10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

As a seasoned comic book enthusiast and an avid follower of Marvel’s expansive universe, I must say that the narrative around She-Hulk and her potential to take down the Hulk is quite intriguing. It’s fascinating to see how the writers have portrayed Jen Walters as a formidable force in her own right, outshining even her cousin Bruce Banner in various aspects.

For over two decades, Marvel has been expanding its extensive cinematic universe, showcasing numerous iconic characters. The journey commenced in 2008 with the release of Iron Man, followed closely by Edward Norton portraying Bruce Banner and the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk. Since then, Mark Ruffalo has assumed the roles of Banner and the Hulk. The characters have been central figures in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), appearing in every Avengers film, as well as Thor: Ragnarok and She-Hulk. However, despite his significant presence within the MCU, the Hulk has yet to star in his own film since he initially launched the universe.

This implies that there is more to the character of the Hulk than what we’ve seen in movies thus far. The Hulk, one of Marvel’s highly esteemed characters, has been showcased in some captivating storylines throughout his extensive comic book history.

Although the full extent of the Hulk’s power is yet to be fully realized in future Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) projects, it’s worth noting that there are several other MCU heroes who might have a chance against him. Despite his immense strength and rage, he’s not invincible, particularly when faced with magical or psychic attacks, and there are even some characters strong enough to outmatch him in a physical fight. Keeping this in mind, let’s explore 10 MCU heroes who could potentially defeat the Hulk.

10 Thor

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

In Norse mythology, Thor isn’t just known as the Thunder God; he’s also linked with strength, sacred groves, trees, and even fertility. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), his power and lightning abilities are often highlighted. It’s been emphasized multiple times that Thor is one of the strongest Avengers and can even overpower the Hulk.

He Took Down Hulk Already in Ragnarok

In the initial “Avengers” movie, Thor came close to subduing the Hulk with a powerful strike from Mjölnir, which led to the Hulk retaliating with a surprising punch later on. During “Thor: Ragnarok”, Thor managed to severely beat up the Hulk until the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) stepped in. This incident demonstrated that while it won’t be an effortless task, if Thor can summon enough lightning, he has a chance of overcoming the Hulk. They have certainly had their share of intense battles in the comic books as well.

9 Scarlet Witch

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

Scarlet Witch, who’s renowned both within the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the pages of Marvel Comics, is definitely not someone to be underestimated. Beneath her kind-hearted persona as Wanda Maximoff lies a heroic character, but she possesses an awe-inspiring dark side that many, including Dr. Strange, have learned about the hard way in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

She Could Disable Him Using Magic or Her Mind

Equipped with formidable telekinetic abilities and a diverse set of magical powers, she’s often recognized by these potent skills. Capable of exerting control over both mind and reality, she could potentially quell the Hulk’s anger. Even though she wouldn’t intentionally harm her comrades in her usual form, as the Scarlet Witch, it’s important to note that if the Hulk approaches without being noticed, he might find himself at a significant disadvantage against her.

8 Doctor Strange

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

Regarding mystical abilities, it’s undeniable that Doctor Strange is a seasoned expert. Even after facing numerous trials, it was ultimately Strange who managed to help Wanda understand reason in the chaos of The Multiverse of Madness. Navigating this situation demanded every ounce of his creativity and the casting of spells beyond traditional limits. Yet, time and again, he’s demonstrated that he can vanquish beings whose power far surpasses his own.

He Wouldn’t Even Need His Formidable Intellect to Defeat the Hulk

Typically, Strange employs a mix of his extraordinary magical abilities and sharp intellect to devise strategies that others might not consider (as Dormammu can attest). Nevertheless, in a physical confrontation with the Hulk, he wouldn’t have to rely on his wit or complex spells. Instead, he could easily transport him to another dimension or lock him in an eternal time loop.

7 Iron Man


10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

In one of the most unforgettable scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far, we witnessed a similar struggle. Although this confrontation led to the devastation of a city, it also demonstrated in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” that Iron Man’s renowned Hulkbuster suit was capable of restraining the Hulk when needed. Granted, it was no walk in the park, but compared to other heroes in the MCU, the suit proved remarkably resilient and effective.

Iron Man Could Probably Take Down the Hulk Without a Suit

To effectively defeat the Hulk, Tony Stark must enhance the Hulkbuster armor substantially. Yet, it’s not just the armor where Iron Man excels; his genius allows him multiple means to tackle the Hulk as well. Despite occasional impulsive behavior, he can find a solution to subdue the Hulk using different strategies given enough time.

6 Captain Marvel

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

Displaying an extraordinary cosmic might, Captain Marvel has demonstrated ample evidence of her powers within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, earning her a well-deserved spot on this list. Her formidable physical strength positions her among a select group capable of approaching the Hulk’s genuine might. Although her MCU future remains uncertain, Captain Marvel possesses additional traits that could potentially enable her to overcome the Hulk if such a situation arises.

She Has an Array of Powers She Could Deploy Against Him

Beyond his physical prowess, Captain Marvel possesses formidable energy control abilities that can overpower the Hulk physically and fire energy blasts to keep him at a distance. She is also capable of flying at astonishing speeds, enveloping herself in cosmic energy which allows her to breathe in space. Notably, she frequently explores the outermost regions of space. In essence, with these abilities combined, she theoretically has the power to propel the Hulk beyond Earth’s orbit and leave him drifting aimlessly in the expanses of space.

