‘Japan in/out Brazil’ Chronicles a Half-Century of Mixed-Heritage Art

As a seasoned gamer who has traversed countless virtual worlds, stepping into the physical gallery of Nara Roesler in New York was like leveling up to a new dimension. The immersive journey through the works of Tomie Ohtake, Lydia Okumura, and Asuka Anastacia Ogawa felt like an epic quest, each artist embodying a unique chapter in the rich tapestry of Brazilian art history.

Outside Tokyo, Japan, Brazil serves as a vibrant tapestry of cultural interchange. At Nara Roesler in New York, an upcoming group exhibition brings together the works of Tomie Ohtake, Lydia Okumura, and Asuka Anastacia Ogawa. This latest installment of the gallery’s curatorial initiative follows the artists’ careers, each representing a pivotal era in Brazilian art history.

The exhibition titled “Japan within/among Brazil” showcases the evolving tapestry of Japanese-Brazilian culture, delicately exploring its diasporic past. This captivating presentation highlights the symbolic influence of these artists across generations.

The exhibition, titled “Japan within/without Brazil“, seeks to express the permeability of borders. Symbolizing global unity, this show creates a virtual image of the world where America, Brazil, Europe, Africa, and Asia are interconnected in the vibration of three artistic lives.

The exhibition is now open at Nara Roesler until October 5, 2024.

Nara Roesler New York
511 W 21st St,
New York, NY 10011

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2024-09-09 20:55