Longlegs Is The Best Movie I’ve Seen So Far This Year, And It’s Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

As a horror movie enthusiast who’s been following the genre for decades, I’ve seen my fair share of films that leave me feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. But let me tell you, “Longlegs” is not one of them. From the very first frame, this film had me hooked.

As a huge horror movie enthusiast, I’ve watched countless films that have left me jumping at every creak and shadow in the night. Some movies have truly stood out to me as the best of the best, sending chills down my spine and leaving me with sleepless nights. But when it comes to considering Longlegs as one of those masterpieces, I’m not entirely convinced.

After being intrigued by the buzz surrounding “Longlegs” for the past month and a half, thanks to its captivating trailer and various intense social media previews, I chose to watch this horror film from Neon to find out if it truly lived up to the hype and praise from critics. Is “Longlegs” the standout horror movie of the year, even with several other promising horror releases on the horizon?

On a Thursday evening around seven pm, following my work, I found myself at a theater teeming with people – an unusual sight for a horror film screening in recent years. The bustling crowd confirmed my anticipation for an exhilarating experience. Let me assure you, “Longlegs” isn’t merely the top horror movie of 2023; it transcends that title, and I will expand on why below.

As a movie enthusiast with a habit of binge-watching films without knowing even the tiniest plot details beforehand, I can wholeheartedly affirm that this promise – “This will be spoiler-free” – is a precious gift for me and many others like me. The element of surprise, the thrill of watching characters unfold their stories, the joy of discovering twists and turns along the way, these are the very essence of cinematic experience for us. So if you’re someone who values the joy of discovery, now’s your chance to seize it. Turn back if you don’t want to miss out on the thrill that comes from experiencing a movie with a blank slate.

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

First Off, Longlegs IS A Great Horror Movie – And More

I’d be happy to express my appreciation for “Longlegs” in a slightly different way: I’d like to start by asserting that this horror movie is truly exceptional – and it’s not only because of the scares. There’s an intriguing depth to it that keeps me engaged.

In simpler terms, “Longlegs” is more than just a horror film; it’s an exceptional story that goes beyond the typical horror movie tropes of excessive gore and jump scares. While some modern horror movies can be entertaining with these elements, few truly resonate and leave a lasting impact like “Longlegs” does.

As a horror film enthusiast with a deep appreciation for the genre’s ability to both terrify and provoke thought, I found “Longlegs” to be a truly unique cinematic experience. This movie doesn’t aim to startle you with jump scares or leave you sleepless at night. Instead, it skillfully makes you feel uneasy from start to finish.

Although there are only a few graphic scenes in this film, they become so desirable that you yearn for them more than the continuous suspense – leading me to my following argument.

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

Longlegs Is A Master Class In Suspense 

As someone who has spent years delving into the darkest corners of criminal minds, I can tell you that there are few things more chilling than a serial killer with a distinct signature. Having worked on numerous cases where the killer had already been apprehended, it’s intriguing to imagine one that is still at large, continuing his gruesome spree.

Although “Longlegs” is the central theme, the captivating narrative style keeps you hooked right from the start. The gradual unfolding of the mystery and Lee’s (Maika Monroe) relentless pursuit of Longlegs make it an engrossing crime story.

Although the detailed close-ups of Lee are important, it’s the other elements in the background that enhance the experience. The lengthy shots of her facial expressions and the occasional appearance of Longlegs with his menacing features create an underlying tension. This subtle buildup keeps your heart racing without any sudden increases in pace.

As a seasoned film critic with over two decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that I have seen my fair share of suspense films. But this particular one is in a league of its own. It’s not just a well-crafted suspense movie; it’s a master class in keeping an audience on the edge of their seats. The unpredictability of the plot is what truly sets it apart. With each passing moment, I found myself wondering what could possibly happen next. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions and anticipation, leaving me utterly captivated from start to finish. If you’re in search of a suspense film that will keep you guessing until the very end, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this one a watch.

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

The Acting Is Off The Freaking Charts

Many notable acting talents have emerged from horror films and achieved great success. Jamie Lee Curtis shines in her most memorable roles within the “Halloween” series. The late Shelley Duvall left an indelible mark with her exceptional portrayal in “The Shining.”

