This League of Legends champion says “Want meat!”

This League of Legends champion says "Want meat!"

As a dedicated fan of League of Legends and a proud solver of the daily LoLdle riddles, I eagerly anticipate each new challenge with bated breath. Today’s quote hints immediately transported me back to my early days in the League community, reminiscing about the champions that first captured my heart.

Today’s quote answer for LoLdle, along with some assistance if you’d like to try solving it on your own, is provided below.

Hints for today’s champion

  • They are known as “The Mouth Of The Abyss”.
  • They usually reside in the Bottom role.
  • Their resource is Mana.
  • They are a ranged champion.
  • They were released in 2010.

Today’s quote champion

Today’s answer is Kog’Maw.

This League of Legends champion says "Want meat!"

If you are still looking for the other LoLdle answers, check them out here.

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2024-07-20 12:42