“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach Gives Advice on Dealing With a Flop and Finishing That Script

“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach Gives Advice on Dealing With a Flop and Finishing That Script

Help, My Movie Bombed! Again!

As a seasoned TV producer and founder of Vitality Guru, I’ve seen my fair share of unfinished projects and dreams deferred. But let me tell you something about Unfinished Epiphany – this person has a fire in their belly that can’t be contained by the comforts of an executive role.

Dear Remy,

As a gamer and an actor with a passion for filmmaking, I find myself drawn back to a world I thought I had left behind. My dual career might be seen as a fun side project by some, but I pour my heart and soul into both aspects of my artistic endeavors.

In the ’90s, my professional journey experienced an impressive beginning. However, a disastrous movie performance led to significant setbacks, leaving me with a tarnished image. Subsequently, entering any room felt like following a trail of embarrassment. It took a long time and considerable effort to dig out of that hole and restore my reputation.

In today’s era of streaming services, I experienced renewed achievement by creating and acting in various productions that received notable recognition.

However, as I was rejoicing in having put the challenging times of the ’90s, including Tamagotchis and trendy low-rise pants, in the past, fate had other plans and I encountered another setback.

More recently, my business has experienced a catastrophic failure, leaving me feeling as if I’m back in my past nightmares from three decades ago. However, things have taken a turn for the worse in 2024. With the internet’s widespread accessibility, anyone can now leave their opinions, even bots, and share how disappointing my creation has been to the world. The number of viewers is alarmingly low.

Feeling weary and drained, I ponder the prospect of undergoing another round of public scrutiny and self-doubt. The memories of past resurrections still linger in my mind, a bitter taste that refuses to dissipate. The whispers within the industry, once comforting, now sound like judgmental chatter, and the public’s unwavering gaze leaves me feeling exposed.

I’ve faced challenging situations in the past, but none have felt quite as intense and close to home as this one. The risks are greater, and the prospect of bouncing back seems more difficult than ever before. Your sage advice and a healthy dose of your straight-talking toughness would be invaluable in helping me steer through this crisis.

I’m eagerly anticipating your suggestions on transforming this unfortunate situation into a future source of amusement, perhaps over Negroni Sbagliatos during the upcoming award ceremonies.


Your favorite Hollywood comeback kid

Dear Comeback Kid,

I’ve been truly impressed by your resilience throughout your career in Hollywood. Overcoming the challenges of this industry once is no small feat, but to do it twice is nothing short of heroic. Your life story reads more like a Hitchcock thriller than a biography, with unexpected twists and turns at every corner. And I have every confidence that you’ll transform this latest setback into yet another success story. Your determination and unwavering spirit are truly inspiring.

As a gamer, I’d say: Let’s refocus on some essential aspects to get back in the game and regain that signature Boadicea scent.

Reflecting on past experiences is essential for personal growth. From my perspective, have I identified the root cause of the recent setback? Was it due to a flawed script, misguided direction, insufficient marketing efforts, or perhaps an unforeseen circumstance? Regardless, what invaluable insights can I glean from this episode in my life’s journey? These are questions worth pondering to ensure that the lessons learned will enrich my future endeavors.

Reach out to your professional connections for valuable feedback or assistance in your industry. A fresh perspective from a trusted colleague could be the key to making necessary improvements. Additionally, engage with your fans for their input. Their unexpected support and insights may help turn things around. You can request them to confirm their authenticity by sharing video feedback or asking them to identify all the traffic lights within a 3×3 grid.

As someone who has gone through the ups and downs of life, I strongly believe that everyone deserves to pursue their passions and take care of themselves, especially during challenging times. So, if there’s a project that has always ignited your heart and sparked your creativity, now might be the ideal moment to dive in headfirst.

I truly believe that every person’s story is unique and worthy of continuation, no matter what challenges or setbacks we may face. As someone who has experienced my fair share of failures and disappointments in life, I can attest to the fact that these moments do not define us. Instead, it’s how we choose to respond to them that shapes our legacy.

Looking forward to your next blockbuster,


“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach Gives Advice on Dealing With a Flop and Finishing That Script

On Second Thought, I Want My Old Lips Back

Dear Remy,

Hollywood is known for constant change, and I’ve experienced my fair share: erasing laughter lines, elevating a sagging jawline, and undergoing regular liposuction after turning 40. If the Fountain of Youth offered loyalty rewards, I’d be at the top tier.

“I’ve often remarked that our bodies are similar to cars, requiring routine maintenance but not overburdened. However, my friends are currently embracing the ‘reverse plastic surgery’ movement. Authenticity is now in vogue, and it seems to have extended to our faces.”

I’m really pondering my decision here. I can’t help but be intrigued by my friend’s choice to have all her fillers removed in her 50s. The media couldn’t get enough of her transformation, praising her as if she had solved the world’s hunger crisis. She landed a new role soon after – playing the grandmother to someone a decade younger than herself. While it’s an exciting opportunity, I can’t help but remember that every job counts.

As a gamer, I ponder if this trend could propel my career forward. But, do I have the courage to take the plunge? Revealing my true, unaltered appearance online is a daunting prospect. Once I’ve made that move, there’s no turning back. It’s like opening Pandora’s Box – an uncertain adventure that could bring new opportunities or unexpected challenges.

