Final Fantasy 16 Director Says Team Learned From Forspoken To Perfect The Game’s PC Port

Final Fantasy 16 Director Says Team Learned From Forspoken To Perfect The Game’s PC Port

As a long-time fan of the Final Fantasy series, I am absolutely thrilled by the news that future titles in this beloved franchise are likely to launch on PC day 1! Having grown up playing these games on various platforms, it’s heartening to see Square Enix adopting a multiplatform strategy “aggressively” as Hiroshi Takai, the director of Final Fantasy 16, mentioned.

Story Highlights

  • The Final Fantasy 16 director said it’s likely for future titles in the IP to launch on PC day 1.
  • Square Enix has also learned from Forspoken’s flaws to perfect FF16’s PC release.
  • The RPG is coming out for PC on September 11, with both of its DLCs included. 

As a devoted gamer, I can’t help but share some exciting news that’s been floating around. In a chat with GamesRadar, the director of Final Fantasy 16, Hiroshi Takai, hinted that it’s quite likely we might see future installments in this epic series gracing our PC screens on their release day. Now, remember, this is just his viewpoint – the ultimate decision lies with the team. But considering Square Enix has been pushing a multiplatform strategy pretty hard, as evident from their last fiscal report, it seems like we’re moving in that direction!

The director expressed his belief that it’s quite probable, or possibly even certain, based on his perspective. However, since each individual project has its own management team, they are free to set their own policies. So, this is simply his personal viewpoint.

Hiroshi further clarifies the reason behind the delay in bringing Final Fantasy 16 to PC. Primarily, they’ve been meticulously refining it for an optimal RPG experience, which has required a significant amount of time. The developers couldn’t expedite the process due to the game’s large size and complexity.

1. There’s no benefit in holding back its launch, and I believe we’ve already pushed the porting process as fast as possible. Upon examination of the outcomes, it seems that our efforts to optimize the game for PC were worthwhile.

Final Fantasy 16’s PC Port Is Seemingly Destined For Success

In discussing Forspoken and Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, the director asserts that Square Enix has taken note of the criticisms regarding their past PC ports. To ensure a more positive reception for Final Fantasy 16’s PC release, they have “tackled any issues that might be seen as negative” based on feedback gathered from their other projects. This indicates that the PC version of Final Fantasy 16 should provide an optimal experience for players.

Final Fantasy 16 Director Says Team Learned From Forspoken To Perfect The Game’s PC Port

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Initially released to critical acclaim on June 22, 2023, solely for PlayStation 5, Final Fantasy 16 will be available on PC starting September 17, 2024. There are whispers that it may also make an appearance on Xbox in the future.

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2024-08-26 06:02