8 Most Disturbing Implications of It’s What’s Inside

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

As a psychologist with a specialization in identity and self-perception, I find “It’s What’s Inside” to be a profoundly thought-provoking film that delves deep into the human psyche and our societal obsession with appearances. Having spent years helping individuals navigate their identities and understand who they truly are, this movie resonates strongly with my professional experience.

Initially appearing to be a simple tale of college friends reuniting for a wedding in the sci-fi film It’s What’s Inside, there lies a deeper examination of bonds, ethics, and self-discovery hidden beneath its surface.

The unsettling aspects of “It’s What’s Inside” unfold as one of the friends proposes a game where they exchange bodies. This leads to a series of challenges for them to identify who is in whose body. Following numerous body swaps, quarrels, and two deaths, the true nature of the characters is unveiled, showing that their external appearances don’t mirror the chaos and complexity beneath and among them.

8 The Characters Were Never Friends

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

Eight years prior to the events depicted in the film, Reuben proposed a pre-wedding celebration with the other characters. He expressed that their company felt like his kin. Regrettably, while it was a heartfelt sentiment, it appeared that the others did not share this feeling. In fact, many of these relationships seemed more superficial, if not outright hostile.

Toxic Then, Toxic Now

Among the disagreements among friends, it appears that time lapses and poor communication have played a role, as some may have forgotten Nikki’s peanut allergy or mistakenly believed Cyrus and Shelby were married. Yet, this brings up an intriguing question: what led to their lack of communication initially? Furthermore, certain actions depicted in the movie, like accusing Cyrus of murder or Shelby’s clear animosity towards Nikki, stem from more complex and sinister origins. This is plausible given that their past friendships didn’t seem particularly healthy either.

In college, Dennis and Reuben played a part in having Forbes kicked out of school. They say it was an unintended incident during a party recently, but this is the first time Dennis has shown any remorse for his actions. Interestingly, Reuben refuses to acknowledge them. Strangely enough, their seemingly indifferent behavior towards Forbes after the expulsion seems unusual considering the close bond they were supposed to have shared. It’s almost as if their closeness was more of an illusion, at least in Reuben’s idealized version of their friendship.

7 The Lovers Never Loved Each Other

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

In the film It’s What’s Inside, the friendships might not be great, but the romantic relationships are downright problematic. For instance, Dennis betrays Nikki during their college years, and as for Maya and Reuben, they both cheat on their respective partners, just a day before Reuben’s wedding. To make matters worse, Cyrus and Shelby have been together for quite some time, yet he has no real affection for her and is infatuated with Nikki instead. In an unexpected twist at the end of the movie, he openly confesses that he wishes Shelby would remain in Nikki’s body rather than returning to her own.

Romantic Retribution

Near the movie’s conclusion, characters are debating over which person should retain whose physical form. In a convoluted attempt to reclaim his own body, Cyrus effectively proposes marriage to Shelby, expressing his desire for them to share their future. It’s during this moment that Maya, inhabiting Shelby’s body, discloses a past kiss between her and Cyrus – an incident when he was in Reuben’s body and she was in Nikki’s.

Later on, Maya expresses, “Everything here feels like the consequences of past actions. The man I was involved with was married, and it seems as though I’ve been given a second chance in Shelby’s form, to rectify our wrongdoings.” It appears that Maya is trying to find meaning in her circumstances, but she’s not far off – they are indeed facing the repercussions of infidelity, albeit not through karma, but rather under Beatrice’s guidance.

6 Maya and Dennis Remain Unmourned

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

In the heart of the movie, Brooke (occupying Maya’s form) and Reuben (using Dennis’ body) develop a romantic relationship, which ends tragically when a balcony railing collapses beneath them. Initially, the other characters show sorrow and disbelief, with Dennis and Maya being particularly affected since they lost their physical selves. However, it’s not surprising that the ‘friends’, who were actually strangers, soon move on from their grief as the body-swapping continues. What is astonishing, though, is that beyond this circle of acquaintances, nobody else appears to show concern for Maya and Dennis, despite their passing.

Forgotten and Forsaken

In the film, it seems to me that while Reuben and Brooke were found deceased, it’s as if Maya and Dennis have met a tragic end for those observing from afar. By the movie’s finale, we’re confronted with a chilling crime scene, yet neither Maya nor Dennis’s families or significant others are present, suggesting their absence. It’s clear that Dennis had parents who were mentioned earlier, and Maya had a boyfriend, indicating there must be other crucial individuals in their lives too, but they don’t appear at the end of the movie.

It’s plausible that these relatives haven’t been contacted yet. Additionally, there’s a chance Maya’s husband may not have been informed or that Dennis’ parents are en route. Nevertheless, it’s intriguing how the film wraps up other plot threads, such as Reuben’s fiancée’s response, while completely omitting these responses altogether.

5 Dennis, Maya, and Nikki Will Forever Live a Lie

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

Following the demise of their friends’ physical forms, Dennis and Maya were left with no other option than to inhabit one of the deceased individuals. The mental strain of witnessing death – or more accurately, the cessation of life in those bodies – is undeniably distressing. However, what could potentially be even more disconcerting is assuming a completely new existence and identity.

