Huge bitcoin (BTC) move puts bulls back in charge

As a seasoned analyst with extensive experience in the cryptocurrency market, I’m thrilled to see Bitcoin (BTC) make a powerful move to the upside on Monday, breaking out of the bull flag formation that had been in place for the last 10 weeks. The bulls are back in charge, and this sea change in price action marks an exciting turnaround for BTC holders who have weathered the recent volatility.

Bitcoin experienced a significant surge on Monday, marking a 7.75% increase in value. This impressive gain propelled Bitcoin to the peak of its bullish flag formation, which had been taking shape over the past ten weeks. The bulls have regained control of the market with this powerful advance.

A sea change for the $BTC price

Over the past ten weeks, it has undoubtedly tested the resolve of many bitcoin holders. At times when the price dipped to $56,000, even the strongest among us might have considered selling. Yet, enduring the ups and downs is part of being a Bitcoin investor. Volatility is an inherent aspect of this digital currency, and those without strong convictions risk losing their coins to others.

When the price of Bitcoin surged towards the peak of its bull flag formation on Monday, the scenario shifted dramatically. In reality, the bull market hadn’t disappeared; it had merely taken a brief pause. The recent 23% correction was nothing out of the ordinary, aligning with historical patterns, even if it fell short of the typical 30%-plus corrections seen in past bull markets.

Despite all the discussion, if bitcoin’s price doesn’t break out of its current bull flag pattern and finish the week above that level, we might be looking at a potential drop back towards the $50,000 range.

Why the price surge?

As a crypto investor, I’ve been closely monitoring the recent price surge of Bitcoin ($BTC). Here are some possible explanations for this trend:

As a crypto investor, I can tell you that while an Ethereum ETF may not directly impact Bitcoin, such news has a ripple effect throughout the entire crypto market. The buzz and anticipation surrounding an Ethereum ETF can cause excitement and enthusiasm among investors, leading to increased buying activity and potentially higher prices for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.

An additional explanation for the rise in Bitcoin’s price could be the substantial purchases made into Spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). Last week witnessed significant investments, totaling almost $1 billion. On Monday alone, an additional $237.2 million was injected into these funds. Even the Grayscale ETF experienced four consecutive days of positive inflows.

From a technical standpoint, another explanation could be that the crossover of the weekly stochastic RSI’s lines at the bottom is boosting the price of Bitcoin. Such crossovers occur roughly every 4 to 6 months, and when the indicator lines intersect upward from their low points, it typically indicates a strong surge in positive momentum for the price.

$BTC not out of the woods yet

From my perspective as a researcher analyzing the daily chart of Bitcoin’s (BTC) price, it appears that we have not yet reached the end of the price volatility. There are several ways to identify the flag pattern in the chart, and one interpretation suggests that the price has already breached the top of the flag and is currently trading well above it. However, upon closer inspection, I notice that the Bitcoin price is only touching the upper boundary of the flag. This observation carries a warning that the price could potentially retrace back to the bottom of the flag.

Next weekly close all-important

On a weekly basis, the price encounters not just the trendline resistance from the bull flag formation, but also resistance created by the past peaks in March and April.

The price breakthrough past certain obstacles could take some time and might result in a pullback to the bull flag’s midpoint. Alternatively, the price may stay put around the current level before eventually surpassing both the bull flag and resistance, paving the way for another significant price increase that sets a new all-time high. The weekly closing point will carry great significance once again.

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2024-05-21 13:03