5 Vision

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

Without a doubt, Vision is one of the most captivating Marvel Cinematic Universe characters, yet we barely scratched the surface when it comes to understanding his character’s intricacies. Occasionally, we were given tantalizing glimpses into his depth (such as when he effortlessly lifted Mjölnir), but the films never fully explored the profound essence of who and what he truly represents or the full range of his abilities.

He Can Configure a Solution to Defeat the Hulk

For this purpose, in the comic books, he has performed actions such as disintegrating an extraterrestrial super-AI by dispersing its physical matter out of existence. Additionally, he has saved the world by commandeering every computer globally, transforming into White Vision – a stronger variant lacking human emotions, and reanimated himself using backup data after perishing.

From a movie buff’s perspective, it’s evident that the characters we’ve seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as him, have the potential to overpower the Hulk. He possesses an impressive strength of his own, but what sets him apart is his ability to phase through solid matter, evading attacks, and amplifying his mass to deliver crushing blows.

4 Ant-Man

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

Although Ant-Man may not be the most flashy or muscular among the Avengers, he certainly isn’t weak. In fact, he’s earned a lot of love from fans thanks to his quick wit and the impressive capabilities of his suit and Pym Particles. Scott Lang can be quite formidable when he needs to be. Many people failed to realize that it was his idea about the quantum realm that essentially set in motion the plan that ultimately reversed Thanos’ snap and saved half the universe in Avengers: Endgame.

Could He Really Beat the Hulk Though?

In theory, Ant-Man might be capable of overpowering the Hulk. This is due to his power to alter his size, allowing him to dodge Hulk’s attacks and perhaps disable him internally by reducing himself to a subatomic level and attacking his cells or organs. As seen in the comics, the Hulk has been shown to be vulnerable to brain damage if someone could ever manage to penetrate his almost impenetrable skin.

In contrast, Ant-Man has the ability to become tiny and carry out actions without Hulk realizing until it’s too late. Nevertheless, he must exercise extreme caution to avoid detection, as if detected, it wouldn’t matter how big or small Ant-Man is, Hulk could easily crush him like a bug.

3 America Chavez

10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

I’ve become more recognized than ever before as America Chavez, the fantastic dimensional traveler, following my significant role in The Multiverse of Madness alongside Doctor Strange. By the film’s end, we catch a glimpse of the extraordinary power I’m destined to wield. This strength is precisely why, under certain conditions, I could potentially overpower the Hulk.

There are a Few Ways She Could Actually Beat the Hulk

In addition to my abilities, I can create gateways to other dimensions. This allows me to potentially trap the Hulk in one and keep him there. Alternatively, I can manipulate these portals to deflect his attacks, essentially turning his strength against him. Although the film ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ didn’t delve deeply into this, as my power increases, it may one day enable me to endure his attacks or swiftly punch him into another dimension.

2 She-Hulk


10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

One point of consensus among comic book enthusiasts is their inability to find common ground. This divide became particularly evident with the Marvel Cinematic Universe series titled “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law“. Despite its unique qualities, Tatiana Maslany’s captivating portrayal, and the heated debates it sparked between those who deemed it overly progressive and those who perceived its critics as misogynists, there were several thought-provoking aspects to the show.

Who Would Actually Win Between She-Hulk and Cousin Bruce

Initially, it was noticeable that She-Hulk was portrayed as superior in every aspect compared to the Hulk. To demonstrate this, she defeated him thoroughly during their training sessions on Bruce Banner’s secluded island. As David Opie of Digital Spy pointed out:

Mark Ruffalo’s character warns Jennifer that it might take her 15 years to fully grasp this skill, similar to his own journey, but surprisingly, She-Hulk demonstrates a swift understanding of the concepts in a shorter time frame than Bruce did. During their training sessions, She-Hulk often surpassed Bruce’s abilities, excelling in yoga, jumping techniques, and even impressing him with her strength by effortlessly tossing boulders around.

Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that the duo engaged in a more violent altercation soon afterward, leading to an inconclusive outcome, as they both delivered powerful slaps against each other. As Digital Spy further emphasizes in their article, She-Hulk possesses the strength to subdue her relative.

It’s clear that she has proved her prowess by overpowering a character in the comics who possessed all the original Thanos’ powers and might. Yet, it’s important to note that determining who would ultimately prevail between the two Hulks often depends on which author is handling the storyline.

1 G’iah


10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight10 MCU Heroes Who Could Defeat The Hulk in a Fight

Despite facing criticism from fans, Marvel’s miniseries Secret Invasion introduced some key characters. One such character is G’iah who undergoes a substantial transformation throughout the series as the Skrulls become more prominent. Initially appearing as a less influential figure in the Skrull hierarchy, by the climax of the show and its escalating conflicts, she gains greater power and authority. By skillfully navigating a tangled web of human and interstellar diplomacy, she utilizes her political maneuverings reminiscent of Game of Thrones as well as her technological adaptations to significantly boost her status.

She Can Theoretically Take Down Most Avengers Now

In light of her technological prowess, genetic enhancements, and exceptional intelligence, she conclusively dominates the series, implying that in theory, she possesses the collective power of everyone on it. This makes her a formidable opponent even for the strongest characters such as the Hulk. Yet, if her powers fall short, her sharp intellect serves as a lethal weapon. Thus, given enough time and strategy, she could potentially overpower the Hulk too.

Absolutely, it’s worth noting that while many characters on this list might theoretically be capable of defeating the Hulk, our colossal green character is no pushover either. Known for his immense strength and iconic status among superheroes, the Hulk has the potential to defeat any of them on his best day. In fact, when he combines his Hulk strength with Bruce Banner’s intellect, there aren’t many characters who could hold their own against him.

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2024-09-15 22:02