Dead Bodies, New Lives

Dennis and Maya find it impossible to revert to their past lives. As I mentioned earlier, it appears that not many people seem concerned about their absence, which might make parting ways with old friends and relatives less challenging. However, adopting the identities of Forbes and Brooke could prove entirely different. Should they attempt to take on these new personas, they’d have to familiarize themselves with every detail about them and mimic their behavior, potentially leading to an identity crisis. Alternatively, opting to be true to themselves in their new bodies might face challenges as well. For instance, colleagues of Forbes may pursue Dennis, seeking answers regarding the whereabouts of their equipment.

It should also be noted that Nikki is currently inhabiting a body that isn’t hers; Reuben’s body to be precise, while her original body remains elsewhere. Navigating a body of a different race and gender may pose significant challenges for Nikki, the social media influencer. The allure of finding her original body and the perplexity of adjusting to this new one could potentially exacerbate her existence, making it more disjointed and artificial.

4 Social Media Can be Realer than Reality

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

As a film enthusiast, I found myself captivated by Shelby’s relentless engagement with social media throughout the movie. She seemed to echo others’ posts and immerse herself in an endless sea of likes, much more so than Cyrus. Her obsession with Nikki was palpable, bordering on an unhealthy fixation. It was evident that her self-worth was somehow entwined with the digital world, a reflection of her yearning for validation.

Reflecting Real Social Media

As a passionate movie-goer, I’ve noticed that films like “It’s What’s Inside” make us ponder the impact of social media on our perception of reality. After inhabiting Nikki’s body, Shelby expresses a desire to stay. It’s unclear if she aims to deceive Cyrus with this disguise or if she secretly yearns for the body and the facade it represents – a captivating mystery that keeps us engaged.

3 The Characters Assaulted Each Other

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

In the story It’s What’s Inside, characters often engage in kissing and sexual activities, all while inhabiting other people’s bodies. For instance, Brooke, who is in Maya’s body, gets intimate with Reuben, who is in Dennis’s body, on a balcony. Meanwhile, Maya, now in Nikki’s body, is kissing Cyrus, who has taken over Reuben’s body. In these passionate moments, it’s simple to overlook the fact that their actions implicate not just them, but also the bodies they’ve unwillingly occupied. This lends a troubling undertone to every romantic and intimate scene, as it raises questions of consent.

Crossing the Line

To put it simply, whenever the characters engage in intimate encounters, they bring two additional individuals unwittingly into a situation they didn’t agree to. Even if these actions don’t seem to trouble the characters, that doesn’t equate to their approval. Furthermore, following a series of swaps, Cyrus (in Reuben’s body) makes an inappropriate threat to expose Reuben’s genitals. This sudden action causes Reuben (now in Cyrus’s body) to quickly intervene and stop him, indicating that Reuben was uncomfortable with how his body was being treated. This might also imply that he may not be comfortable with other uses of his body as well.

2 More Lives Will be Ruined

8 Most Disturbing Implications of It's What's Inside

As the movie nears its conclusion, Beatrice, disguised as Nikki, successfully steals the device following a deception of the other characters. This act is followed by Forbes advising Dennis that body swapping can become habit-forming, hinting at potential further misuse by Beatrice. Additionally, when questioned about how many individuals have used the device, it’s revealed that the number exceeds what the group would expect, suggesting multiple people might already be inhabiting bodies other than their own.

A Potential Sequel?

Beatrice possesses the gadget, granting her full control over it. She may decide to inflict harm on more individuals or merely enjoy it, but there’s a strong likelihood that she’ll body-swap once more. This could lead to Maya, Dennis, and Nikki’s misfortune being repeated. At the same time, Beatrice’s individuality might dissolve as she blends with her ever-changing personas.

1 What’s Inside Doesn’t Really Matter

The core concept of “It’s What’s Inside” carries a striking irony. Consistently, the characters prioritize appearances, wealth, and material possessions over personal qualities. This obsession with exterior traits often leads to their misfortunes, as they strive for approval and beauty, yet fail to embody these traits genuinely within themselves. In essence, their relentless pursuit of being perceived as good, likable, or attractive detracts from the authentic development of these qualities internally.

It’s What’s Outside

Via social media, Nikki gains popularity. By virtue of their parents’ affluence, Dennis seems accomplished. Meanwhile, Cyrus and Shelby use their struggling relationship to feign having something coveted by others. However, all these admired facades are false, just as the personas they portray.

The distinction between inner feelings and outer appearances is particularly evident in the situation where Brooke (possessing Maya’s body) and Reuben (in Dennis’s body) form a romantic connection. Reuben finds Brooke attractive because she resembles Maya, a person he had feelings for before. On the other hand, Brooke is drawn to Reuben despite his physical resemblance to Dennis. This gap between inner thoughts and external appearance becomes glaringly obvious when the characters plummet off the ledge to their deaths, suggesting that disregarding the truth of one’s own feelings in favor of outward appearances may ultimately lead to their downfall.

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2024-10-21 05:32