7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

As a long-time enthusiast of dystopian films, I must say that “The Platform 2” is a chilling and thought-provoking addition to the genre. The sheer scale of the carnage depicted throughout the movie left me utterly stunned – it’s a grim reminder of just how far humanity can fall when we’re pushed to our limits.

In “Platform 2,” we delve even deeper into the harrowing world depicted in the original “The Platform.” This sequel exposes the chilling extent of human depravity. The initial story revolves around a character named Goreng, who finds himself in a multi-tiered structure where a single platform filled with food descends daily. Those higher up grab most of the provisions, leaving those lower down with meager rations or none at all. Desperate for survival, they are driven to commit heinous acts such as murder and cannibalism, or face being victimized themselves.

The initial film swiftly gained recognition for its graphic violence and unforeseen narrative, along with the profound questions it raised about human nature. Despite being a sequel in technical terms, The Platform 2 expands upon and enhances the character development, storyline, and setting of The Platform, while also introducing more chilling scenes and surprises that surpass those of the original.

7 Dagin Babi’s Punishments

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

In “The Platform 2”, a fresh group of characters, known as the Anointed Ones, are tasked with maintaining the rules within the Vertical Self-Management Center. Among these enforcers, Dagin Babi stands out as the most merciless. His methods of punishment and administration of justice surpass the severity of any rule violations. For a first offense, he amputates an individual’s arm. For a second offense, he exposes them naked on the platform, leaving them vulnerable to being devoured by those below.

An Unforgettable Execution

The mere mention of Dagin Babi’s penalties was chilling, but witnessing one enacted took the dread to a whole new level. Following the main character Perempuan and her unnamed second roommate, portrayed by Natalia Tena, breaching one of Dagin Babi’s rules, he declares that Perempuan will lose an arm and her roommate will receive a death sentence.

Witnessing your roommate desperately struggling to evade as the platform plummets, amputating Perempuán’s arm, is deeply disturbing in several aspects: initially, due to the anguish visible on Perempuán’s countenance; secondly, because we are aware of the grim future that lies ahead for your roommate; and thirdly, because this cruel turn of events is undeniably unfair and merciless.

6 The New System Is Worse Than the Original

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

The second installation, titled “The Platform 2,” commences by subtly deceiving the audience into believing it’s a continuation of “The Platform.” The plot revolves around characters adhering to a system of rules supposedly designed for equitable food distribution. Given that some characters from “The Platform” had previously endeavored to implement similar rules, this implies that their long-standing effort has eventually been realized.

It adds an extra layer of chilling and disheartening to learn that these regulations were already in place within the platform system prior to the initial film. Essentially, the characters’ attempt to rectify the platform issue was not a new solution; it had been tried before and not only did it fail, but it fared worse than having no system at all.

New Rules, Same Bloodthirst

In a chilling manner, Dagin Babi’s punishments are deeply disturbing, but the rules themselves are arguably more troubling. At first glance, this seems like the world Goreng aspired for, but the result is just as brutal, if not more so than what he previously endured. It might not be the laws that are problematic, but rather their inflexibility. As Dagin Babi puts it, “The Law is not to be interpreted, it’s to be obeyed.” Such a rigid system leaves room for anyone to potentially become a lawbreaker.

5 A Sinister Level of Violence and Gore

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

In terms of home entertainment, “The Platform” harmonizes nicely with other gruesome movies. However, “The Platform 2” challenges its predecessor significantly. Decapitations often take place off-camera, with the decapitated heads dropping between levels. Characters like Perempuán’s initial roommate Zamiatin, who is Zamiatin, are also shown being set ablaze; he ultimately self-immolates due to guilt and fear after taking another person’s food. There are numerous fight scenes, mutilations, punishments, and executions throughout the film as well. Notably, there are countless instances of cannibalism, which become even more chilling because the characters seem to derive pleasure from them.

Cannibalism is Only the Start

In “The Platform 2,” the shocking aspect isn’t the prospect of characters eating each other like it was in the first film. Since we already expect this survival tactic, cannibalism loses its horror. Instead, what makes “The Platform 2” unsettling is the apparent eagerness people show towards causing harm to one another. The brutal violence that arises from this desire, and the gory outcomes it creates, make “The Platform 2” much more savage than the original.

4 Trimagasi’s Backstory

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

In the novel “The Platform 2,” Goreng initially shared a dormitory on level 48 with Trimagasi, who was known for his frequent use of “obviously,” carrying a large knife, and introducing Goreng to the harsh realities of the Vertical Self-Management Center’s cruel mechanisms. Initially, Trimagasi gave off an innocent and clueless impression upon entering the facility following Perempuán’s second roommate’s death. However, his demeanor soon revealed a darker side as he became more involved in the facility’s disturbing activities.

