9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

As a Star Wars enthusiast with a heart full of tales from a galaxy far, far away, I find these forbidden romances to be quite intriguing. Each of them showcases the complexities of love, loss, and the eternal struggle between the light and the dark side.

In the epic Star Wars universe, the Jedi Code has had a profound impact on galactic events. Despite its prohibition against love and attachment within the Jedi Order, even the most self-controlled Jedi find it challenging to adhere to this rule. The significant relationship between a former Jedi in disguise and a senator played a crucial role in the ascension of the Empire, which persisted throughout much of the Star Wars chronicles known as the Skywalker Saga.

In a galaxy far, far away, I’ve witnessed countless forbidden romances amongst the noble Jedi Order. Yet, these clandestine affairs serve as stark reminders of the heartache that ensues when love is outlawed. Fueled by passion and sorrow, these tales illustrate the intricate dance between duty and desire in the face of galactic strife and upheaval.

9 Obi-Wan and Satine

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

The romantic relationship between Obi-Wan and Satine, portrayed in Dave Filoni’s animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is one of the most well-known and heartbreaking pairings across the entire Star Wars universe. Their story unfolds when Obi-Wan, still a padawan, was tasked with safeguarding the future Duchess of Mandalore, Satine, alongside Qui-Gon. The bond between them ran so deep that in “Voyage of Temptation”, Obi-Wan confessed he would have left the Jedi Order if Satine had requested it.

In this storyline, Obi-Wan persists in adhering to the code, refusing to break it, while Satine remains committed to her pacifist beliefs. However, their bond is tragically severed when Darth Maul seizes Mandalore in “The Lawless.” Darth Maul brutally slays Satine before Obi-Wan’s eyes, mirroring his earlier actions against Qui-Gon. Despite this heart-wrenching loss of someone he cherished, Obi-Wan maintains remarkable self-control and remains steadfast in his loyalty to the Jedi Order throughout his life.

8 Anakin and Padmé

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

Among the memorable romances in the Star Wars universe, none is as significant or influential as the secretive relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. This relationship takes center stage in episodes II and III, Attack of The Clones and Revenge of the Sith respectively. It’s Anakin’s intense love for Padmé, combined with Palpatine’s manipulation, that ultimately leads to his transformation into Darth Vader.

The pair not only decide to wed but also have children, Luke and Leia, who ultimately play crucial roles in freeing the galaxy from their father Anakin’s influence on the dark side. Tragically, the downfall of Anakin to the dark side eventually leads to Padmé’s death during childbirth, with grief being the cause.

Palpatine is ultimately responsible for Anakin’s downfall, exploiting Anakin’s fears about losing Padmé to further his own agenda and turn Anakin into Darth Vader through manipulation. Yet, the love between Anakin and Padmé culminates in redemption as Darth Vader ultimately chooses the light side, dying alongside Luke Skywalker.

7 Quinlan and Asajj Ventress

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

In the Star Wars universe, the unconventional bond between Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress is one of the most defiant relationships, though it may not be widely recognized by casual fans. This connection might not come as a shock, given that Quinlan Vos has a reputation for flouting rules and operating in the ethically ambiguous zone as a Jedi. During the Clone Wars, even Obi-Wan Kenobi acknowledges that working with Vos can be challenging. Similarly, Ventress is a Sith who straddles moral gray areas, ultimately betraying her own master, Count Dooku, after his own act of betrayal against her.

In Christie Golden’s book “The Dark Disciple”, Asajj and Quinlan forge a bond due to their mutual adversary, Count Dooku. Together, they devise a strategy to eliminate him, which in turn ignites a fervent romance between them. This love proves so profound that she sacrifices herself to shield Vos from Dooku’s force lightning in the story. Ultimately, her selfless act serves as a catalyst for Quinlan Vos’ return to the virtuous path.

6 Qui-Gon and Tahl

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

The forbidden relationship between Jedi Masters Qui-Gon and Tahl is first introduced in the Jedi Apprentice series. They met as initiates in the Jedi Order, and they grew closer through their ascent to Knighthood and then Masters. They even pledged their lives to each other, and Qui-Gon was gifted a Mustafar diamond ring. Later in his Jedi career, Qui-Gon broke off their relationship for the sake of the order.

In a failed operation, Tahl loses her sight and takes up the role as the librarian within the Jedi Order due to her vast understanding of history and the Force. Despite their separation, their bond remained strong, allowing Qui-Gon to be by her side when she passed away during another mission on New Apsolon. Qui-Gon had not endorsed the assignment earlier, taking her safety into account. Regrettably, Tahl met her end while imprisoned at the hands of Chief Balog from New Apsolon.

