32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

As a seasoned Muggle who’s always been enamored with the magical world J.K. Rowling so meticulously crafted, I can’t help but pine for a few of these enchanting artifacts that would surely elevate my otherwise mundane existence.

The Harry Potter stories, both in the books and films, vividly demonstrate an abundance of amazing magical artifacts in the Wizarding World. Beyond the thrill of performing magic itself, shown throughout the eight Harry Potter films, these fictional witches and wizards possess items such as flying brooms, pensieves, remembralls, and numerous other enchanted tools that make life easier. Some of these magical objects are more potent or scarce than others, leaving one wishing for each item on this list. Unfortunately, as a Muggle, I can only fantasize about them.

Here are some of the coolest magic objects featured in the Harry Potter movies and books.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Harry’s Invisibility Cloak

Though the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone are undoubtedly cool, both seem like way too much responsibility, and potentially disastrous to mess with. If I had to pick one of the Deathly Hallows to call my own, the Invisibility Cloak seems like the right choice. This is less about trying to evade death, or sneak into the restricted section of the library for me, and more about loving the idea of being out and about from time to time without being seen. That seems like it’d be fun (and peaceful).

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Pensieve

As I grow older, I find myself yearning for a pensieve – that magical receptacle from the Harry Potter universe. It enables you to store and revisit memories, not just your own but others’ as well. Dumbledore mentions its usefulness in managing a multitude of thoughts simultaneously, and honestly, it sounds like an incredible tool. Seeing it used frequently throughout the books and movies, I can’t help but wish I had one myself. As someone who tends to over-think, having a pensieve would undoubtedly be a game-changer for me.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Sorting Hat

We have Godric Gryffindor to thank for this one. According to the hat’s own song, it was the Gryffindor house founder who contributed the hat to Hogwarts, which now has the annual task of sorting first years into whichever house they’re most suited for. I took the online quiz to get my Hogwarts house, and I’m satisfied with the results, but I’d still love to know what the Sorting Hat, voiced by the late Leslie Phillips in the films, would have to say on the matter.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Hermione’s Enchanted Purse

Isn’t it amazing how Hermione’s beaded bag is a must-have accessory? Picture a charming purse that magically expands to hold an incredible amount of items without increasing its size or weight. This enchanted purse, though not legally expanded in capacity, was incredibly helpful for Hermione, Ron, and Harry during their escapades when they were on the run in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Magic Tents

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the tents occupied by the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione during the Quidditch World Cup evoked a strong sense of glamorous camping (or “glamping,” for short), though thankfully without the unpleasant cat odors mentioned in the book. Imagine going camping with a magical tent that appears as a standard tent from the outside but unfurls into a spacious interior when opened, providing ample room for everyone to unwind and enjoy nature’s beauty! Count me in!

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Knight Bus

In the Wizarding World, there are numerous exciting modes of transportation. One of the most fascinating is the Knight Bus, a three-tiered, magenta bus that travels at high speeds using magical means. If ever you find yourself stranded and in need of a lift, just wave your wand, and it will materialize to whisk you off to your destination.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Hogwarts Express

Train travel is something I adore, making it no surprise that the Hogwarts Express finds a place on my list. Among the treasured elements of the Wizarding World, few are as iconic as this enchanting steam train, transporting students from London to Hogwarts and back annually.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Molly Weasley’s Clock

Given her responsibilities towards many family members, it’s quite logical for Molly Weasley to possess such a clock. Unlike ordinary clocks, the one at the Burrow doesn’t just show time; instead, it indicates the location of each member within the Weasley family.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Room of Requirement at Hogwarts

To be honest, the Room of Requirement is not strictly an object, but its unique magical property is captivating to me. This mysterious room in Hogwarts transforms into whatever kind of space a witch or wizard requires at any given moment. It’s been used as a secret training ground for Dumbledore’s Army, a place to stash or conceal items, a refuge for expelled students during the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and even a room filled with chamber pots when needed by a particular headmaster. On multiple occasions, this versatile room has proven crucial in solving various problems.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Magical Portraits

