10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn’t Age Well

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

As a fan who has grown up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I must say that this iconic show had its fair share of groundbreaking moments and memorable characters. However, it also had some scenes that left a bitter taste, particularly those involving questionable treatment of female characters.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which captivated audiences in the latter part of the 1990s, remains a cherished series to this day, with followers ranging from those who adored it during its original run to those who only recently discovered it. As time has passed since the ’90s, some narratives may resonate differently than they did when the show initially premiered, given societal shifts that have occurred since then.

Occasionally, certain episodes reveal their age due to the significant changes in plot development that could occur with today’s technology. At other times, themes or concepts initially presented in episodes have sparked debate over time. Characters intended for audience empathy may act in ways that contemporary viewers might find disagreeable.

1990s viewers might not have given much attention to certain aspects of the series at the time, but these elements can seem more significant now, especially after they’ve become more widely discussed. For instance, contemporary viewers might find themselves considering issues that have arisen regarding the show’s cast and crew, such as allegations of workplace misconduct against Joss Whedon, when rewatching the series.

10 The Costume Party

Season 2, Episode 4 – “Inca Mummy Girl”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

As a movie enthusiast, I’d put it this way: “Inca Mummy Girl” takes me on a thrilling journey where Sunnydale High becomes home to some exotic exchange students. However, the fun turns sour when the mysterious Incan princess, hidden away in her tomb, comes alive and begins preying upon people, absorbing their vitality to transform into a human girl. To make matters worse, she swaps identities with Buffy’s potential foreign roommate, Ampata, and it seems like Xander is next on her list!

Though Ampata’s Princess Costume Suits Her

The heart of the tale unfolds at a school-organized dance, where students are urged to don traditional outfits from various cultures. Originally intended in the 1990s to foster cultural sensitivity, this occasion might now be perceived as cultural appropriation, given that many American students tend to view it more as a costume party rather than giving due respect and understanding to the cultural significance of these outfits.

Willow is seen wearing an “Eskimo”-style outfit, which was intended to be unique among her peers at the time. However, this costume has become less acceptable over the years. On the other hand, Xander’s cowboy costume, reminiscent of Spaghetti Westerns, might have been thrown together hastily, but in a different context, it could be considered one of the less offensive costumes.

9 The Teacher/Student Romance

Season 2, Episode 19 – “I Only Have Eyes for You”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

“In Sunnydale High, during the Sadie Hawkins dance, spirits from the past and present haunt the school. The story unfolds as Buffy intervenes to prevent a student from harming another. Strangely, the weapon vanishes, and neither student can recall their altercation. As it turns out, in the 1950s, a teacher was involved in a fatal affair with one of her students, and things took a turn for the worse when she attempted to break it off.”

Ghosts of the Past

Often, spirits take control of individuals, making a persistent error. Nevertheless, the situation is eventually resolved when a pupil and a mentor assume control over Buffy and Angel, respectively. Since Angel is a vampire, he can withstand a gunshot, enabling the spirits to come to terms.

Modern audiences might instantly associate a school shooting scenario with distressing real-world incidents that have occurred recently. Furthermore, the plot presents the teacher and student as if they were star-crossed lovers reunited in the afterlife, which could be problematic given the increasing reports of teachers engaging in sexual misconduct with students. Consequently, it’s unlikely that a contemporary series would depict the teacher in such a favorable manner.

Intriguingly, the initial episode titled “Teacher’s Pet” presents a female teacher in a monstrous role, exploiting her students. However, it is revealed later that this character transforms into a literal monster.

8 The Show’s Treatment of Romani

Season 2

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

In many tales, Angel is well-known as a vampire who was given a human soul despite being cursed. However, the specifics of his backstory have been debated for quite some time. Before the events depicted in the series, Angel took the life of a young Romani girl from the Kalderash clan, whom they held dear. Since a vampire is essentially a demon inhabiting a dead body, regaining his human soul brought about regret and a sense of morality.

Though Jenny Preferred Tech to Magic

The series often refers to Romani people as gypsies, a term that has been deemed offensive. Notably, characters are even labeled as such. In an episode named after him, Angel employs the term “Romani” to describe the Kalderash, only to discover Buffy is unfamiliar with the term. Similarly, depicting Romani people as possessing genuine supernatural abilities aligns with stereotypes linking them to the mystical and occult.

