What Language Do Katie and Christina Speak in His Three Daughters?

What Language Do Katie and Christina Speak in His Three Daughters?

As a seasoned cinephile with a penchant for unconventional storytelling and a soft spot for family dramas that delve deep into sibling dynamics, I must say that “His Three Daughters” has left an indelible mark on my cinematic journey. This Netflix gem, written and directed by the visionary Azazel Jacobs, is a masterclass in character development and emotional resonance.

On September 20, 2024, you’ll find “His Three Daughters” as a new addition to Netflix. This intriguing arthouse drama is the work of Azazel Jacobs. The award-winning dramedy revolves around three sisters who are quite different and have drifted apart, reuniting in New York City to take care of their ailing father. Living under the same roof for the first time in years compels them to face their past. A touching scene between two of the estranged sisters, Katie (played by Carrie Coon) and Christina (Elizabeth Olsen), suggests a deep-rooted bond stemming from their shared childhood.

The special scene showcases Katie and Rachel chatting in a playful, self-invented tongue from their childhood days, which is a mix of Pig Latin and other long-lost languages. This heartwarming segment has sparked widespread interest online, leading Azazel to delve deeper into the discussion and explain its origins to fans. Although some might find the language perplexing, it beautifully illustrates the distinctive upbringing Katie and Christina experienced as siblings.

A Combination of Pig-Latin and Something Else

What Language Do Katie and Christina Speak in His Three Daughters?

In the play titled “His Three Daughters“, the three daughters – Katie, Christina, and Rachel – gather at their father’s home in New York following his successful battle against cancer that led him to hospice care. While Katie and Christina are biological sisters, Rachel is not biologically related but has lived with and taken care of their father since his diagnosis. Upon their arrival, they encounter Rachel who, due to her dedication, has been entrusted with the leasing rights to their father’s apartment in case of his demise. This decision serves to deepen the rift within the family, as it favors Rachel over Katie and Christina.

Initially wary of Rachel, Katie and Christina resort to communicating in a language they invented as kids throughout different scenes to ensure their discussion remains confidential from her. This secretive language has similarities with Pig Latin, an unconventional English dialect that children often employ to make their chats indecipherable for grown-ups. In Pig Latin, the initial consonant of a word is moved to the end and followed by “ay”, making it sound like jumbled nonsense.

In a striking manner, the scenes effectively strengthen the relationship between Christina and Katie, at the same time highlighting their disagreement with Rachel. This dynamic intrigues numerous viewers so much that they seek to understand the peculiar dialogue used. Fortunately, during an interview, director Azazel Jacobs clarified this aspect, although his response about the language might surprise some.

Azazel Jacobs Explains the Pig Latin Usage in His Three Daughters

What Language Do Katie and Christina Speak in His Three Daughters?What Language Do Katie and Christina Speak in His Three Daughters?What Language Do Katie and Christina Speak in His Three Daughters?

In an interview with IndieWire for the movie promotion, Azazel Jacobs shared that he didn’t use Pig Latin in his childhood, instead finding creative motivation by observing others who expressed themselves using the ancient, seemingly-dead language as inspiration.

As a child, I didn’t learn it. Later, I explored various forms of Pig Latin, so I tried writing in what appeared to be a simpler form of communication – something that resembled a childish jumble of words, though I’m not certain if it was actually Pig Latin.

Even though Jacobs wasn’t acquainted with Pig Latin during his childhood, the language eventually incorporated aspects of the secret language along with something else. Jacobs acknowledges Coon and Olsen for naturally creating the language while filming after they contacted the director and requested him to pronounce the words as written on the script.

Initially, a private means of interaction in “His Three Daughters” serves to emphasize the close bond shared by Katie and Christina during their childhood. However, this same tool eventually functions as a barrier, separating them from Rachel. The creative use of Pig Latin in the narrative is not only clever for character development but also serves to underscore the central conflict among them.

His Three Daughters is available to stream on Netflix.

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2024-09-26 02:31