In my view, the idea of moving images wasn’t as fascinating as it once was with the advent of digital photography and gifs. However, portraits are a different matter altogether; they aren’t merely moving pictures but rather artistic, conscious representations of their subjects. I believe this aspect and its usage within the books contribute significantly to the underappreciated background elements of the Wizarding World.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Time-Turner

It’s overwhelming for Hermione, just contemplating her life in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, with all the simultaneous classes she had to attend throughout the day. Trying to calculate that for an entire school year leaves me bewildered. Nevertheless, the Time Turner, a gadget that allows you to replicate hours or more (based on how many times it’s turned), is quite fascinating. However, as with any time travel device, there’s a catch – it can create quite a bit of chaos.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Wizard Chess

It’s quite fascinating that the chess pieces in Wizard Chess move independently, but what truly captures my attention is how a player can grow accustomed to the pieces when they consistently use the same set. This idea is beautifully illustrated in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” as Harry and Ron play with Ron’s ancestral chess set. The pieces seem to cooperate exceptionally well with Ron, likely because he has been using them for a long time.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Golden Snitch

Quidditch stands out as an incredibly exciting sport, yet it’s essential to emphasize the significance of the Golden Snitch. This tiny, swift ball isn’t just the heart of the game; when captured by the Seeker, it ends the match and awards their team 150 points, often determining the winner. Additionally, the Golden Snitch has unique qualities – they possess ‘flesh memories’, which record how they were handled during a game. This feature becomes particularly useful in the scenario where Dumbledore bequeaths the first Golden Snitch Harry ever caught to him, along with a secret purpose only Harry can decipher.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Floo Powder

Since those who journey through fireplaces often end up dirty with soot, I’m not convinced that Floo Powder is the most practical method of travel. However, if you happen to be a witch or wizard, you could simply remove the soot once you’ve reached your destination. The concept of traveling via fireplace and Floo Powder as a means of transportation within the Wizarding World intrigues me. Just remember to speak clearly when announcing your destination.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Magic Wands

I pondered if it was wise to add wands to this compilation, considering their functions appear heavily dependent on the wielder’s skill and will. However, in the magical realm of Harry Potter, wands are quite fascinating. The kind of wood, length, flexibility, and core all play significant roles in determining a wand that suits a specific witch or wizard best. Moreover, it’s worth noting that wands seem to be particularly faithful to their rightful owners.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Mirror Of Erised

Dumbledore was undoubtedly correct when he told Harry that one shouldn’t get too caught up in dreams and forget to live the present. At the same time, it would be fascinating to discover what secrets the Mirror of Erised holds about a person’s heartfelt wishes. I often ponder if such insights could serve as motivation, given that they are within reach. However, it could also drive one mad if those desires remain unattainable, so perhaps it’s best to proceed with caution?

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Veil

It seems to me that if we were privy to all the secrets held within the enigmatic Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, our list would undoubtedly be much extended. The ominous Veil from “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” likely suggests that some mysteries are better left unsolved. This mysterious portal, resembling a door between the realms of life and death, appears to be unidirectional (sadly, we discovered this following Sirius’s demise). However, there’s likely much more about it that remains unknown. Regardless, it’s an intriguing and awe-inspiring artifact, one that could perhaps benefit from some safety measures, like a protective barrier or a warning sign.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Sirius’s Flying Motorbike

Instead of sweeping through the skies on a broomstick, why not ride in a motorcycle that soars? With his rebellious spirit and extra funds, Sirius Black appears to be the perfect wizard for owning a flying motorbike. However, it’s Hagrid who has been spotted using this vehicle, and at the beginning of the story, he utilizes the flying motorbike to transport baby Harry to the Dursleys in “The Philosopher’s Stone.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Deluminator

The first time we see the Deluminator in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” Dumbledore employs it to dim the street lamps on Privet Drive at the outset. However, we discover in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” that this artifact is not merely a means of turning off (or lighting up) lights; it can also serve as a beacon for a wizard seeking guidance to reach their destination, such as when Ron used it to find his way after parting from his companions for a while.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Mad-Eye Moody’s Eye

