Bobbi Essers Puts Friendship First in ‘The World at Our Command’

Bobbi Essers Puts Friendship First in 'The World at Our Command'

As a connoisseur of contemporary art, immersed in the ever-evolving landscape of creativity and expression, I find myself captivated by Bobbi Essers’ enchanting paintings. Each piece is a mesmerizing puzzle, where bodies seem to blend and morph, much like our memories do with the passage of time.

Bobbi Essers’ paintings resemble optical illusions, as it can be difficult to distinguish where one figure ends and another begins. Instead of traditional shapes, she uses unexpectedly cropped forms that are intricately connected by a sense of ethereal symmetry. Over these harmonious fragments, she layers new images, creating a complex whole that is greater than its individual parts. This style mirrors the unified yet fragmented quality of memories.

Unit London introduces “The World at Our Command“, a fresh solo exhibit by an up-and-coming Dutch artist. This show weaves together themes reflective of modern youth spirit using fabric and human skin as its medium. The artwork, breathing both intensity and intimacy simultaneously, beautifully portrays tender friendships in a mosaic of genuine moments.

Through anonymity, Essers’ art encourages similar thematic elements, lending a universal tone to individual feelings and tales. As the artist explains in a recent gallery statement, “Faces don’t carry much weight for me. There are numerous avenues to grasp human connection beyond facial expressions.” Instead, the focus of the artwork lies more on friendships rather than the individuals themselves.

The exhibition expresses the aspirations of a new generation seeking genuine, non-romantic connection. Titles like “Should we just keep going?” and “But we crave more” reflect Essers’ bold self-assurance about shaping her future: “It’s a statement that we create our own reality. I control what I paint and how, and why. We are rising, and we’re forging our paths individually.

Visit Unit London between September 28 and December 8, 2024, to see the exhibition titled “The World at Our Command” during that period.

Unit London
3 Hanover Square
London W1S 1HD

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2024-09-19 00:58