‘Tryhards’ are of already putting players off Splitgate 2

‘Tryhards’ are of already putting players off Splitgate 2

As a seasoned gamer who’s seen the rise and fall of many online multiplayer games, I can’t help but feel a pang of déjà vu with Splitgate 2. It’s a fresh, exciting title that’s quickly becoming a battleground for the ‘tryhards’ and the casual players.

Oh-oh, here they come. Watch out, boy, they’ll chew you up…

Shortly following the launch of the Splitgate 2 playtest, competitive players, often referred to as ‘grinders’ or ‘dedicated gamers’, have swarmed in to dominate and eliminate less experienced players.

Currently, video clips are spreading rapidly online showcasing Splitgate 2 players who are putting in extraordinary effort and overwhelming lobbies, leaving other game enthusiasts to steer clear from this entertaining game due to frequent encounters with such skilled competitors.

Splitgate 2 is being overrun by ‘Tryhards’

‘Tryhards’ are of already putting players off Splitgate 2

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can attest to the age-old issue that plagues many multiplayer games: sweaty players who prioritize winning over fun and sportsmanship. In my years of gaming, I’ve encountered my fair share of these individuals in various titles, including Splitgate. The recent influx of portal-jumping demons in this game has been especially noticeable and, to be frank, rather frustrating. It seems that some players are using the portals as a means to gain an unfair advantage, which can ruin the overall experience for those of us who simply want to enjoy the game without constantly feeling like we’re being outmaneuvered. While I understand that competition is a part of gaming, it shouldn’t come at the expense of fun and fairness. In my opinion, the developers should address this issue promptly, as it threatens to tarnish the reputation of Splitgate and drive players like me away from the game.

On Twitter, a video has emerged showing a Splitgate pro player named “2ChenZo” dominating his opponents, utilizing his extensive understanding of the portals, followed by rapid-fire shots and rocket attacks.

However, following its dissemination by Jake Lucky, some players have contended that the “hardcore players” or “dedicated gamers” could potentially cause Splitgate 2 to fade away just as rapidly as it emerged.

It seems that this individual is already giving it their maximum effort in the online PvP game even before its release, effectively exhausting the enjoyment for those fortunate enough to gain early access. Essentially, he’s spoiling the fun for everyone else by over-optimizing the gameplay.

— Pilps (@PilpsYT) August 21, 2024

A fan commented on Twitter, saying, “This is essentially why online multiplayer games fail.” [He] is referring to the fact that the game has not even been launched and yet this individual is already giving it his maximum effort.

“He’s currently streaming, making sure everyone fortunate enough to join has a great time playing something novel,” they remarked.

others concurred, expressing their sentiment as follows: “This appears terribly disappointing. In fact, I’m rather pleased that I chose to discontinue playing the initial version if this is indicative of the gaming experience I would have encountered subsequently.”

Of course, there are two sides to this coin.

Players need to be good for the game to excel and advance, and streaming relies on expertise.

When and why did we start shaming people for being good at stuff,” another gamer argued back.

So far, it seems that Splitgate 2 has sparked quite a divide among gamers due to its noticeable skill gap that could potentially make it challenging for beginners to navigate and appreciate.

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2024-08-22 19:42