IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack: Survivors claim Netflix has shown the truth and did not make up names of hijackers amidst controversy; ‘Those weren’t their actual names’

IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack: Survivors claim Netflix has shown the truth and did not make up names of hijackers amidst controversy; 'Those weren't their actual names'

As a lifestyle expert with a keen interest in the intersection of personal experiences and media narratives, I find myself deeply moved by the accounts of Rakesh and Pooja Kataria regarding the Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. Their firsthand experiences lend an authenticity to their perspectives that cannot be overlooked.

In relation to the ongoing controversy surrounding the Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack, specifically concerning the portrayal of ‘Hindu’ codenames for the hijackers involved in the 1999 Indian Airlines flight kidnapping from Kathmandu, two survivors have expressed their views. They suggested that “these weren’t their genuine names, the hijackers were Muslim and this depiction isn’t fictional as Netflix attempted to present the truth”.

Rakesh Kataria, who was a newlywed at the time and returning from Nepal, shared his thoughts in an interview with India Today TV. Upon learning about the controversies, he confirmed that the portrayal in the series was accurate. He stated, “The names given weren’t their real ones, just aliases. Netflix didn’t invent the names. The five hijackers were Muslim, but the two had Hindu codenames. This isn’t fabricated, Netflix aimed to present the truth.” Rakesh opted not to watch the series to avoid reexperiencing the traumatic event.

Pooja Kataria agreed with her husband’s perspective, stressing that “Bhola” and “Shankar” were the aliases of the hijackers, and the show’s portrayal strongly resembled their actual ordeals.

She pointed out that the series did a good job depicting the hijacking incident, but it primarily focused on the political aspects, like the discussions between the hijackers and the Indian administration, instead of delving into the intricacies of the hijacking event itself.

Reflecting on the memories, I myself can attest that among the 26 newlywed couples who recently returned from their honeymoon in Nepal, the depiction of the harrowing events in the series strikingly resonated with Rachna and Rupin Katyal’s (unfortunately, Rupin was one of the victims taken by the hijackers) actual experiences. At that moment, they, like many others, were not fully aware of the gravity of the situation, initially holding onto hope that it would be swiftly resolved.

Pooja shared an account where one of the hijackers, referred to as Doctor, delivered multiple speeches encouraging passengers to embrace Islam, which swayed certain people. One detail she recalled was the hijackers warning they would begin killing passengers if India’s authorities failed to intervene.

Incident 814: On December 24, 1999, an Indian Airlines flight en route to Delhi was hijacked just a short while after takeoff from Kathmandu. The aircraft first diverted to Amritsar for refueling, then continued its journey to Dubai, before eventually landing in Kandahar, Afghanistan. During this time, talks between the hijackers and the Indian government took place concerning the flight’s resolution.

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2024-09-04 09:23