails him across Ach-To, observing his unusual way of life. This lifestyle involves tasks such as milking an animal called a Thala-siren and swiftly drinking a green liquid that follows, presumably from the creature.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Yoda messing with Luke, Empire Strikes Back 

In the movie “The Empire Strikes Back,” often regarded as the most powerful in the Star Wars series, Luke embarks on a journey to learn Jedi ways from Yoda on Dagobah. Throughout this period, the wise, diminutive green Jedi Master provides humorous instances by chuckling at Mark Hamill’s character or teasing him for his limited understanding of The Force.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Poe sassing Kylo Ren, The Force Awakens 

In the initial scene of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, Kylo Ren appears as an imposing figure. Although he’s shown to have slaughtered innocents and effortlessly deflected Poe Dameron’s blaster shots with the Force, Oscar Isaac’s character remains somewhat unfazed. When they finally encounter each other, instead of showing fear, Poe uses humor to lighten the moment and jokingly asks who should speak first.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

When the droids thought the heroes were crushed, A New Hope

In the daring operation to save Princess Leia in Star Wars: A New Hope, our heroes encountered a tight spot – literally – when they had to hide from Stormtroopers. They almost met a crushing end, but C-3PO managed to contact Luke via communications. However, their jubilant noises were mistaken for cries of pain in an amusing scene from the original Star Wars movie.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Shirtless Kylo Ren, The Last Jedi

In “The Last Jedi,” it emerges that Rey and Kylo Ren share an enigmatic bond via The Force, enabling them to engage in conversations even when they’re located on completely separate planets. In one such exchange, Adam Driver’s antagonist appears bare-chested, which causes Rey to have a humorous response due to his semi-undressed state. This scene also sparked amusement among the viewers as they too were taken aback by the villain’s unexpected lack of clothing.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“No, I’m sure he doesn’t like you at all. No, I don’t like you either”, A New Hope

Despite being good friends (for droids, at least), R2-D2 and C-3PO often argue over the years. In fact, during Anthony Daniels’ portrayal of C-3PO in “A New Hope,” there was a lot of sarcastic banter between the two when they were stranded on Tatooine. One amusing exchange even has 3PO declaring that he doesn’t care for R2 at all. And with lines like that, it’s clear that tension was in the air!

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Finn trying to hold Rey’s hand, The Force Awakens

In the opening scenes of “The Force Awakens,” Rey and Finn cross paths unintentionally on Jakku. However, when The First Order comes searching for BB-8, the duo must band together to evade danger. Throughout their struggle for survival, Finn persistently tries to grasp Rey’s hand as they flee, a gesture that irritates the former scavenger who is now on the path of becoming a Jedi.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Han speaking shyriiwok, Solo

In Ron Howard’s film “Solo: A Star Wars Story”, the backstory of the title character Han Solo was unveiled, detailing his transformation into the beloved smuggler we all know. At the beginning of the movie, Han and Chewbacca have their first encounter, where Han demonstrates his ability to speak Shyriiwok, Wookiee language. This entire scene, including Alden Ehrenreich’s funny vocalizations, is quite humorous.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Ewoks worshipping C-3PO, Return of the Jedi

In the movie “Return of the Jedi,” the rebels launch an attack on Endor with the aim of damaging the second Death Star. This operation brings them into contact with the native Ewoks. As C-3PO attempts to understand and communicate their language to the heroes, he unwittingly becomes revered by these furry beings instead.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Chewbacca being a sore loser, A New Hope

In the movie “A New Hope“, Chewbacca rapidly gained popularity among fans due to his relatable trait: being a poor loser, much like many of us. Consequently, it’s wise to allow Chewbacca to emerge victorious in Holochess.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“Who’s scruffy looking?”, Empire Strikes Back 

In “Empire Strikes Back,” we rejoin the Rebels following the incidents of “A New Hope.” On the frozen planet of Hoth, Han Solo and Leia Organa have several disagreements. When Carrie Fisher’s persona refers to him as a “shabby spacefarer,” his expression of indignation is pure comedy magic.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Stormtroopers avoiding Kylo Ren, The Force Awakens

In contrast to Darth Vader’s stern and intimidating presence in the original Star Wars trilogy, Kylo Ren, portrayed by Adam Driver, is initially depicted as a character who struggles with his emotions, particularly anger, which frequently escalates into fits of rage that cause destruction. An amusing scene in The Force Awakens even shows two Stormtroopers steering clear of one such outburst.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“No, no you will die.” 

Ian McDiarmid, a renowned actor, portrayed Palpatine in all three Star Wars trilogies, including The Rise of Skywalker where he reappeared. One particularly memorable, exaggerated delivery as the Sith Lord is the one he gave to Mace Windu that often leaves fans chuckling unintentionally.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

A Stormtrooper bonks his head, A New Hope

Among all the errors in this series, the funny mishap of a Stormtrooper bumping his head on a Death Star door in “A New Hope” is arguably the most well-known. Even after multiple viewings, this goofy scene never fails to amuse me.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Rey “feels” The Force, The Last Jedi

In the movie “The Last Jedi”, Rey pursues Jedi training from Luke Skywalker who is in seclusion at Ach-To. He advises her to extend herself, meaning connecting with The Force, but she interprets it as a physical action. Later, he playfully touches her hand with a leaf and makes her believe that she’s sensing The Force.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Anakin hates sand, Attack of the Clones

In the movie “Attack of the Clones,” Anakin Skywalker inadvertently provides a humorous moment when he expresses his dislike for sand. This particular statement has become a popular topic among fans, who often use it as a source of amusement.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

C-3PO gets turned into a battle droid, Attack of the Clones

In the Star Wars saga, C-3PO serves as a frequent source of humor, and this is evident even in the movie Attack of the Clones. Particularly during the sequences filmed on Geonosis, when his body and head got detached and joined with a battle droid.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“We’re all fine here now, thank you. How are you?”, A New Hope

In the film “A New Hope”, plenty of mischief takes place as Han Solo and Luke Skywalker make their daring effort to free Princess Leia from the initial Death Star. Pretending to be someone else, Han gets entangled with some Imperial troops over the radio, trying to find a way out of his predicament. What ensues is an amusingly awkward moment brought to life by Harrison Ford’s delivery.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent,” The Phantom Menace

In “The Phantom Menace,” Liam Neeson’s character, Qui-Gon Jinn, shares many wise sayings. However, he manages to elicit laughter as well, particularly when he encounters Jar Jar Binks for the first time and makes a jest about the Gungan’s supposed lack of intelligence.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Han being confused out of carbonite, Return of the Jedi

In the beginning of “Return of the Jedi,” the team embarks on a rescue mission to save Han Solo, who they manage to free from carbonite. However, he’s disoriented and nearly sightless, leading to some hilarious situations. Furthermore, his conversation with Luke about their misfortunes is simply perfect.

32 Times Stars Wars Made Us Laugh

Leia is not a committee, Empire Strikes Back 

In the movie “Empire Strikes Back,” Leia and Han often argue, starting at the Rebel Base on Hoth. Later, as they attempt an escape in the Millennium Falcon, Han ends their discussion about their strategic plan by asserting that there isn’t enough time for a committee-style decision-making process. Princess Leia of Alderaan was clearly displeased by this.

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2024-10-04 17:38