Reversing a decision comes with its own challenges – it’s unpredictable, risky, and can even leave one feeling uncomfortable or remorseful. I’ve grown quite fond of my weekly tea breaks, free from Botox treatments and their subsequent side effects.

Remy, it seems I have a decision to make between embracing my natural appearance and maintaining a more youthful look that’s currently popular. Your insight would be invaluable as I navigate the tricky waters of staying modern while remaining true to who I am.

Yours, with a wrinkle or two,

[Name withheld to protect the perfectly imperfect]

Dear Perfectly Imperfect,

As someone who has spent years in the entertainment industry, I can certainly relate to the classic Hollywood dilemma of whether to undergo a face-lift or embrace the natural aging process. It’s a decision that is not without its complexities and considerations.

As a gamer, I’m always intrigued by the latest trends in society. Lately, I’ve noticed a growing interest in plastic surgery reversal. Is this a genuine move towards embracing natural beauty or just another act in the spotlight? The industry thrives on compelling stories, and what could be more captivating than a star rediscovering their authentic self after years of cosmetic enhancements? It’s an unexpected turn that keeps us engaged, not only as spectators but also for those making the casting decisions.

I’ve been there, considering the idea of undergoing reversal surgeries after initially choosing to go under the knife. But let me tell you, it’s not as simple as returning a dress that doesn’t fit right at Neiman Marcus. Reversing surgeries are more akin to unbaking a cake that has already been baked and served. Sure, it’s technically possible, but the process is messy and complex.

In essence, Hollywood is known for following new trends, from natural beauty to alien-inspired looks. The crucial point is discovering what makes you feel like the star of your personal life. If enhancing your appearance with cosmetic procedures brings you self-assurance and happiness, then keep it up. On the other hand, if embracing your natural face fills you with excitement, go for it. Authenticity is valued in the industry, but isn’t true authenticity found in being comfortable and confident in your own skin – be it unaltered or altered by time or professional expertise?

Reflecting on my own experiences and observing those around me, I ponder over the question of authenticity versus external validation. As we navigate through life, we often grapple with the decision to embrace our true selves or conform to societal expectations. In the glamorous world of red carpets and public scrutiny, this dilemma can be especially pronounced.

Yours in ageless wisdom,


Forever Almost Done: My Screenplay Saga

Dear Remy,

Have you ever felt weighed down by incomplete tasks? Although it may not appear so, as you seem to have your life well-managed with an orderly workspace and never missing deadlines, imagine how it feels for me.

When I was just eight years old, I wrote out a list of movie credits on some paper towels and was thrilled to share it with everyone around me. However, my brother unfortunately used that same piece of paper to clean up some spilled Gatorade instead.

As a gamer, I can’t forget that childhood dream of mine – the one where I’d spend hours exploring fantastical worlds, leveling up my characters, and solving intricate puzzles. I set aside that dream when reality called and I pursued a career as a film executive. But the truth is, no amount of success or salary can fill the void left by that long-lost passion. I remember that little boy at the yard sale, pleading for a vintage typewriter, only to discover a mouse living inside instead. That experience felt like a metaphor for my own dreams, and even though I’ve strayed from the path, I still feel the responsibility to honor that memory and give my childhood dream another chance.

I’ve hit a roadblock: I can never seem to complete a screenplay. I make it to 80%, then hit a wall. It’s like baking a cheesecake without the topping or constructing an infinity pool without access steps. My latest project is a spaghetti Western with dragons (a blend of Game of Thrones and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly). I’ve drafted 167 out of 190 scenes and even retreated to a cabin to finish it. Yet, instead, my mind has drifted towards new ideas: a musical set during the Warsaw uprising, a comedy centering on moon billboard sales, and a biopic focused on Carrot Top.

It’s possible that I’ve grown too complacent in my executive position, leading me to lack the necessary fear to complete tasks. Could leaving this role and starting anew rekindle a sense of urgency within me?


Unfinished Epiphany

Dear Unfinished Epiphany,

Do I have unfinished projects? Let’s just say my summer sock drawer has seen better days.

From my own perspective, I’ve been there before – having big dreams and the motivation to achieve them, but finding myself held back at the last hurdle. It’s a familiar feeling, isn’t it? The allure of comfort and security is strong, especially when we’ve worked hard to get to that executive role.

Have you tried setting smaller, manageable goals for yourself?

Can you find consistent blocks of time for writing without having to seclude yourself in a forest cabin? And wouldn’t setting up regular check-ins with a reliable friend help maintain your commitment and progress?

Consider this reflection: How would the small boy with an antique typewriter and a mouse companion encourage you to act? It’s not always about destroying relationships but rather cultivating healthier habits. Can you strike a balance that enables you to complete your screenplay without jeopardizing your professional growth?

Stay creative, stay committed, and most importantly, stay true to yourself.

Yours in finishing touches,


Remy Blumenfeld, an experienced television producer and founder of Vitality Guru, provides business and career guidance for top achievers in the media industry. For inquiries, please contact us at: guru@vitality.guru.

Questions edited by Sarah Mills.

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2024-07-20 18:55