Indeed, it’s been observed by some viewers that Jenny Calendar, also known as Janna from the Kalderash tribe, is unveiled as a fellow member of the group who placed the curse on Angel. Interestingly, she’s depicted as a compassionate character, even though her affinity lies with technology rather than magic. She strives to lift Angel’s curse, but tragically, she falls victim to Angelus, the ruthless vampire without a soul.

7 Buffy Commenting on the First Slayer’s Hair

Season 4, Episode 22 – “Restless”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

Long ago, before Buffy was chosen as the slayer to battle evil forces, it was Sineya who originally held that role. She had been combined with a demon by the Shadow Men, causing her to be shunned by her village. Believing the slayer’s destiny is one of solitude, she launched attacks on Buffy and her companions in their dreams, after Buffy gained the full strength of the slayer line during a ritual.

The Original Slayer Deserved More Respect

In their argument, Buffy criticizes Sineya’s hairstyle, specifically her dreadlocks, by asking, “Are you trying to make a statement about your grooming that might not be well-received in the office?” This remark has been seen as both racially insensitive and petty since the resurgence of the natural hair movement in the 2000s.

6 Angel & Buffy’s Incredibly Creepy Age Gap

Most of the Series

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

In this fantastical show, several characters seem younger than their actual age because of its supernatural elements. One of the early instances involves the Slayer developing romantic feelings for a vampire who possesses a soul, while she was still a teenager.

Angel’s Been Watching Over Buffy Since Hemery High

Over the course of time, debates have arisen concerning whether such significant age differences are acceptable. Although some fictional characters initiate relationships when they are at least adults, I found myself in a scenario where I was 16 when I first encountered Angel, who had been 24 and turned into a vampire over two centuries ago and has remained that age ever since. Moreover, it is disclosed later on that Angel had been keeping an eye on me since my residence in Los Angeles.

One intricate aspect of their relationship is that it remains unclear which aspects of Angel’s character stem from Liam, the human he once was, or the demon taking over him. This implies that the Angel Buffy fell for is the result of the curse that restored his soul, hinting that her affection might be more towards an illusion rather than a real person.

5 The Predatory Implications of “Hush”

Season 4, Episode 10 – “Hush”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

One of the standout episodes from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” series is titled “Hush.” In this episode, enigmatic creatures known as The Gentlemen bewitch the town, causing people to lose their voices. At night, these beings then take away the hearts of their victims. Since a human voice can kill them, yet no one can hear the cries for help from the victims, it adds an extra layer of terror and isolation.

The Story Also Might Work Differently With Cell Phones

Intriguingly ambiguous in the narrative is the reason behind the Gentlemen’s heart collection. Some contemporary viewers perceive these villains as symbolizing sexual predators, with their heart theft mirroring the act of exploitation, and their attacks happening on a college campus. Although this parallel might not have been as striking to late 1990s viewers, it may resonate more deeply after the #MeToo movement shed light on numerous instances of sexual harassment and assault on today’s college campuses.

Another aspect of the story that shows its age is how people have to interact when their voices are taken away. This is explored in different ways, with characters finding different ways to communicate or even learning that language is a barrier. Of course, the story might not work as well if it took place today, as the characters would probably just use cell phones to text each other.

4 The Dated Use of Technology in “I, Robot… You, Jane”

Season 1, Episode 8 – “I, Robot… You, Jane”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

In the narrative “I, Robot… You, Jane,” Willow encounters an individual on the web, identifying himself as ‘Malcolm.’ Unbeknownst to her, this person isn’t human; instead, he’s a demon that had been transferred onto the internet following the digitalization of an ancient tome.

“If You’re Not Jacked In, You’re Not Alive”

I found myself reflecting on a warning from back then about the risks of interacting with strangers online, which seemed visionary at the time, yet now some aspects of it feel somewhat outdated. For instance, in an episode I recall, Willow – the character known for her tech-savviness – attempted to deactivate the computer by switching off the monitor, a method that feels quite antiquated today. Additionally, during their conversation, instead of both messages appearing simultaneously, each was typed out in real time as if being written by hand, which added an interesting touch but seems less common nowadays.