The Best Month of His Life

On the side of Trimagasi, things are significantly more brutal than even what was portrayed in ‘The Platform’. This is quite a strong statement considering he had restrained Goreng and threatened to consume him. Here, Trimagasi appears to enjoy the violence on the platform, going so far as (apparently) killing a woman he had been courting. Intriguingly, following a rebellion, it was Trimagasi who suggested their group should cannibalize those on the lower levels. Moreover, when Perempuán expressed her intention to depart and inquired if Trimagasi wished to join her, he remained, stating that this month has been the most delightful of his life.

In “The Platform 2,” it becomes clear that Trimagasi is far more sinister than previously thought. His gruesome actions towards Goreng are no longer just seen as a one-time necessity, but rather potentially part of a chilling plan. We now learn that Trimagasi may have consumed multiple people across different levels, implying he might have intended to eat Goreng from the start. This new insight reveals a more complex and unsettling character in Trimagasi, adding layers of horror and unease to their interactions.

3 Perempuán’s Backstory

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

As a cinephile reminiscing about “The Platform,” I’d say it goes something like this: In the first movie, my character, Goreng, told Trimagasi he joined the Vertical Self-Management Center to get a degree and kick his smoking habit. However, in retrospect, that story always seemed fishy, and as it turns out, “The Platform 2” hints that I might have spun that yarn for reasons of my own.

In a straightforward manner: When Perempuan explains her presence, she confesses that she was an artist whose art installation inadvertently resulted in the death of her boyfriend’s son. Overwhelmed by the tragedy, she needed time to come to terms with it. In the final scenes of The Platform 2, Goreng and Perempuan meet on the lowest level, hinting that he could be the boyfriend she had unintentionally hurt.

A Tragic, Terrifying Revelation

Indeed, it’s plausible that the bond between Goreng and Perempuan might not be romantic, but the narrative structure seems intentionally designed to suggest otherwise. If this is true, then Goreng’s emotional turmoil during his stay in the facility could have stemmed from the loss of his son, which would explain his determination to save the child at the story’s end.

As someone who has struggled with my own darker emotions and self-destructive tendencies, I can empathize deeply with Perempuán’s story. It is heartbreaking to see how a platform intended for healing and support can, in some cases, become a breeding ground for further harm and cruelty.

2 The Full Scale of the Carnage

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

The film portrays numerous characters dying and causing death, yet there’s no continuous tally of fatalities, making it simple to miscount the number of lives taken. Given that the game consists of 333 stages with 667 players (including a child), it’s plausible that hundreds of people could be killed each month. In truth, as the movie nears its climax, Perempuán witnesses several bound and floating corpses, which suggest that this death toll may not be far from reality.

Thousands Dead Each Year

At the start of the film, Dagin Babi was prepared to let hundreds perish in order to eliminate Perempuán’s band of “Barbarians.” Moreover, there were frequent scenes where characters rejoiced upon food reaching lower levels, yet it rarely if ever reached floors 200 and 300. This suggests that at least one individual on those levels likely died each month, either from starvation or being killed by their fellow residents for survival needs. Although much of the violence is implied rather than shown, this prequel has a startlingly high death toll.

1 The Real Message

7 Reasons The Platform 2 Is So Scary

In the closing moments of “The Platform,” Goreng discovers a girl languishing at the base of the Vertical Self-Management Center. Moved to action, he chooses to elevate her to the surface as a testament to those who built this oppressive structure. Though the message’s intent remains somewhat unclear, it appears that Goreng wishes to demonstrate the resilience of kindness and purity amidst the harshness of the platform, and that the prisoners can overcome their own struggles with hunger and terror in order to safeguard another soul. Similarly, Perempuán rescues a child and sends him skyward, seemingly for much the same reasons. However, certain scenes in “The Platform 2” hint that these children’s ascent is not just a human gesture but a message emanating from the platform itself – a silent call to the surface dwellers to acknowledge its power and wisdom.

The Death of Innocence

In various instances within “The Platform 2“, the setting alternates to a group of children engaging in play on a slide. Over time, their play becomes progressively rougher and less organized, culminating in physical fights among them. Eventually, one child dominates over a pile of thrashing limbs, prompting two grown-ups to step in and remove him from the scene. Later on, this same child is discovered at the lowest level of the Vertical Self-Management Center, where he’s eventually saved by Perempuán.

Shortly after this incident, numerous other adults and kids are seen using the platform, suggesting that these children too were taken up with the intention of quelling the unrest. However, the persistence of violence despite the large number of people sent up implies that this action is not an act of defiance, but rather, the primary purpose of the platform itself.

Instead of serving as a route towards redemption, the kids are caught within a vicious circle of violence, with their elevation only perpetuating this loop. Consequently, The Platform 2 implies a societal message that is not optimistic but despairing: individuals will keep entering the platform, get corrupted, pass away, send up new kids, yearn for transformation, and merely prolong the cycle, endlessly, as the malevolence of fear and need drive them.

The Platform 2
is available to stream on Netflix.

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2024-10-12 22:02