Despite the ominous connotation of its owner’s name, Moody’s enchanted eye appears to be an incredibly valuable asset. Not only does it possess the ability to peer through solid objects – even something as mysterious and origin-steeped as Harry’s invisibility cloak – but it also boasts a 360-degree vision, making it function like a rear-view mirror attached to the back of Moody’s head! Impressive indeed.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Whomping Willow

As a gamer, I’d say the Whomping Willow, nestled strategically to barricade one of Hogwarts’ secret entrances from Hogsmeade, is quite the volatile character. It’s not shy about unleashing its wrath on anyone who dares venture too close to its menacing branches. Yet, this towering tree adds an element of unpredictability and wildness that makes it a unique piece of Hogwarts’ lore. And let’s not forget, it plays a pivotal role in the tales of the Marauders.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Sword of Gryffindor

I’m content with my current House assignment, but I must admit, it’s intriguing to imagine what it would be like if I belonged to Gryffindor. If that were the case, perhaps under specific conditions, I could have access to Godric Gryffindor’s sword, similar to when Harry confronted Tom Riddle and the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, or Neville, a character we wish had more screen time, faced Nagini during the Deathly Hallows.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Marauders Map

Glancing at it, the Marauder’s Map may seem like an antique scroll, perhaps outdating our modern GPS technology – something only accessible in a time before Muggles had it. However, what truly makes this map exceptional, as presented in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is its ability to not only chart the expansive Hogwarts interior and grounds but also reveal the names and locations of everyone present on campus. Such a tool would undoubtedly be misused by anyone with ill intentions!

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Vanishing Cabinet

In J.K. Rowling’s novel “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, we discover that the vanishing cabinet could potentially create a safety concern since malicious witches and wizards might exploit it to enter places where they are not permitted. Nevertheless, I find the concept of two cabinets functioning as doorways to each other, whether for people or items, quite intriguing. It appears to be a very practical solution.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Flying Brooms

Was it ever in doubt that I’d neglect to include brooms on this list? After all, we’ve seen since the initial book and film in the series that flying broomsticks serve not just for traveling, but also for playing Quidditch. It’s quite an exciting mode of transport (as far as fair weather goes).

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Entrance To Platform 9 3/4

What I love most about the entrance to Platform 9 and 3/4 isn’t just that it’s the gateway to the Hogwarts Express platform, but also that it’s set amidst a busy muggle train station in London. It’s one of the most notable examples from the books and films of a bit of very important magic sitting in plain sight, only accessible to witches and wizards.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books


Portkeys remind me of floo powder in terms of their unconventional nature for transportation. While they are not literally messy, they do seem somewhat chaotic as a means of traveling. In reality, portkeys are ordinary objects imbued with magic to transport anyone who touches them instantly to a predetermined location. As Harry describes it and as shown in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, traveling via portkey appears to be an uneasy experience. However, despite its unsettling nature, using a portkey is still a fascinating method of getting from one place to another within the Wizarding World.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Chocolate Frogs

Among the numerous enchanting edibles that could potentially make this list, I opted for something delightfully chocolatey. What makes these treats exceptional is not just their delectable taste, but also their unique ability to leap about – yes, you read it right, hopping chocolate frogs! Moreover, each one comes packaged with a collectible card showcasing notable figures from magical history.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books


Reframing the idea: Today’s technology may have surpassed the appeal of Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s omnioculars at the Quidditch World Cup, but the concept of being able to pause, rewind, and view moments in real-life events such as sports matches, concerts, or even bird-watching trips with the ability to zoom in for a closer look or switch angles would still be incredibly fascinating.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

Neville’s Remembrall

It appears that Remembralls could be quite beneficial for people like myself who often forget things. Naturally, recalling that you’ve forgotten something is useful, but it’s only effective if you can also remember what exactly it was that you’ve forgotten, as Neville suggests.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

The Ceiling of the Great Hall

Envision having the beauty of the night sky right before your eyes, all from the cozy warmth within your home (or perhaps snuggled under a blanket). This is much like the experience enjoyed by the educators and learners at Hogwarts, as they gaze upon the skies reflected in the Great Hall of their magical school.

32 Truly Awesome Magical Objects From The Harry Potter Movies And Books

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2024-10-03 15:09