5 Kit Fisto and Aayla

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

In the captivating comic series Tides of Terror penned by Milton Freewater Jr., characters Kit Fisto and Aayla find themselves developing a romantic bond while on duty at Kamino, where they were assigned to probe into the enigmatic deaths of clones. As they battled the culprit Kuma Nai, Aayla was accidentally pushed off a platform into the sea. In an unforeseen twist, Kit Fisto dived in to rescue her. Notably, in a classic romantic gesture, he kissed her to enable her to utilize his breath to prevent herself from drowning in the water.

Through this event, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura grow incredibly close. After completing their mission, they swiftly develop a romantic bond. Regrettably, their romance doesn’t last long, as Aayla prioritizes her commitment to the Jedi Order and self-discipline over her relationship with Kit. Tragically, any chance of them rekindling their connection is eliminated due to their untimely demise during Order 66.

4 Quinlan and Khaleen

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

In the Star Wars universe, the relationship between Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz is one of the more “upbeat” stories. Originally introduced in Star Wars: Legends, this storyline became part of the canon in 2015 through the Card Trader mobile app. At first, Count Dooku hired Khaleen Hentz as a separatist agent to investigate Quinlan Vos. Before her work as a spy, she was a skilled thief for the separatists and belonged to the Disciples of Psusan. Similar to Ventress, Khaleen Hentz occupied a morally ambiguous position within her alliances, primarily because she was trying to navigate through the complexities of survival.

In disguise as a spy, Khaleen feigned affection for Quinlan, but unexpectedly found herself genuinely developing feelings for him. This led her to confess her love, and instead, she became an agent working alongside Quinlan. Their relationship is one of the more enduring ones in Star Wars lore, with them eventually getting married post-Empire’s rise, and welcoming a son into their family.

3 Obi-Wan and Siri

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

In his youth, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s emotional control was often challenged, especially in his relationship with Siri Tachi. This complex bond was developed and delved into during the Jedi: Apprentice series under the mentorship of Qui-Gon Jinn, where Siri, under Adi Gallia, also a padawan, had a friendly rivalry with Obi-Wan. As they matured, these feelings morphed into something deeper. This transformation became apparent when Siri faced a life-threatening situation during an emergency landing on Quadrant Seven.

Following their shared mission, they delved into their bond and concluded it was advantageous for the Jedi Order if they suppressed their emotions. They continued to maintain a strong friendship for a while afterward. However, this relationship reached its conclusion during a mission on Azure, where Siri was fatally wounded by Magus. In Obi-Wan’s arms, Siri met her end, much like Qui-Gon and Satine. Once more, this situation highlighted Obi-Wan’s remarkable strength in the face of heartbreaking loss.

2 Luke and Mara

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

In the “Thrawn” trilogy, the romantic relationship between Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade unfolds. It’s uncovered in this series that Mara Jade was raised as a servant to Emperor Palpatine, essentially being prepared to serve as his right hand. However, her allegiance shifts when she aims to avenge her master’s death, viewing Luke Skywalker as responsible for it.

Initially, Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker were bitter adversaries. Over time, though, their animosity transformed into love. As the story progresses, they tie the knot and eventually, Mara, who was previously only force-sensitive, becomes a full-fledged Jedi following years of training.

Mara’s tale of transformation further strengthens Luke Skywalker’s reputation for aiding those on a path to redemption, regardless of their previous mistakes. In addition, Luke discovers that the Jedi Order and heroism are not everything life has to offer, learning instead to appreciate his own existence. While this romantic relationship is part of Legends and not officially recognized as canon, it significantly impacts Luke Skywalker’s character development in various comic adaptations, presenting a forbidden love story.

1 Avar and Elzar

9 Forbidden Jedi Romances in Star Wars

In the sprawling ‘High Republic’ series, Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann are two seasoned Jedi Masters who share an enigmatic bond. Their hidden romantic sentiments only become clear in the novels ‘The High Republic: Temptation of The Force’ and ‘Rising Storm’.

In a constant stream of forebodings, Elzar’s intuitions make it evident that Avar is the one he deeply cherishes. These eerie glimpses into potential catastrophes, coupled with his intricate bond to the order, cause Elzar’s emotions to waver. However, Avar adheres rigidly to the Jedi Code. Though their feelings run deep, Avar shows no signs of wavering from her principles or compromising her values – at least not for now. This leaves their relationship uncertain, but the underlying tension between them is palpable throughout the series.

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2024-09-28 01:32