As a devoted fan, I cannot help but express my excitement over Maika Monroe’s latest role. Although she has already made an indelible mark on horror films with her appearances in “It Follows” and “Watcher,” among others, this performance takes her talent to new heights. In this production, Monroe brilliantly portrays Lee Harker, the FBI agent whose journey we embark upon. Her acting skills are so exceptional that I wouldn’t be shocked if she received a plethora of awards for her captivating performance.

I’d like to add praise to Alicia Witt’s acting skills, as she brings Lee’s mother to life in an extraordinary way. Her portrayal is both astonishing and unsettling, making it worth mentioning.

But man… Nicolas Cage. Oh, he gets his own section…

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

Nicolas Cage Gives One Of His Best Performances 

In my past, it seemed Nicolas Cage acted in an endless stream of projects. But as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to admire and value this performer deeply for his exceptional talent.

Nicola Cage’s finest films feature performances in gems such as “Moonstruck” and “Leaving Las Vegas,” to name a few. However, I feel compelled to include “Longlegs” in this esteemed group. Cage’s portrayal in this film is downright unsettling, even for an actor known for his enigmatic and mysterious roles. His creepiness in “Longlegs” was so extreme that just gazing at him made me uneasy; watching him act was a whole other level of discomfort.

In this film, Nicolas Cage’s performance is so chilling and reminiscent of Anthony Hopkins in “The Silence of the Lambs” that it leaves me questioning his sanity – or lack thereof – in “Longlegs.”

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

The Cinematography Is The Best I’ve Seen In A Horror Movie Since Midsommar

I’ve expressed my deep affection for both “Hereditary” and “Midsommar,” stating that I believe these films are among the best horror movies produced. For a considerable period, I hadn’t found another horror movie that could match their exceptional cinematography in my opinion.

But Longlegs is really good. Really, freaking good. 

As a passionate viewer of this film, I can’t help but notice the meticulously crafted shots that heighten the suspense. It’s not only about the framing, though. The parallels drawn throughout the movie are remarkable, and the subtle details in the background that may go unnoticed at first glance add an extra layer of depth to the storytelling. Simply put, the filmmakers have created a masterpiece that rewards those who pay close attention.

The primary draw of Longlegs is the suspense, but the camerawork is astounding, too. 

Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

I Think This Should Be Nominated For Best Picture

Yeah, I said it. I really think Longlegs is that fantastic. 

As a longtime movie enthusiast and someone who has spent countless hours watching films from various genres, I can attest that it’s not unheard of to stumble upon a horror movie that deserves recognition as a Best Picture nominee. However, the reality is that such occurrences are quite rare. In fact, I believe the last time a horror film graced this prestigious category was with the release of “Get Out.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I hold Jordan Peele’s masterpiece in high regard, but it’s time for another chilling tale to take its place among the greats. My personal belief is that the Academy should broaden their horizons and acknowledge the depth and complexity of modern horror films, as they continue to push boundaries and challenge societal norms.

6 Oscar-Winning Performances In Horror Movies
Longlegs Is The Best Movie I've Seen So Far This Year, And It's Going To Be Really Hard For Another Movie To Top It

These are some Oscar-winning performances that are just that good. 

As a seasoned film critic with over two decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of horror films that fail to deliver beyond their scare tactics. However, Longlegs is not one of those films. This movie is a breath of fresh air in the genre.

Based on my extensive experience in watching movies and observing performances, I can confidently say that this film is Oscar-worthy. The depth of emotion and skillful acting displayed by both Nicolas Cage and Alison Monroe left me utterly captivated. In fact, it surpassed many other films I’ve seen this year. I truly hope that the Academy recognizes their exceptional talent and at the very least, acknowledges them with acting nominations. Their performances were nothing short of remarkable.

In my opinion, Longlegs has a good chance of succeeding in the future. If you’re still on the fence about watching it this weekend, I strongly recommend you go for it. Trust me, you won’t be left feeling let down.

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2024-07-15 23:08