After Watching The Bikeriders, I’m Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann’s Heat 2

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

As a film enthusiast with a penchant for gritty, intense dramas, I must say that Austin Butler seems to be the perfect candidate to bring Chris Shiherlis back to life in “Heat 2”. His portrayal of Benny in “The Bikeriders” was nothing short of explosive, reminiscent of a young, fiery Shiherlis.

After putting it off for a while, I recently caught up with the movie “The Bikeriders“, which I missed seeing on the big screen this summer. The film left me utterly amazed, particularly Austin Butler’s outstanding performance. As I watched the movie that delves into a Chicago motorcycle club during the ’60s and ’70s, my thoughts kept wandering to Butler and the persistent rumors about him being considered for Michael Mann’s upcoming sequel to “Heat“, one of the greatest movies from the ’90s.

For some time now, I’ve been of the belief that actor Butler, known for his powerful portrayals in films like “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” “Elvis,” and the upcoming “Dune Part 2,” would make an excellent fit for the book-to-screen adaptation we have planned. After seeing him in “The Bikeriders,” I’m completely convinced that he would be perfect for “Heat 2.” This conviction is even stronger given the character he’s rumored to be playing.

By the way, there will be significant revelations from both “The Bikeriders” and “Heat” as we proceed. Keep that in mind as we dive in!

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

Austin Butler Has Long Been Rumored To Take Over Val Kilmer’s Part In Heat 2

In due time when “Heat 2” is released, it will function as both a precursor and continuation to one of the greatest heist movies ever made. This implies that actors portraying younger versions of characters such as Robert De Niro’s Neil McCauley and Val Kilmer’s Chris Shiherlis will need to be found. While I could delve deeper into the speculations surrounding Adam Driver, for the purpose of this narrative, let’s concentrate on Austin Butler being the leading contender for portraying Shiherlis in his youthful years.

For most of 2024, publications such as Deadline have hinted that a specific Golden Globe winner could be cast in the role, and these rumors gained some traction when clips emerged online showing Butler undergoing weapons training (courtesy of GamesRadar). Yet, the actor has been quite evasive about confirming or denying this, as evident during an interview by TopMob’s Mike Reyes prior to the release of The Bikeriders.

While I can’t guarantee that Butler will definitely portray Shiherlis in “Heat 2”, there’s a strong chance it could happen. After all, we’ve seen these types of situations before where actors are cast in sequels.

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

Benny And Chris Shiherlis Feel Like They Were Cut From The Same Cloth

There are numerous similarities between Benny and Chris Shiherlis in “The Bikeriders” that it’s almost as if they could be the same person. Watching the film, I couldn’t help but question if their characters were modeled after a single individual, as they seem to share the same essence or spirit. They appear like soulmates of sorts.

At first glance, both characters share an undeniable handsomeness, with their sun-kissed blonde hair and a mix of ruggedness and innocence in their demeanor. As they go about their lives within their groups – the McCauley gang from “Heat” and the Vandals in “The Bikeriders” – they exhibit similar mannerisms, speech patterns, and physical presence. This striking resemblance in appearance, body language, and physique makes actor Butler an ideal choice for stepping into the role.

In many ways, Benny’s and Chris’ narratives share striking similarities that enrich their contrast. They are both key figures within their criminal organizations, each facing the challenge of being pulled in various directions. Furthermore, they undergo a spiritual struggle, from the beginning to the end of their tales, questioning their beliefs.

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

I Loved How Well Austin Butler Was Able To Pull Off A Tortured And Conflicted Character In Bikeriders

In the past, I’ve observed that Butler excels at creating deeply troubled and conflicted characters, a talent that shines particularly brightly in his portrayal of Benny from “The Bikeriders“. Unlike the other Vandals who appear carefree, indifferent to anything beyond alcohol, drugs, brawls, and women, Benny’s eyes tell a different story.

In this story, we see a character engaged in an ongoing struggle between standing ground and fleeing daily. On numerous occasions throughout the film, this individual mysteriously vanishes due to these pressures. The depth and emotion conveyed in his acting make me hopeful that he’s been chosen for the role of Chris Shiherlis in “Heat 2”, as his complexity would suit the character beautifully.

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

He Also Had This Explosive Energy, Which Would Be Perfect For A Young Chris Shiherlis

Since the very first trailer for Bikeriders, I sensed that the film would feature some thrilling, intense scenes. Despite the movie’s focus being more on atmosphere rather than storyline, as mentioned in our review, there are certain instances where characters display remarkable bursts of raw energy, particularly Austin Butler’s portrayal of Benny.

There’s one scene in particular (though revisited multiple times) in the movie where Benny refuses to remove his “colors” (his Vandals patch) at a bar and then gets the shit kicked out of him by two goons. I swear I saw shades of a young Chris Shiherlis when Benny pulls out the knife and slashes one of his attackers after fighting them in the street. It takes a lot to get the kid going, but when he does, he doesn’t mess around. 

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

Austin Butler Has Proven He’s A Dedicated Actor Who’s Able To Lose Himself In A Performance

As a gamer, I’ve learned that each role I step into should be unique, and Austin Butler exemplifies this perfectly. He’s got an uncanny ability to immerse himself completely in his performances, as seen in his portrayal of Elvis Presley. While some folks criticized his voice in the movie, it’s clear to me that he was so deeply committed to embodying the real-life King of Rock n Roll that he lived and breathed the character even off set.

It’s also true for “Dune Part 2” and “The Bikeriders,” two films where he seemed less like an actor portraying a sociopath and biker, respectively, and more like real-life characters. I can only imagine how captivating it would be to witness Butler fully embody the iconic “Heat” character if he were to join the prequel or sequel.

After Watching The Bikeriders, I'm Convinced Austin Butler Is Perfect For Michael Mann's Heat 2

Even Before Watching Bikeriders, I Thought Austin Butler Had An Energy And Presence Similar To Val Kilmer’s 

Despite my anticipation for Austin Butler’s potential role in “Heat 2,” based on his impressive performance in “The Bikeriders, ” I found myself drawing parallels between him and Val Kilmer prior to watching. Much like their iconic characters, both actors share a striking resemblance in their versatile acting abilities and seem to possess a deep-rooted desire for personal development and significance in their lives.

It’s intriguing to speculate about where Butler’s career might head in the near future, as well as what new roles he may accept. He appears quite choosy with his film projects (only five since 2019), and I have a feeling that if Heat 2 comes to fruition, it could significantly boost his career.

Although “Heat” isn’t currently airing, you can watch “The Bikeriders” by subscribing to Peacock, if you haven’t done so yet.

Stream The Bikeriders on Peacock.

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2024-09-07 23:07