A noteworthy topic revolves around Giles and Jenny Caldeniar debating the merits of books versus technology. While Giles champions the traditional approach to knowledge, Jenny emphasizes that technology simplifies accessibility. Over time, as people have increasingly turned to technology for reading and information gathering, it’s become more common for contemporary audiences to find themselves aligning with Jenny’s perspective.

3 The Potential School Shooting

Season 3, Episode 22 – “Earshot”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

In the story “Earshot,” Buffy acquires the ability to hear people’s thoughts after a battle with demons, which is comically portrayed at first. However, things become grave when she overhears the chilling thought, “By this time tomorrow, I will kill you all,” echoing in the school cafeteria. The focus of suspicion shifts towards Freddy, the school’s skeptical news reporter, and Jonathan, a solitary student who carries a gun to school.

The Episode Actually Had To Be Delayed

I found myself drawn into a storyline centering on a chilling plot to target students, reminiscent of the horrifying school shootings we’ve seen unfold in real life, such as those at Columbine and Uvalde. In a cruel twist of irony, the episode was initially scheduled to air around the time of the Columbine Massacre, but it was postponed out of respect for the victims and the gravity of the situation.

In the narrative I’m referring to, an unexpected turn of events unfolds: Jonathan, who I found myself rooting for, wasn’t initially plotting harm towards his peers, but was contemplating suicide. However, Buffy manages to intervene just in time to prevent this tragic outcome. What makes this twist intriguing is that Buffy remains oblivious to Jonathan’s true intentions until after she has already talked him out of it, giving the scene a somewhat humorous tone. This portrayal of mental health struggles, while seemingly light-hearted, might strike some as surprising in today’s context of increased awareness and understanding about these issues.

2 Spike Assaulting Buffy

Season 6, Episode 19 – “Seeing Red”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

In the popular series, Spike, a character who has garnered significant attention, has taken on various roles from villain to anti-hero and even a potential love interest for Buffy. Yet, their relationship isn’t always characterized by health. For instance, in “Seeing Red,” Spike attempts to persuade Buffy that she harbors feelings for him, but is struggling to acknowledge them openly.

1. Buffy admits to having emotions towards him, but explains that she can’t give her heart to someone she isn’t certain about. Trying to win her over with intimacy, Spike attempts to compel her, yet Buffy manages to prevent him from doing so before it goes too far.

Some Fans Even Stopped Shipping Buffy & Spike Thanks to the Scene

Remarkably, Spike is shocked by the action he almost took and attempts to offer an apology, yet Buffy clarifies that it was only her intervention that stopped him. Intriguingly, this incident serves as a catalyst for Spike’s quest towards atonement.

The controversial moment in the show has sparked intense conversation among viewers, particularly following the rise of the MeToo movement which intensified dialogues surrounding sexual violence. Some spectators argue that the portrayal of the situation was insensitive, as Spike seemed to escape too lightly from his attempted actions.

1 Cordelia Being Threatened & Ignored

Season 2, Episode 2 – “Some Assembly Required”

10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well10 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Moments That Didn't Age Well

In “Some Assembly Required”, Buffy offers a modern twist on the classic Frankenstein tale. A classmate with a knack for science has brought his deceased brother back to life, intending to create an ideal companion by combining various body parts from different girls. However, brain tissue doesn’t stay fresh for long, so he needs a new one and selects three potential donors: Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia.

Charisma Carpenter Has Spoken Out On the Show’s “Toxic Environment”

In the end, the monster selects Cordelia as his new associate, resulting in her abduction and a close call with decapitation. Given that Charisma Carpenter, who portrayed Cordelia later on, has spoken openly about the problematic atmosphere on the show during her tenure playing the character, particularly criticizing the series creator Joss Whedon, it’s emotionally challenging to witness such peril befalling her character.

After Cordelia is saved, she attempts to express gratitude towards Xander, but he disregards her and turns his attention to Willow instead. However, in actuality, Carpenter wasn’t so easily dismissed. Other cast members from Buffy and Angel, including herself, rallied behind her assertions and offered their support.

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2024-08-11 05:32